Manifesto of Millennium
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The Manifesto of Millenium (Italy)
sword of Justice knows no scabbard.»
The new millennium dawning on the horizon of History suggests us a major paradigmatic upheaval, a reversal of the categories of thought that, at a time of extreme political and ideological confusion, requires a rethink. At the threshold of a new era, a new global disorder stands out: mankind must face the approaching of several cultural universes, pushed towards a collision and a mutual annihilation by the new world-wide perspective. Economy, designed according to bourgeois criteria, demonstrates its finiteness, projecting the future of humanity towards a peak of exploitation and alienation. Peoples, despoiled of any decision-making power and sovereignty, render any authority to minorities who direct world affairs according to their own interest. Cultures and religions die on the altars of postmodern simulacra. The new law is chaos.
In this context, Millennium asserts its regulative action. Millennium identifies as a European revolutionary party, engaged in the liberation of Europe from the yoke of unipolarism and in the construction of a European cultural paradigm. To incipient entropy, Millennium opposes the revived laws of Justice, Tradition and Community.
1. Communitarianism or Liberalism
Millennium stands as a Communitarian Party, protecting the interests of the Peoples of Europe, of the Italian national community and the ethno-cultural communities within.
Millennium outsets from the objective consideration of the historically obsolete political dichotomy "left/right". This dichotomy, innately bourgeois, pretends to resolve within itself the whole political spectrum that itself generates and displays. The diametrical ambivalence between "conservation" and "progress" was believed to express, for more than two centuries, the only two key trends addressed as legitimate by the cultural/political realm of liberal thought. On the threshold of the 21st century, these trends have finally reached their highest degree of terminological exhaustion. Their overcoming is clear to every observer of the political sphere. The previous century allowed these two categories to prove their true origin – and therefore their true purpose. The uprooted right, focused on mere liberalism and free-market, has shown its cosmopolitan trend, detrimental to the identity of peoples as it causes its dissolution, thus contributing to the "progressive" process of cultural specificity’s disintegration and to the "conservative" interest aimed at the preservation of the interest of class. The revisionist left, pauperistic and welfare-centred, has definitively abandoned the fight against the bourgeois and its capitalist system, in the "conservative" interest of markets acceptance and in the "progressive" interest of protecting social battles in favor of cosmopolite minorities. The end of the great narratives proudly declared by postmodern culture at the end of the last century, becomes for the organized resistance against the ideological collapse, an open challenge of the third millennium.
Millennium identifies as the purest expression of every political tendency, two fundamental axes, which pave the way to a contest between two fundamentally irreconcilable ideological projects: Communitarianism and Liberalism. The history of mankind has been so far the history of the contrast between these two trends – on a political, economic and ideological ground. Only by accepting this dichotomy one can escape the cultural shackles of the bourgeois system. The acceptance of this radical opposition means, finally, breaking free from contemporary politics at the mercy of liberal interest, and fit into the real arena, of which had been presented so far just a portion: that of the apparent struggle within the parliamentary system, functional to the bourgeois and of purely economic and hegemonic interests. Communitarianism identifies with politics aimed at the interests of human communities in their entirety, considering them as organic subjects, with its specific political, economic and cultural background to be preserved. Liberalism, an ideological product of bourgeois society, identifies as the opportunity of pursuing individual interests at the expense of communities structures and other human subjects.
2. Unipolarism or Multipolarism
Liberal international ethic, grounded on human rights, is opposed to international communitarian ethic, grounded on the rights of the Peoples. The late imperialist wars, originated as a response to the scorched earth policy the global unipolar system created around itself and to the systemic crisis capitalism triggered since its rise, showed the true nature of humanitarian ethics: human rights revealed their ideological justification in the cultural and military arrogance of the imperialist countries. The only real way to ensure brotherhood and open confrontation between cultures is through the promotion of the rights of the Peoples.
It is in this perspective that Millennium, pursuing the aim of establishing an international order based on the People’s community rights, intends to contribute with its political action to the transition from a global unipolar system to multipolar one.
