Without the Fourth Political Theory, multipolarism is an empty shell
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True! Without the Fourth Political Theory, multipolarism is indeed an empty shell. In fact, if we take away from multipolarism its foundation, the one that has genially idealized and generated it, namely the Fourth Political Theory (4TP), then the multipolar idea will end up being the greatest deception of the 21st century, the double black, the Antichrist of which Alexander Dugin frequently speaks to us in his texts, in his magisterium, in his lectures, in his debates.
Yes, the multipolar vision, to which the 'rest' of the non-Western world - which geopolitically represents three quarters of planet Earth - seems today to be proceeding at a rapid pace to free itself from the political and economic-financial stranglehold of the new unipolar world order that is crushing it, if it is not built on the solid foundations of the 4TP will certainly be doomed to failure if not in the short, certainly in the medium term.
Without a worldview of a higher order, without a weltanschauung capable of transitioning the planet from the poisoned morsels of Postmodernity to an imperial vision invoked by the 4TP, i.e. founded on the principle of reality according to the proper and different nature of each geophysical and geopolitical space, the establishment of a strategic international political and economic alliance (BRICS), aimed at the overthrow of liberal totalitarianism, considered as the great beast of the Apocalypse, will not be sufficient at all: in fact, once the unipolar dragon is overthrown, the victors in turn will turn into as many dragons devouring each other to secure technological dominance and terrestrial resources, promoting local skirmishes geared towards regional geopolitical wars of all stripes to grab and monopolies raw materials.
If a global conservative revolution were then to assert itself in western societies and westernized societies - with due distinctions - starting from North America or Europe, capable of reaffirming the traditions of these peoples in a renewed way, but then stopping there without going further, towards that spirit of Tradition that is not metaphysically revolutionary but is ontologically imperial and is the founding characteristic of the 4TP: here it is that between the various geopolitical actors of the Conservative Revolution a dispute would be unleashed on a planetary level akin to the thirst for power, death, annihilation and, above all, hegemony, which already bloodied 18th century France in the period of the Jacobin Terror, or the Soviet Union of the 20th century in the struggle between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, followed by the dramatic period of the Stalin purges.
Let us also not forget the internal contradictions present in several Asian states-civilizations, which postulate multipolarism in principle, but which are then unwilling to renounce - by implementing a possible albeit slow and orderly transition to the 4TP - obvious traits of materialist liberalism combined with political communism: in doing so, multipolarism is undermined at its very core, as these ideologies are by their very nature inherently destined for planetary hegemony, as we have already seen in the course of Modernity, and sooner or later in time they will end up manifesting their true tyrannical face if they do not want to transition from the utopia of 3TP to the reality of 4TP. Their fierce struggle against totalitarian liberalism does indeed deserve our respect, support and full solidarity, but this does not detract from their fragility and stubborn persecution in their lack of respect for the fundamental rights of the human person (not to be confused with the individualist and anti-communitarian Human Rights) and of ethnic and religious communities, persecuting them with a state atheism that is contrary to both human nature and peaceful social and peoples' coexistence.
Finally, we cannot fail to note that the transit from the first Three Political Theories towards the 4TP in ideal continuity - that is, saving from them the sociological aspects of freedom (1TP), communitarianism (2TP), corporatism (3TP), but maintaining a firm rejection of capitalism, class struggle, statism - in many people impressed, enamoured or firmly convinced by the philosophical thought of Alexander Dugin, is an almost exclusively verbal transit but incapable of involving the lives of the people themselves: so words are not followed by deeds and in the end the sociological weight of communism or fascism or bourgeois individualism continue to be the ideal matrix, especially in Europe and Latin America, that fuels the daily lives of these people. People, de facto, not yet converted to the goodness of the Indo-European imperial vision, understood as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional confederation led by the Katechon, the emperor, the Cæsar (Tsar, Kaiser) mediator of the spiritual and concrete instances of the ethnic groups, peoples, and religions that form the Empire, according to the Central European criterion of Viribus Unitis.
But, then! How can we make the 4TP take deep root in our bowels, in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls, and become an undivided current of theory-action, an effective movement of social action, so that Multipolarism does not remain an empty shell, devoid of soul, like a motley collection of jumbled ideas thrown around in some corner of our brains, with no chance of yielding concrete results?
§ The first thing to do is to ask for help from the Divine, through prayer and/or meditation and by means of an aristocratic asceticism founded on spiritual combat against the deadly vices through the practice of the Virtues: in this way, inwardly moulded through an integral inner emptying, the soul will be terse in receiving the correct World Vision, the intellect will be able to receive the Truth inherent in the 4TP, the relaxed and toned body will be ready for Action.
§ The second important means is the exercise of the rational and discursive mind through the reading of the fundamental texts of the 4TP, the Eurasianist vision and multipolarism: many Italian publishers possess a good bibliography of various authors on this subject, including AGA Editrice, which has been officially entrusted with the Italian edition of Alexander Dugin's Works.
§ For those who want to be and become an active militant, to have the inner and human structure profiled in the metapolitical and political cadre training, to become an officer of the 4TP, the third and most important piece of advice is to follow the Course on The Fourth Political Theory in Italian and English, promoted by Prof. Lorenzo Maria Pacini, entrusted by Alexnder Dugin himself.
§ Finally, in order to guarantee the 4TP action a clear and antagonistic direction to the post-modern world, it is essential to create ex novo Organic Communities of Destiny and cultural circles that know how to live fraternally in the common struggle, and that are able to "exit definitively" both from reductivism and nostalgism as well as from open collaboration with new electoral 'political subjects' that pretend to be multipolar but are in reality covens for the acquisition of new parliamentary seats in Rome and Strasbourg, as well as transversal economic interests, which would not only pollute the orthodoxy of the 4TP, but would make civil contestation reflux by anaesthetising its struggle against Yankee Unipolarism, as has already happened with the populist movements of the League and the M5S. In the face of all this, the new Circles and Communities that will arise, as well as all those Circles and Communities that have sanely resisted compromise with the new 'political subjects', will have to commit themselves intensely and feverishly to civil resistance, student strikes, 'intelligent' and democratic non-violence, militant recruitment, ideological dialogue with the FFOO and the FFAA, and metapolitical and political struggle updated to the horizons proposed by the new technologies.
Viribus Unitis!