Philosophical conference “Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit?”
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Dear colleagues! We are glad to invite thinkers from all over the world interested in phenomenology, Heidegger, Plato, Post-Modernism, traditionalism, structuralism, anthropology and related subjects as also all unindifferent followers to the philosophical conference “Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit”? (What are philosophers for in a destitute time?) which will take place on Saturday 19 December at 20:00 Moscow time in Zoom (see timing for different hour zones below).
The event will be dedicated to the philosophical summary of 2020, the year of immense complexity and bifurcation. We propose to build our discussion around the following landmark points:
Eschatology of Being;
Phenomenology of Endtime;
Radical Subject as last Witness of approaching collapse;
The End and Beyond;
Horizons of Post-nihilism;
Active Intelligence and its double.
Participants are asked to fill the registration form (will be accessible soon) for admission to the conference.
Language of the conference: English
We limit presentation for 8-10 minutes for each but if you are willing to propose more detailed discourse, you can record a video and send it in advance. At the conference we will discuss it with shorter presentation.
Contact e-mail for any questions concerning the event and video report submission:
Moscow | 20.00 |
Rome | 18.00 |
New York | 12:00 p.m. |