As Soviet Union collapsed, the bipolar opposition between East and West saw its tragic conclusion, at the same time when waves of liberalization spread like wildfire in all those countries that ceased their political-economic system alternative to the capitalist model. Loss of political and cultural sovereignty was the price the world had to pay to the new global power’s affirmation – in return, the national bourgeoisies got the privilege to access the new global market. Europe previously suffered a similar procedure, when the annexation to the West block took place through the placement in the NATO coalition. In any case, by drifting in the capitalist security sector, each communitarian realm has always experienced the cession of sovereignty on the part of the bourgeoisies, interested in fitting into an increasingly broad perspective so as to ensure a broadening of its accumulation capacity. From 1789 to now, human history has seen an uncontrolled capital accumulation in the hands of the greatest monopolists: on the one hand, this led to the creation of a purely speculative and financial economics; on the other, it has imposed the need to expand markets to increase profits. It is under this light that we must read the unipolar project that was officially accomplished with the controlled demobilization of the Soviet Union by the internal revisionists agents.
Global hegemony – Global chaos – Global market. According to the perspective which considers global hegemony and global chaos to overlap – "divide et impera" – and the market to unveil its own purely chaotic nature, we can understand the bourgeois – liberal – capitalist world project.
In the alternative multipolar world that is progressively imposing with the increasingly evident affirmation of political, economic and cultural autonomies against the unipolar attitude, Millennium sees the opportunity of geopolitical reconquest against the hegemonic aims of international capital. Multipolar perspective, arranging for the creation of more autonomous macro-spatial poles ("wide spaces", according to classical geopolitics), represents the future of international relations and the new global order, against which stands the strenuous opposition of the unipolar system, which seeks to maintain its global hegemony through the arms race and the imperialist wars aimed at destabilizing Countries critical to the emergence of a multipolar world and to seize strategic resources by stealing them to new geopolitical actors.
When integrated with community rights’ ethics of the Peoples, dialogue of civilizations and the struggle against bourgeois hegemony, Millennium believes its primary aim to be pursued in the international arena is the multipolar perspective .
3. Socialism or Barbarism
In this epochal confrontation between the Communitarian and the Liberal front, Millennium also acknowledges the diametrical opposition of two absolutely divergent socio-economic conceptions. In fact, the liberal hegemony manifests through the actual Capital domain, which expresses itself primarily with the absolute power of markets over politics, both nationally and internationally. The relentless accumulation of capital finally reached the manifestation of its monopolistic essence, consequent to the economic entropy generated more than two centuries ago by the hegemonic power of the bourgeoisie. Financiarism, the final stage of capitalism, proves to be the dictatorship of markets over communities and peoples, generated and powered by the chaos that itself produces. Every principle of self-determination is subject to the existence of the global market. Economic instability and cyclical crises are standards. It’s against this perspective, deprived of any sustainable future, that Millennium opposes, as the only alternative, socialism. The front line of the current socioeconomic battle proceeds between socialist order and capitalist barbarism.
Millennium proposes, as organisational State criterion, the socialist principle of Work, against those capitalist principles of accumulation, alienation and exploitation. In the context of the transition to socialism, Millennium expects: the overthrow of bourgeois hegemony, the establishment of a State of popular unity, directed by the community work forces, the only true form of Democracy; the socialization of strategic companies and of the means of production, via the reappropriation by the State of what is legitimately public; the economic planning by the State, as a shelter to middle class markets disorders and anomic economy.
Moreover, Millennium wishes for a detailed development for each Community’s own way to socialism and a correct interpretation of the real socialist internationalism, aimed first of all to overthrow international imperialism, which coincides with the expansion of the unipolar project on a geopolitical level and of the global market on an economic level.
4. identity or Cosmopolitanism
The global expansion of the unipolar project goes hand in hand with the spread of capitalism and the pauperisation of traditional cultures which come across its path. If the substantial aim of unipolar imperialism is the edification of the global power of international market, the means by which it serves this purpose is the systematic dissolution of all cultural specificity. Any form of identity, as it’s seen as an obstacle to the creation of the global society, culturally economically and politically one way-oriented, it’s ill-fated.
As opposed to the liberal approach to cultural identity, the communitarian one considers differences an irreplaceable heritage. Every Population has the right not only to political self-determination, but also to the preservation of its own characteristics and the production of its own development model. Cultural identity, as opposed to the liberal product known as cosmopolitanism, is what holds the ranks of historical destinies of a community. Depriving a community of its own cultural identity is the worst crime that can be made against it.
Bourgeois individualism, favoring the societal-atom at the community realm, has forged a new human category based on consumption. Now that the anthropological crisis seems irreversible urges a reversal of the cultural categories of liberal and bourgeois cosmopolitanism and the construction of a communitarian culture, based on the principles of identity and work.
