Conspirology (concept updated)
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Hello, you are watching the Dugin's Expertise program. Today we will talk about those conspiracy theories that are being censored more and more severely in different states. I wrote the book "Conspirology" and, in fact, in the early 90s, introduced this term into the language of Russian political science. This is, in general, an American word. Moreover, in one of my first speeches at the Sorbonne, I proposed to introduce this term into French, because the French used the term "conspirationnisme", but did not use the English term "conspirology". And I introduced this version of the term into Russian. I gave a lecture on conspiracy theories at the Sorbonne in 1899 ... or rather in 1989 (I am so many years old that I can even confuse centuries). I gave a lecture on conspiracy theories and used this English term "conspirology" in the French manner - "conspirologie ": This word became a neologism for the French language, and a number of professors who were present at my lecture said: " This is interesting, we need to enrich our French language borrowing this Anglo-Saxon word from a Russian philosopher who made a lecture on "conspirology".
So, I have some 30 years or more experience in the study of conspirology – but truly speaking, while I study conspiracy theories, I am less and less inclined to trust them. I believe that this is just a kind of sociological phenomenon, this is a language: people experience a certain suspicion, a certain fear, a certain sensation, sometimes a fear of uncertainty. People lack rational arguments to explain the processes that take place and unfold around them. People express their despair, their deep frustration with the structures of the ruling discourse in society - and this all gives rise to conspiracy theories. In fact, if these theories themselves often look very frivolous, then the reasons for their emergence, the structures and algorithms they are built on are just very serious and they really have a very deep sociological content. They are sociologically reliable.
Let me remind you once again that from the point of view of sociology and its founder Durkheim, a "social fact" is not what exists, but what society believes in. If a society believes in something, then it is a sociological and social fact. Moreover, if science says that this is complete nonsense and that science denies it as an unscientific fact, this is the matter of science. Scientific and sociological fact do not always intersect, they belong to other fields, other subject areas, and therefore, if we want to understand the structure and nature of society, we must agree with this sociological rule. If society believes in something, then it exists for society, and if it exists for society, then it behaves as if it were real in the full sense of the word.
For example, my colleagues from "Politica Hermetica" - it is a French movement of sociologists who study various marginal phenomena, various extravagant groups - in particular, they have cited many times in their research examples that in response to some non-existent organization, as satanic masonic lodge, which did not exist, but which someone invented - in order to oppose it, some anti-masonic, anti-satanist organizations were created, but which really existed. Those fictional organizations can lead to the creation of a real organization: social laws are such that in response to a social fact (real or completely invalid), some (in all senses) unconditional reality can also develop - in the sociological and scientific sense, in other words, there is a certain structure that will fight it. And this fight against the shadow, the fight against the nonexistent. And in the end, this invalid object will make it materialize in one way or another, because if some people are fighting with someone, and if these people, in turn, will displease someone, then those who do not like it will say: "but you are fighting with us, we are those with whom you are fighting." And then we get pure fictions, if you like, pure sociological hallucinations: it starts to have some sociological content, some deep dimension.
This is how society works. Therefore, if we talk about vaccinations and universal chipping, about the need to reduce demographics - this is what the latest myths and fears, conspiracy theories associated with the era of coronavirus boil down to. The picture of this conspiracy theory is traditional: there are villains who wield tremendous power, and they seek to enslave the whole of humanity, its significant part. This is the general tenet of conspiracy theory. In different eras in different societies - depending on the cultural state - in place of who this global secret power is, they put the devil, as in the Middle Ages, and then conspiracy theories were simple, because they all boiled down to the devil. The devil is a fallen angel, invisible, evil spirit, he is an evil thought, stands behind all the evil of the world, he is the "prince of this world." Pay attention - this is the prototype of the world government. He – the devil – who rules this world and, accordingly, he is the world government. Those who fall under his influence, serve him and fight against the Christian powers, kingdoms, and even with every single Christian. A conspiracy theory in a religious context ceases to be just a delirium, because if the world government is headed by the devil, the prince of this world, and in his personal life a person is faced with some kind of devilish seduction or even sins, or with fallen spirits, which push him to sin, - accordingly, a person finds himself in the field of influence of the world government.
