The trumpism in IR is reorganisation of Western hegemony
Trumpism, Pragmatism, and the End of Liberal Globalism
Trump’s Victory: A Global Conservative Revolution
The victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential elections is a historic event of global significance, comparable to the events of 1917 or 1945. It marks the beginning of a fundamental shift in the world order, requiring deep analysis and explanation. Yes, in Russia, many consciously attempted to downplay the importance of these elections. However, this was done to avoid “jinxing” it, as Russians are very mindful of their words and prefer not to say everything they think. Sometimes, they even go to great lengths to conceal it.
Trump: Bringer of Peace
Alexander Dugin contends that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is reshaping the American political landscape by addressing the growing discontent with the Democrats’ destructive war-driven foreign policy, while Kamala Harris, lacking both vision and charisma, struggles to connect with an increasingly disillusioned electorate.
Lacan and Psychedelic Trumpism
Alexander Dugin applies Lacan’s three orders to US politics, arguing that while Kamala Harris and the Democrats seek to dismantle traditional structures, “psychedelic Trumpism,” influenced by figures like Curtis Yarvin, Peter Thiel, and J. D. Vance, alongside the Alt-Right, counters from the right, with a warning that a Harris victory could spell the end of humanity.
Alexander Dugin: 2024 Us Presidential Election - Russia Will Win Regardless Of Outcome
If Trump wins, he will act differently than he did during his first term in office.He won't have another chance to put his ideas into action. And he does have ideas. He wants to change everything in both US foreign and domestic policy. And now he's not gonna care about the Swamp. He will have to napalm it.
Kamala Harris and Marvel Politics
Western Conservatives as Allies against Liberals
Trump vs coup d'etat of globalists
A Debate between Beavis and Butt-Head: Who Governs America?
Trump vs Biden. The Game of the Apocalypse
Tucker Carlson and MAGA Communism
The Events in Texas: A New Civil War?
Alexander Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianism and the Eurasian Union Project:
The day after Vladimir Putin announced the goal of establishing a Eurasian Union between the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, an important article appeared in the Financial Times.[1] In that article, Charles Clover asserted that Putin’s announcement marked “the epitome” of the ambitions of “a small group of committed ‘Eurasianists,’” Alexander Dugin foremost among them. According to Clover, Dugin, head of the International Eurasianist Movement, even took credit for most of the content of Putin’s announcement at a conference at the University of Moscow the day the announcement came out, claiming to have helped in its preparation. [2] Before leaving the topic of Dugin’s influence on Putin’s Eurasian Union project, Clover recalls John Maynard Keynes’s acute remark that “madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.” In this paper, I argue that a comprehensive analysis of the proposed Eurasian Union and its underlying political theory must pay more attention to the recent writings of the “academic scribbler” Alexander Dugin, the leading theorist of Eurasianism.[3]
The real struggle begins just now. The fear Democrats felt during peaceful protests on Capitol hill will be reminder for all of them. Seeing simple American people – dispossessed majority, silent and “deplorable” – coming to Congress – that was the moment of truth. And deputies have hidden themselves under banks... Real “deplorables” are these cowards. They grasped in this marvellous moment that they are no more safe anywhere. Welcome into our skin. From now on Democrats will be attacked worldwide. They should know: we observe them exactly as they do; we will follow them exactly as they do; we will gather information and create the dossiers on all Democrats, globalists and their puppets exactly as they do. From now on any connection with Democrats and their proxies will be considered as the fact of collaborationism and of participation in the crime against humanity. They killed thousands and hundreds of thousands outside of USA. But the evil doesn’t recognize the limits. It is always based on hybris. So they started to kill American themselves. Ashley Babbitt is just the beginning. They are planning the real genocide inside US this time. And that has already began.
Philosophical conference “Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit?”
Dear colleagues! We are glad to invite thinkers from all over the world interested in phenomenology, Heidegger, Plato, Post-Modernism, traditionalism, structuralism, anthropology and related subjects as also all unindifferent followers to the philosophical conference “Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit”? (What are philosophers for in a destitute time?) which will take place on Saturday 19 December at 20:00 Moscow time in Zoom (see timing for different hour zones below).
We could find in that reading and discourse the convergence -- similar meaning with different outer shapes could emphasize the serious divergence, because in the long perspective that means two world orders – realist and liberal. Trump’s line will somehow accept multipolarity as established fact trying to secure the US leading role in multipolar world order, while Biden’s globalism will try to prevent at any price the coming of the multipolar age because that destroys the linear progress of liberal democracy that is now almost “religious” dogma of Democrats and globalists.