Millennium maintains in defence of cultural identities – ethnic, religious and local – in the outlook of the establishment of a multipolar world order, which guarantees the freedom of the Peoples to historical self-determination and the choice of their own development model.
5. Dialogue or Clash of civilizations
The historical crisis of the unipolar project, forewarned by some of his supporters, led them to express theories about its passing. The response of Western imperialism to the multipolar drift was the creation of the clash of civilizations theory. According to theorists of the unipolar project, to preserve global peace you need a supranational world order, proposed as overtaking the North Atlantic political hegemony, as a political evolution of unipolar attitudes. The alternative would be the clash between heterogeneous cultural bloc, engaged in the imposition of one's own worldview on a global level.
The multipolar perspective supported internationally by BRICS and non-aligned States, instead, focuses on the promotion of the dialogue of civilizations as a model of international cooperation and cultural comparison based on the geopolitical paradigm of wide spaces. Dialogue of civilizations, the only desirable alternative, proposes a conception of coexistence and mutual cooperation between peoples and cultures. Unlike forced opposition and fault contrasts artificially opened among peoples by the promoters of the unipolar project, dialogue of civilizations is the only alternative to a world ruled on chaos.
In the unipolar context instead, the clash of civilizations will be inevitable as the only means in the hands of Western cosmopolitans for opposing, even militarily, the geopolitical powers on the rise. It displayed itself already during the war on terrorism and in the neoconservative theory.
Millennium supports the need to develop a conception of intercultural relations based on dialogue of Civilizations, or else shall be the destruction of civilizations and the establishment of an international order based on the hegemonic power of international finance. Millennium aims to converge the cultural resistance against persistent cosmopolitanism and to direct this resistance toward a profitable model of common struggle.
6. European Revolution
Contemporaneity unequivocally sees two opposing trends, one declining, and the other on the rise: on the one hand, it is rather evident the descendant slope undertaken by the unipolar attitude; it will attempt to survive itself solely by reinventing its first structure in hybrid forms. On the other hand, there is the multipolar world which, carried out especially by BRICS, expresses a conception of international relations based on the overall balance of wide geopolitical spaces, large areas of regional integration based on the coexistence of community realms within, and on centralized planning of strategic interests. Currently we live the dramatic transition phase, an imperfect multipolarism that yet doesn't see the decline of the unipolar North Atlantic project.
This is the context in which Europe is to operate: the risk is to be crushed by a historical process that for Europe gets out of control. Tied to North Atlantic policies, devoid of the necessary political will needed to affirm its interest and the essential foresight necessary to predict the immediate epochal changes, Europe seems not willing to develop any kind of geopolitical and cultural autonomy.
One of the wide spaces that make up the map of the multipolar world, Europe is still relegated to a perspective of subjection towards the global North Atlantic power. The presence of many of its Nations in the Atlantic Pact and the complete subservience to the North Atlantic monetary policies make Europe nothing more than a geopolitical vassal, only partially provided with an own volition, slavishly carrying it out in a strictly sub-imperialist orientation. As if that weren't enough, an effect and conditio sine qua non of permanence in the unipolar system is that upon Europe is being imposed the progressive dismantling of every cultural specificity and of every traditional istance. In a nutshell, it is deprived day-by-day of its identity, losing its Civilization self-consciousness. This is the reason why Europe should, now more than ever, turn its back to the unipolar project and become promoter and part of the multipolar order.
The lesson of geopolitical multipolarism is summarized in three significant points: political and economic integration of wide geopolitical spaces; the affirmation of their internal and external sovereignty; the defence of one's own cultural paradigm that would outline the nature of Civilization, as a cradle of civilizations, a world view, and the ability to lay down its own historical development model.
Millennium, conscious of this inescapable historical necessity, aims as European Party of Europeans. It takes upon himself the historical responsibility of Europe's transition to a multipolar world, in the interest of Europe itself and of the destiny of the world, for the inalienable principles of Peace, Order and Social Justice.
Encouraging a multipolar world and supporting the necessity of constructing a European paradigm of civilization means repudiating the unfair and unstable international political and social equilibrium the liberal hegemony created in years of despotic supremacy. This choice represents nothing more than the desire for freedom of the Peoples of Europe and of the Peoples of the world against an unsustainable system that we all have endured for far too long.