And the little demon that comes and mocks us is part of this global empire of the prince of this world. After all, he is not alone, the prince of this world: he must have an entourage: falconers, tax collectors, etc. - and this whole demonic empire envelops humanity and, in principle, concerns everyone: each person can face a tax collector as a messenger of the prince, or with the government under certain circumstances, encounter a representative of the world government (the "face" of the devil) in life. Therefore, there is no mental disorder or specific pathology in this religious picture of the world. This is not even a conspiracy theory, but just a religious view, where the devil stands in the place of the world government.
But with the secularization of our religious ideas, the place of this world government, the place of the devil (since they stopped believing in him) remained and became vacant. And then, in this structural place of human consciousness, human mythology, such a religious understanding of the nature of the world, the nature of history, the nature of political processes and, say, mental processes, various other figures began to be put: masons, conspirators, sages of Zion (in a different interpretation), communists (for liberals, the communist conspiracy was a very serious topic, especially in the era of McCarthyism), technocrats, big capitalists (capitalist conspiracy for left-wingers). In other words, depending on which social group certain strata and certain people belonged to, the idea of this demonic government was formed, and this is how it was interpreted.
In the era of the coronavirus, accordingly, this classic scenario of conspiracy theory took on the following character: in the place of the world government there are those who are associated with this epidemic. Or who created it artificially (here is a quote from Bill Gates is cited that it would be nice to reduce the population, because the earth is overpopulated) - and this is enough to give a powerful impetus to accuse Bill Gates that he represents this world government. ”After this are revealed his contributions to the World Health Organization, as well as the facts when they produced certain vaccines and drugs that enriched large pharmaceutical companies, which represented a cartel agreement at the world level. After this – the announcement of the pandemic that WHO is empowered to do - and it all fits together. As Jean Parvulesco wrote many times in his works - "Tout se tient", "everything fits." That is, in conspiracy theories everything converges even when nothing fits. But sensation, associanism as a part of our mental process - makes to link even things that do not have direct correspondence, do not coincide in meaning. This is an associative structure of thinking - it forces different elements to be tied up: tout se tient. It all fits! What fits? - Never mind.
Conspiracy theories are built on a psychiatric map rather than factual or historical. Therefore, Bill Gates said something so suspicious, the Club of Rome spoke about the limits of growth, arguing that such a demographic growth would lead to a catastrophe and would require some revolutionary decisions: either a sharp reduction of the standard of living, or wars, extermination of the population (and here are quoted the exact limits of human growth from the report of the Club of Rome).
Further on – healthcare, a coronavirus pandemic is declared. Then begins the game of statistics: either a lot has died, or a little - either they overestimate or underestimate the number of corpses. And - in addition, everyone is quarantined! As a result, the economy is collapsing on a global scale. But after all, some monopolists, hyperoligarchs – like the same Gates or Bezos – who have long been featured as members of the world government, and they actually participate in these clubs (Bilderberg, CFR) or real-life organizations, which at first were also shadow models, and then they recognized their existence - thus, the conspiracy theory once again proved to be quite convincing.
Both Bildenberg, and CFR, real world monopolists and oligarchs fit perfectly into this picture, like a picture of villains who want to enslave mankind. In fact, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros - they play the role of such a devil in this picture. And then - "why are they doing this?" - In order to spy (hence QR codes, the idea of introducing surveillance through mobile communication, a face recognition system to put people in the matrix). In order to carry out the next stage, to vaccinate everyone: first, to make a fortune on this, and on the other hand, to inject with the vaccine either poison, or a virus, or chips. This is how the global myth of the coronavirus era is essentially built, reproducing the entire same ancient structure about the prince of this world - only in secular terms and with an application to current realities. This is how society (a significant part of it, or rather, a huge part of humanity) interprets what is happening. Sociologist should simply clutch his head at this moment - after all, from the point of view of sociology, if people think so, this is how it is, and it doesn't matter - whether it is true or not, it has nothing to do with it at all. They act as if it were so. And accordingly, the opposite reaction begins: Zuckerberg, who also falls into the category of the world government together with Elon Musk, Peter Till and other extravagant ultra-globalists, supporters of artificial intelligence, etc. Technocracy, vaccination, chipping and the establishment of the world government converge once again in one model - all this in the era of coronavirus takes on a character completely confirmed by new codes, new levels of tracking, restrictions on freedoms, prohibition and destruction of business, etc.
