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SMO as a measure of things
Alexey Osin (Radio Sputnik): The main thing for us this year was the SMO.
Alexander Dugin: The SMO is now the main topic, which is the central theme for us, for our people, for our State. The philosopher Protagoras said that “man is the measure of things”. For us now, the SMO is the measure of things. This ending year of 2024 saw a decisive turning point in the SMO sphere. Despite the invasion of the Ukrainian Nazis into the Kursk region, the seizure of Suja, and a number of other territories from which we have not yet (unfortunately) been able to squeeze them out, in general, this year there was a turning point in our favour in the SMO. Russia began to slowly, but confidently and irreversibly advance. This is movement towards the West. It is clearly visible, first and foremost in the DPR (Donetsk People Republic), where it is most visible and tangible. This is practically the completion of the liberation of the LPR (Lugansk People Republic), with only a couple of per cent of territory left. Our advancement is in the Kharkiv region.
This year it has become clear that no one can question Russia's determination to complete the SMO with victory and the realisation of the goals that were initially set. And no proposals that are not based on the complete and unconditional surrender of the Kiev Nazi regime will be accepted by us. This is absolutely clear. The will of our leadership, of our people, of our society, of our army, of our entire power, of all that Russia represents as a State-Civilisation is unambiguous.
This year there have been fundamental, but maybe not too bright, although very important infrastructural successes in this direction. Ukraine has finally stopped advancing and is not even able to adequately resist us. We began to move slowly but surely towards our goal, towards Kiev, towards the complete liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi regime.
This difficult, bloody, hard for all of us, but, nevertheless, victorious year ended with just such a result - in our favour, we are gradually starting to win the SMO. And this is the main result, because it is by the SMO that we should judge everything else that is happening in and around our country.
Reasons for the breakthrough: overcoming liberalism
Alexei Osin: Why did this fracture happen? In what area was it most significant?
Alexander Dugin: Any victory has something rational and something social, as well as economic, psychological, organisational, purely military, political dimensions, but there is always something spiritual in a victory. The year 2024 marked a major turning point in our society as a whole. Perhaps until that moment many people thought that the SMO was just something technical, some bug in the system, some local phenomenon. Our conflict with the West was conceived as something supposedly situational, and that we are about to end it, one way or another, and everything will go back to normal. And so the army, the society, the economy, the political elites, and our ordinary citizens lived in the usual peaceful rhythm. To our great regret, periods without wars, eras of peace have proven to be very difficult for our society. We often win the war, but just as often we lose the peace. We cannot use peace for its intended purpose. Hence the decay, the rampant corruption, which we have begun to fight seriously just in recent years, in recent times.
In 2024, a breakthrough took place at all these levels. Most importantly, it took place in our spirit, in the consciousness of our society. We have finally realised that this is a war, that it is serious, that it will not be resolved by itself, that everyone must take part in it. I see these changes in higher schools, among students, among young people, among officials, among top government officials, among businessmen, in general at all levels. People, our people, have understood, finally, after three years of war, that it is going on, and that it is serious, that it is not a situational failure, but that we have entered into a deadly conflict with the civilisation of the West as such. And that means we are not part of it. We are something special, a separate civilisation, in many ways the opposite of Western civilisation.
Hence the complete collapse of the liberal worldview within Russia itself. To be a liberal turned out to be simply criminal. Now we see it. For some liberalism was a delusion, for others - a conscious sabotage or even betrayal. This question will be clarified for years to come. We have to deal with each individual liberal - how he (she) found himself (herself) in the liberal camp, how liberalism got to the top of the political system, how it led to such catastrophic consequences. This is something we will still be dealing with, but in any case the fracture has happened in general. Overcoming liberalism is a decisive step towards Victory, towards the ideology of Victory, towards the Russian Idea.
Mobilisation of society
Alexander Dugin: Of course, a breakthrough has occurred in technology, in the economy, and in the work of the government. The appointment of Andrei Belousov as Minister of Defence was a long-awaited, necessary, and life-saving step. It was obvious that something was wrong with the army, but patriots were not allowed to criticise the army, and we do not criticise it, we only glorify and support it. But anyone, any citizen of the country who takes part in the SMO, people from the front and people from the rear understand perfectly well that these personnel reshuffles are more than personnel reshuffles. It's about getting on the salvation track of the Special Military Operation. This change of course and strict intolerance to any corrupt practices in the army has largely improved the situation in our armed forces as a whole.
Similarly, the economy is mobilising, gradually, not quickly, but it is happening. We are making a technical breakthrough. We have seen an example of this in the story of the ‘Oreshnik’ and its spectacular use. There is a general social and psychological mobilisation taking place.
I don't think we have numerical superiority on the line of contact. This is classified information, but we probably don't have a large numerical superiority. And in modern warfare it's not just about manpower.
Nevertheless, volunteers are joining the army en masse, as the President Putin himself and other officials have recently said. We are not carrying out a full forced mobilisation, but there is a mobilisation of spirit, a mobilisation of volunteers. The flow of people ready to defend the Motherland in this difficult situation is growing.
I think we have now reached the tipping point this year, when the process of SMO will change significantly. A cumulative effect will be achieved.
It seems to me that 2025 will be a decisive year, because many factors in international politics predispose us to this.
In particular, the victory of Trump and trumpists (which is especially important!) in the US presidential election. This cannot but have an impact on Ukraine.
Our cause is Russian, i.e. the right
Alexei Osin: We have people going into the army. In Ukraine, they have to catch them. People are running away from the army there. Why?