The Return of the Great Times
I agree with Brandon W. Hawk in the essence. I love the Middle Ages and I hate Modernity. For me, the Enlightenment is totally wrong, and Modern science and the broader Modern “scientific” world vision is based on a lie. I believe in God, Angels and the Holy Spirit, not in Descartes, F. Bacon, or Einstein. I think Plato and Aristotle were absolutely right and their atomist detractors absolutely wrong. I am sure that the Church Fathers are bearers of absolute truth and that Modern philosophy is the radiation of the mind of the fallen Angel – Satan. I am sure that the Apocalypse is near, and I regard liberalism and globalization as clear signs of the approaching Antichrist and End Times. I am a Traditionalist and follower of the Russian Slavophiles, of Dostoevsky, of Soloviev, of various Russian religious philosophers and monarchists. I appreciate very much the ideas of René Guénon and Julius Evola. I am absolutely in favor of Antiquity and the Middle Ages and absolutely against Modernity in all its forms. So I have an anti-Modern and anti-Western (when the Modernity and the West mean the same) worldview, and I see Modernity as the catastrophe and decline of the West. Philosophically, I agree with Heidegger that Modernity is based on the Oblivion of Being, and I call on thinking people to awaken to the new discovery of Being. I regard Artificial Intelligence as the final personification of das Man (or Gestell) and I consider it to be the Antichrist, or one of his heads.
Bannon’s return should raise concerns. It became clear during his time in the Trump campaign and then the administration that the former head of Breitbart was a key player in the mainstreaming of the alt-right in the United States. But Bannon’s reemergence is tied to the global spread of the far right in the United States and Europe. And Bannon is using a racist version of the history of the Middle Ages to justify and legitimize his vision for nationalist imperialism.
“The Swamp” is to become the new name for the globalist sect, the open society adepts, LGBT maniacs, Soros’ army, the post-humanists, and so on. Draining the Swamp is not only categorically imperative for America. It is a global challenge for all of us. Today, every people is under the rule of its own Swamp. We, all together, should start the fight against the Russian Swamp, the French Swamp, the German Swamp, and so on. We need to purge our societies of the Swamp’s influence. Instead of fighting between ourselves, let us drain it together. Swamp-drainers of the whole world unite!
These days it is hardly possible to discusses anything serious other than the astonishing victory of Donald Trump and the crushing defeat of the protege of globalism, Hillary Clinton, in the American elections. This event is so important for the entire world order, than it can be analyzed from different sides. Everything is so saturated with different meanings that you don’t know what to start with…
Trump’s ascent first and foremost puts a decisive end to the unipolar world. Trump has directly rejected US hegemony in both its mild form, which the CFR insists on, and in its harsh form, as the neocons call for. In these elections, the two main American globalist think thanks rallied around the candidacy of Clinton and collapsed. This means that the unipolar world is liquidated not only under the pressure of other countries, but from within America itself. The peoples and states of the world can finally take a deep breath. The expansion of globalism has been stopped at its very center. The new multipolar world means that the US will henceforth become one of several poles of world order, a powerful and important one, but not the only one, and more importantly one that has no claims to being exceptional.
But Trump… He is a sensation. In fact, it is a real change from the usual display. The Republicans, as well as the Democrats, are the representatives of the US ruling elites. It is a special part of society, being quite far from the ordinary Americans. This elite considers not America, but the world, not society, but unbelievable sums of money serves not people, an abstract utopia of the world government and global financial oligarchy. The American elite is not even American. Thus, there is Donald Trump, who is tough, rough, says what he thinks, rude, emotional and, apparently, candid. The fact that he is a billionaire doesn’t matter. He is different. He is an extremely successful ordinary American. He is crude America, without gloss and the globalist elite. He is sometimes disgusting and violent, but he is what he is. It is true America.
Most likely, Donald Trump is another designed product, a virtual figure. However, it is him who makes people feel fresh and hopeful. He is trustworthy: the black peacekeeper promised to change everything, but was unable to change anything, nothing at all, and Hilary Clinton, with a quickly aging poker face, doesn’t promise to change anything, maybe Trump will be able to get America’s natural borders back.
Maybe, that redhead rude Yankee from the saloon will get back to the problems inside the country and will leave humanity alone, which is tired of American hegemony and its destructive policy of chaos, bloody rivers and color revolutions?
Trump is a leader.
Apocalypse as Praxis
The Relevance of Russian Tradition
Though he prefers not to dwell on it, Dugin alludes to the possibility that the attractions of the West will win out, that Putin lacks the resources or even the will to thwart liberalism. In this regard, other Russia observers have even raised Thomas Molnar’s concept of the “counterrevolutionary hero”—an archetypal figure who is not really counterrevolutionary, and who will inevitably disappoint right-wing followers drawn to his personality and mystique. The anxious handwringing of liberals notwithstanding, it’s conceivable that Putin may in the long run prove their best friend by letting down the very patriotic base that elevated him to power. The legacy of Charles de Gaulle comes to mind, as does Reagan’s. Then again, liberals have put their cards on the table awfully soon, and may have backed Russia into a corner. It would be foolish to continue appeasing Western elites who have time and again demonstrated an insatiable appetite for regime change—and whatever else one may say of Putin, he is no fool. Hawkish rhetoric and overtly perverse policies on behalf of queer power may backfire, pushing the Russian state toward the pursuit of consciously and assertively antiliberal empire.