Plato, Aristotle, and the Fate of Western Civilization

Plato for Russian civilization and equally for Western traditional civilization is as important as Upanishadas for India or Confucius for China. Christian theology is based on Plato. Without him, his theories, his terms, his language nothing is comprehensible in our heritage.

By the way Islamic philosophy, Sufism (In Arabic and all the rest) and Shia doctrine (above all red shiism) are constructed on Plato also. Some were called peripatetics but in reality relied on Neoplatonism. Plato is central to Islamic intellectual tradition in its highs.

Jewish Kabbalah is nothing else but Neoplatonic doctrine introduced in Middle Ages into Judaic religion. Scholem argues that it was alien to previous traditional Judaism where almost no trace of emanations theory is found. Except some mystical groups (may be influenced earlier).

Plato is metaphysical foundation of our civilization. But that doesn’t mean Aristotle is to be abandoned. Proclus, Simplicius and other neoplatonists have included Aristotle in platonic context. Correct reading of Aristotle is that of Alexander of Afrodisias and Brentano.

So Aristotle is second most important pillar of our intellectual heritage. Losing deep knowledge and understanding of two of them we are cutting the roots of our civilizational identity. Nothing in philosophy, religion and life itself can be understood properly without these two.

We have no idea at all of pure Semitic elements in our monotheistic religions - all three of them. Semitism already in old times was deeply reworked by Hellenism (where platonism and Aristotle played crucial role). All Semitic spirit we know is hellenised version of it.

The Modernity and the decline of the West started with abandoning Plato and Aristotle and their heritage. That was where Democritus has reemerged. Atomism and externalise aka materialism were resurrected Greek philosophical heresies of the presocratic past.

Modernity is anti-Plato and anti-Aristotle. But pro-Democritus. Democritus is common root for communism and liberalism. So the alternative to communism and liberalism can be only return to Plato and Aristotle. That is why Political Platonism is so important.

Britain is deeply poisoned, toxic decaying piece of the West. It is dying demon. Already senile and weak but still angry, aggressive, violent, stupid and wild as only old bad people use to be.

New 1776 is the only solution. For US I mean.

UK is trying to pull MAGA into abyss. I wouldn’t trust them.

Teslaphobic pandemic is typically MI6 invention implemented by Soros and his networks.

The Modernity and the decline of the West started with abandoning Plato and Aristotle and their heritage. That was where Democritus has reemerged. Atomism and externalism aka materialism were resurrected Greek philosophical heresies of the presocratic past.

Externalism is the approach when we agree that reality is placed outside of the consciousness not inside it. Plato and Aristotle (this one correctly interpreted) assumed that reality is internal. Purely external is only matter void of any quality and hence equal to nothing.

Modernity started with nominalism denying internalism and affirming externalism. That is why Modernity is totally wrong. Incurable.