Speech by Alexander Dugin at the European Conference on Multipolarity
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Dear European friends! I congratulate you with the online conference on multipolarity. I would like to say some words, concerning the main topic of your discussion.
We are witnessing now very important term, very important shift, paradigma’s shift - the global balance of powers, and I think, that the last meeting of BRICS countries with acceptance of new members it is a point of no return, it is something really historic, because what we see now in a world with this new structure of BRICS. I remind you, that BRIC has began with approximate understanding of possible cooperation and perspectives of so called semi-periphery according to Samuel Wallerstein or second world. So, we have the concept of three layers of the global system, of development of capitalist system. The First World, the West, as hegemony civilization, the core. The second World or the semi-periphery with great states, highly developed, but less developed, than the core as representing by some great powers - Russia, China, India with huge demographic potential, resources, huge amount of human, natural or special resources, but still not developed as the First World. And there is the Third Layer, that corresponds undeveloped periphery, full periphery of the world and Third World in some terms. BRIC was considered a kind of possible unification of the Second World, not First, but not Third, not core, but not periphery, something in between. That was the main idea launched 2011 by mr. V. Putin, the President of Russian Federation to try to unite these powers, invitation, an idea to create a kind of CLUB of the Second World, Club of semi-periphery. That was the main idea of BRIC and initially it was Brazil, Russia, India and China. Second World semi-periphery great countries, trying to consolidate, trying to create some Club, some space, some territory of discussion of how to be in the world with the the collidly defined hegemony of the First World and process of trying to be in line, to follow the civilization of the Third. Where the Second World is was the main idea, that has launched by President V.Putin in order to make an appeal to countries of BRIC to unite. After that Southern Africa has joined this Club, and in this moment, when the structures of BRICS were more or less weak without concrete projects, real institutions, but this Club developed its own relations, principles step-by-step, and finally we have arrived at the moment of the twentieth meeting of BRICS countries in Johannesburg this August, very recently. And what was of absolute importance during this BRICS meeting? It was joining of BRICS Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Emirates. That was extremely important event on the global geopolitics, because now we have in BRICS with new members the full scaled structure of Multipolar World - because Iran, Saudi Arabia and Emirates - Islamic Pole has joined this Club, so Islamic civilization is inside BRICS. Second Pole the Brazil, that represented initially a Latin America and Southern America inside of BRICS, Brazil was one of the first members of BRIC organization. Now Argentina the second most important country of Latin America has joined this Multipolar institution and it was of utmost importance, because Argentina is Spanish, Brazil is Portuguese and the General Peron with Getulio Vargas was understood very well at those time, that necessity of unification from Latin America basing on access between Buenos Aires and Brazil, unification based on alliance on Brazil and Argentina, that was the core of Latin America and any other country could join this great alliance in order to create a real great space, uniting Latin America civilization, as a pole for formation a full scale pole, where Brazil is not enough, we need Argentina, but with Brazil and Argentina we have a full score of set elements in order to promote further unification of Latin America space. The same for Ethiopia, which is unique country of African continent, that has saved its independence and sovereignty during colonial period, so that is the symbol of the Africa free and independent with very powerful inner spiritual and cultural identity, so in some version of panafricanists theory, that Ethiopia, its empire and the king of Ethiopia was presented as paradigmatic of all Black Africa to be independent pole, so Africa is Southern Africa, but as well Ethiopia is the core, hearth of the African unity. I think that western African countries, where the alternative idea of unification of African civilization was developed by African philosophers of Black Egypt concept and other African intellectuals is precisely developing the other alternative black Egypt identity of African civilization, but putting them all together Ethiopia and Southern Africa as most developed countries of African continent and in the future this Western African idea of Black Egypt, I think we have full scale theory of African pole. So what we have now with BRICS in the contest of multipolarity. We have six civilizations: Russian, Chinese, Indian, African, Islamic and Latin America, presented in the context of new BRICS. Six greater spaces organizing outside of the sphere of the western hegemony, so welcome to the heptapolar world, which is already established. And in this heptapolar, semi polar world, there are six poles united outside of the sphere of the western hegemony and only one pole against them - globalist liberal pole Soros/Biden elite, trying to preserve at any price unipolarity. The world today is divided, there are six civilizations, six greater spaces on one side and there is the West, seventh pole, pretending to be unique, the only, universal, hegemonic against humanity, organized now in the context, in the structure of this hexapolar club - six civilizations united in order to stand against seventh civilization, not because of inner hearted, but because of incomparability between the pretension of this western pole to be unique and universal and reviews of other six civilizations united inside of BRICS to accept that. That is of absolute importance. Now we live in heptapolar world divided on six poles on one hand and one pole on other hand. So, that is the real multipolarity and the war in Ukraine is one of the kind of a border of that, that is the place, where destiny of Multipolarity is decided, because Ukraine has been chosen to be on the side of this seventh hegemonic western pole against Russians and everybody else. BRICS countries and this enlarged BRICS structure is one one camp and the West and it’s vassals on the other. I regret very much, that such huge, independent, proud civilizations as