Dugin Calls on Journalists in CIS to Develop a Unified Cultural Media Code
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During the "Unified Cultural Media Code and Transnational Media Projects" session at the CIS forum "Media Development in a Changing World," Dugin stated that, in his view, the CIS countries currently lack a unified media code, though one is necessary.
"So let us, colleagues, journalists from all our CIS countries, Eurasian Union states, and friendly republics, draw not only from the past but also from the future. Let's create this unified cultural media code of ours," the philosopher said at the media forum at the "Russia Today" multimedia international press center.
In his opinion, it would be beneficial to invite leading journalists and representatives from the foreign ministries of CIS countries to sign agreements and establish a common media code.
"If we have a goal, a media goal, to work towards bringing our peoples, our cultures, religions, and ethnicities closer, then we will have a single journalism… It's possible to agree on a specific media code that will promote integration and unity among our peoples, rather than division," Dugin emphasized.
He stressed that the media today has the power to influence all spheres of life, and that it is precisely the media that "gives shape, image, and form to the world, to the society we live in."