In total, we get a huge map of social reality, where a significant part of the world's population (not only our society, but also the Western one) believes that everything is so. And any action, even remotely, that will confirm these suspicions, these hypotheses - it will instantly be thrown into the collection of this conspiracy theory.
And here we see also an interesting moment. Someone - official media, global networks, YouTube, Facebook and everything that is there, not to mention CNN and the media, which are now watched by people of very deep age. In other words, such unidirectional broadcasting when they tell you “Have you heard?” This is now reserved to deep retirees. All over the world, people who are less than 70 still use interactive forms of obtaining information, and therefore for them social services, various kinds of information network models television have replaced TV (and I’m not talking about it, since it is for very elderly people and who can be watch anything, because they don’t really understand anything, and there’s even less censorship). And in the Internet, where the main streams of information circulate - censorship is introduced against this conspiracy theory. Well, look: if a person who is sure that there is a world government seeking to control everything is told that anyone who speaks loudly about this conspiracy theory is subject to repression, and his videos are removed from YouTube channel, his posts are deleted on Facebook, and for this he is also fined - then the idea arises that he is absolutely right. there is the proof, the last missing element: if a person is told that this is fake news, that it is “not so, this is not true”, and therefore, since “this is not so” and you have no right to talk about it, then this is direct confirmation in the eyes of those who believe in this theory, and that conspiracy is absolutely real.
And thus he has already been disrobed — by these harsh censorship and repressive measures that are directed against anyone who tries to add fuel to this conspiracy theory, being accused of distorting the truth.
As if only one authority has a monopoly on the truth - Zuckerber or Gates, or even some government in the end. Of course, the government can require something, but it cannot say: "I know the truth." Who are you to know the truth? You are not a philosopher, not Plato. You are just a government - that is, a technical organization, a kind of office that was entrusted with something (for example, ensuring the functioning so that people do not fight in public places, pay salaries). That's all. No one ever gave monopoly to any government, even in the most religious eras. Therefore, the government can express its opinion, but when it says that "this is true and this is not" - this is where the moment arises: the government is in collusion with this world government, i.e. with Bill Gates, performs his orders, bribed by WHO, large pharmaceutical companies, and then this fantasy develops again.
Therefore, it seems to me that this conspiracy myth about vaccination, about Bill Gates, about chipping, about surveillance - it should be taken as it is. People believe, live with this knowledge, they build their destiny and their behavior on these principles and attitudes, and will continue to do so, even if it is forbidden. And the more bans on such a conspiracy theory will be, the more convictions there will be, the more millions of people will believe that everything is so, and that it is necessary to effectively fight against this life threat to humanity, it is necessary to seek survival. And in fact - either to destroy the 5G towers, or simply to resist the vaccine. And the desire to give vaccination, surveillance, and microchipping still some kind of legislative character - this simply means that even more (millions-billions) people will be moved towards the supporters of this conspiracy theory.
Therefore, I think that this question is very serious, it is not a lightweight thing, and I believe, as a specialist (maybe as one of the oldest specialists in conspiracy theories in Russia) that this must be taken seriously: everything must be analyzed, thought over, it must be deeply comprehended - and it is necessary, of course, to take into account the position and even such internal motivation, the structure of people who share this kind of ideas. It is very serious. Maybe the ideas themselves look strange, but there are many things that look strange in life. Therefore, you should not be afraid of oddities, arrogantly discard things that seem extravagant to you. It requires research, requires understanding, requires interpretation, and it requires comprehension.
Thank you. You watched Dugin's Expertise dedicated to worldwide conspiracy to vaccinate and chip Mankind. All the best.