Civilizational and Cultural Geopolitics Fourth Position
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"Undoubtedly the highest element that decisively influences the existence of a society is its culture.
In fact the culture of any society determines the identity and existence of that society and if the society deviates from its culture, it will be an empty society even if it is economically, politically, industrially and militarily strong"
Ayatollah Khomeini
As far as Eurasianism as a Political Movement - especially as a Resistance Movement within countries outside the immediate Eurasian Geopolitical Greater Area and especially within countries under direct Euro-Atlantic domination - there is a connection between Eurasian Geocratic Thought, cultural identity as determinant of the geopolitical camp, with Gramsci's thought of the cultural superstructure as determinant of political relations, Eurasianism as a geopolitical Gramscianism, and Carlo Terraciano's existential geopolitics.
Eurasianism is first and foremost ideocratic. It is the intellectual and cultural sphere of ideas primarily that determines social and political relations, not so much the economy and the material situation in general. Let us bear this in mind when we think about the ethnostate and its place in the global distribution of power.
A Forth Position Existential Civilizational and Cultural Geopolitics. Refusal of Western Decadence, Renewal of Tradition, but also unmasking of the simulacra, the made-up, planted, by the function of social engineering, experiments of this "renewal". The examples are many and recent...
In those countries where national (national) identity emerged outside the core of the Enlightenment but under its direct influence ( cultural colonialism, "Eurocentrism" and the cultural domination of the West ) the cultural elements that were not considered sufficiently "enlightened", after having first suffered the disparagement of Modernism, were pushed into the luben margin, at the dawn of Postmodernism, the luben elements return as supposedly inspired by Tradition, in fact plundering and parodying it, while another part of this margin, shedding the stigma of lubenization, returns as a Renewal of Tradition.
In the cultural sphere, a new false dichotomy is being constructed - along the lines of the Left-Right and tending to take their place in the apolitical public sphere - between Modernism, a "proper" Western national identity of the Enlightenment, and Postmodernism, a luben copy of Tradition. In fact, both belong to the Thalassocratic "Cebelian" - Castrating Great Mother - cultural sphere. To put it in an image, it is like watching a "Cebelic" vulgar Tuerk dance in a satanic ritual of "White Supremacy".
The above also applies to the issue of stirring up "minority" issues. The modern monolithic ethnostate is giving way to the postmodern vazal state of Western Multicultural Globalization. On the one hand nationalism and on the other Soros - which in turn reinforces late nationalisms.
What could be the response of a Eurasian Movement? A Fourth Position?
First of all, the very notion of minority is intertwined with the notion of a Westphalian and "Bastille" ethnostate. If there is no monolithic ethnostate there are no minorities and for there to be a homogeneous monolithic ethnostate, the Thirty Years Wars, Vandea, Kemal, in a word genocide, is a necessary condition. Sometimes "genocide" is simply cultural, modernizing.
The Fourth Thesis challenges the Eurocentric value system of the Enlightenment, the Westphalian system of International Relations, the Ethnocracy as the subject of History. Consequently, with the demise of the ethnostate, "minorities" as populations not fully participating in the national core or populations participating in a foreign - God forbid - ethnocratic identity also become extinct. The corresponding paranoia that this system plants in people's minds is thus also eliminated.
On the contrary, in Eurasianism, with its emphasis on ethnopluralism but also on the identification of understanding rather than hatred, idiosyncrasies take the place of 'minorities'. Neither the monolithic ethnostate, nor its conscious undermining on behalf of Euro-Atlantic entrenchment. In a word, the Empire.
And correspondingly in the cultural sphere, in the Gramscian sphere of cultural reproduction as a field of conflict of ideas and formation of consciousness, Eurasianism
promotes the Renewal of pluralistic Tradition, not its lumpen extraction and plundering in the name of Multiculturalism.
"Tradition is the Preservation of the Flame, not the Cult of Ashes"