Japanese or European civilizations now are in status of pure slave of the United States, ruled by globalists. That is not United States, that we know, we could love, traditional Trump’s USA, it is new, post-American, that it is pure globalistic, radical liberal, LGBT plus, artificial intelligence, Soros and utopia of the individualist post human, trans human, trans gender globalization. There is no Europe inside of that, no Japan - only puppets. Europe and Japan now share the same status as Ukraine, its just a tool of global hegemony and i regret it very much, because that means the end of European and Japanese identity, the end of sovereignty. European Union that could have been kind of alternative that could have presented some independent Europe failed absolutely. European Union is failed concept, thanks to European integration, we have finally received nothing more, than pure slaves, vassals and puppets of US. It was ukranization of Europe, so Europe now is a greater Ukraine, corrupted, perverted, aggressive, crazy, totally destroyed state, that has lost all its content and identity. But nevertheless having such heptapolar world in front of us with six poles on one hand and one pole desperately trying to preserve and save at any price its hegemony in the case of the West, we should think of possible Multipolar option, Multipolar choice for Europe. There are, I think, possibilities as well for USA to reorganize itself as a pole, but outside of the concept of globalization. I think, that Biden and his colleagues, his hunta finally will kill Trump, but if he still could win, USA can transform itself in something very positive and positive ally of Multipolarity, but now under dictatorship of globalists elites it is no case, but let’s concentrate how Europe can save itself from this situation. First of all, I think, that Europe should start the rebellion, start the revolution, because modern days political elites of Europe doesn’t represent the interests of people, organic society of European culture, and this elite consciously and consequently destroys the European spirit, culture, European civilization. There is no more Europe, there is post-Europe, anti-Europe mixing with migrants, other cultural elements destroys everything in Europe. So Europe is in ruins. Not only Ukraine is ruins, but Europe itself is ruins, and I think it is the last call to rebel, to revolt. I think, that in order to reaffirm the European culture, identity and sovereignty, people of Europe need to ride agains your illegitimate powers, you need to start civil war in Europe. Without that nothing you could expect, because continuation of this rule, Sorosite elites put on their places by Rothschilds, by global international liberal elite let you no chance be European, to stay real European. Either you destroy them or you be all destroyed. That is dilemma of the European society. Either you start civil war against your illegitimate liberal leaders or you die. The same for USA. You couldn’t expect the positive evolution of global leaders, now when this European leaders have cut the relations with V. Putin, China and other members of multipolar club. In the reality Europe, the West is isolated from all the humanity, it is against of humanity represented by six poles, united and enlarged BRICS structure. So there is the choice of any honest European men and women, to be on the side of the humanity or on the side of anti-human, transhuman, perverted elite. If you are part of humanity, let start rebellion, if you are part of global elite, prepare yourself to die, because you have no chance to survive, to continue to be human, be European, to have your culture, because of your government. Your government destroys you, humiliates you, your government, illegitimate global puppets destroy everything, that is European. The only way to European societies to save themselves is to start immediately civil war in Europe and trying to unite the powers of different national of states, cultures and people, concentrate them on this revolutionary effort. Now the time comes for Europe be in revolution basing on rejection of illegitimate usurpation of power by globalist elite neither right nor left, they are lefters in a culture and righters in the market, so people of Europe should oppose them - cultural right and economically left, social justice and traditional values as precisely Alain Soral suggested in his famous slogan ———(quote in French) . I think it is most important slogan, that we have, ongoing coming European revolution, so multipolarity in European context is the choice of this revolutionary Camp of people beginning the war of salvation of Europe. Europe many times in history and mythological history was rapped, taken from its own land, stolen, its not for the first time, that task is to return, to restore, to free Europe from captivity and I think now European people in captivity, Babylon, Egypt captivity, you should get our from global getto, where globalists have put you and start to go home, to return to your Motherland, because the real tradition and identity of Europe is in Plato, in Aristotle, in Greco-Romano antiquity and Christianity, all that was abandoned by these perverted culture of the postmodern Europe. Now Europe has totally lost. In order to be active subject and European pole in multipolar world you need to overthrow your masters, that try to eradicate your traditions, identities, your cultures. The same is for USA, but I think, that in the future USA will be the subject, the topic of other our meeting of our multipolar conference. Now the most important thing is to think about future Europe, the future of Europe, which is in your own hands and if you manage to start anti-liberal, anti-globalist anti-western revolution in order to liberate yourself from NATO, from the dominance of the globalist hegemony, you have the chance to become the seventh member of enlarged BRICS and to go and to transgress the hegemonic situation in order to reaffirm and to rebuild independent and sovereign Europe as we love, as we know, as we adore, as we admire. Not this soroside, transgender, LGBT perversion, that has nothing of European in it. Long live, real Europe, but in order to transform this myth of the past in the project of the future, you need overthrow your ruling elite, which betraying the real European identity. Multipolarity, European space means a civil war against ruling elites. It has nothing to do with Ukraine, with Russia, with China, that has to do with Europe. It it your land, your Motherland, your country, your earth, and it is up to you to make a final decision concerning the being of Europe.
Best wishes and thank you very much to assist this very important conference on multipolarity.