Alexander Dugin: There are differences between the cause for which we are fighting and the cause for which the Ukrainian society is fighting. The territorial, political, economic, and manpower losses that the Ukrainian side is suffering now are the result of the activities of the Nazi regime that was strengthened in Kiev back in 2014. In fact, they are the architects of the tragedy that has befallen Ukraine. They created a false criminal ideology based on racism and russophobia. And the result was not long in coming. Immediately after coming to power, after the coup d'état on the Maidan in 2014, they lost Crimea, lost part of Novorossiya, several regions - DPR and LPR, at least. And the further they persisted in their own, the more they lost.
And this the citizens of Ukraine cannot help but notice. The authorities that are now waging war and relying on terrorist, russophobic and neo-Nazi ideology are themselves responsible and guilty for the tragedies and the territorial and personal losses that Ukraine is suffering. We were recently told by our responsible leaders that Ukrainians have already lost about a million or more than a million people. And if you take refugees into account, these are huge numbers.
And whose fault is that? The leaders of the Nazi junta say Russia. But Ukrainians are realising more and more that it can't be our fault alone, no matter what they are told. They believed earlier in this russophobic myth, but now it is crumbling before their eyes.
We are fighting for the right cause, we are fighting for our historical existence, for our identity, for our Civilisation-State. And Ukraine is a part of our common Civilisation- State. That's how it was from the beginning. And it is not the first time for us to fight to free Ukraine from Western influence. This is repeated with a certain regularity in our history. When Russia weakens, over these border areas, over this frontier, an alternative, opposite to us geopolitical entity, the Western civilisation tries to establish power. When we come into force, we regain control over these border territories, which were once the cradle of our statehood. For us, these are the original Russian lands -- the Old Lands, not the “new territories”. We are reclaiming what is ours, not for ourselves, but for all of us together.
We are fighting against the chimera of Ukrainian nationalism, against the neo-Nazi criminal ideology, we are fighting for a just cause. We are fighting for Ukrainians too. We are not fighting against Ukrainians. We are fighting for them. For the Russians, for the Orthodox, for the Malorossians, for the people who are part of our united, triune nation -- the Great Russians, the Malorossians, the Belarusians. But they are fighting against us and against themselves.
More and more the criminal and destructive, suicidal goals of the Ukrainian and Kiev junta are becoming obvious to the Ukrainians themselves. That is why they are trying in every possible way to evade mobilisation.
In fact, a totalitarian regime has been established in Ukraine. And in Russia, everything is voluntary, everything is sensible, everything is conscious. And, by the way, the further we go, the more and more. The further we go, the more the rightness of our power, the rightness of our army, our society, our people in SMO begins to be realised by wider and wider layers of the population.
Our society has been de-ideologised in recent decades. But now it is again entering the era of ideologisation. But now the ideology is natural, organic, it is born from within human souls, from human hearts. This is the Russian Idea, which, by and large, drives our history. We are beginning to realise it better and better. And our people are realising more and more clearly that there are values higher than life. Any idea acquires content and meaning when people are ready to give their lives for it. There is no higher price to pay. And then the Idea, washed in blood, illuminated by the deeds of our people, it becomes attractive. Now it is beginning to take hold of our society. Patriotism, realisation of the importance of the sovereignty of the Motherland, faith and loyalty to the President, our Supreme Ruler, a return to our religious Orthodox Byzantine roots, to our main spiritual treasury of Russian Orthodoxy - all this is happening now and is reaching ever wider masses.
This affects, among other things, the fact that people voluntarily go to save the Motherland, to save the nation at the moment of severe trials.
I believe in my people
Alexei Osin: Until 1955, the Banderites could not be completely eradicated. For 10 years after the end of WWII 30 000 people died. Where is the optimism that in the fourth year of the war we will cope with them?
Alexander Dugin: First of all I believe in our people, I believe in our State, I believe in Russian history. This war is not an accident. Maybe it is the most important and the most sacred war of our history, which we are now waging with the West on the territory of Ukraine.
The West has reached the critical point of its degeneration, its degeneration. Today it is a purely satanic civilisation. It threw us, as the Ark of Salvation, as the Katehon, the Keeper the deadly challenge in Ukraine. They wanted to destroy us, to deprive us of our independence, identity, sovereignty. Their goal was to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. They made no secret of it. And that is why this is a holy war for us. And the more we realise it, the more the national power awakens, the spirit of our people soars. I believe that in 2025 this awakening will reach its culmination.
The second argument. Ukrainian society is beginning to gradually wake up and realise that it is not about ‘bad Russians’, that we are in fact brothers, and only have to counteract the Nazi top brass and its russophobic terrorist ideology and practice. We are not fighting against them, but for them. Ukrainian society is gradually coming to its senses. Some are running, some are hiding, some are joining the Resistance. I think that 2025 will show us the beginning of real anti-Nazi guerrilla actions on the territory of Ukraine itself.
And the third factor is the fundamental changes in the world and especially in the United States. A non-globalist, even anti-globalist group has come to power there. This will give a completely different style of foreign policy, and we will soon encounter it. Of course, it is not a gift, nothing will be brought to us on a platter, no one will facilitate our Victory, but the new power in America will reconsider the attitude towards Ukraine. That's for sure.
Until Kiev's unconditional surrender
Alexei Osin: So far there are no preconditions for the end of the conflict. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said so.
Alexander Dugin: The conditions on the ground, which we have now, categorically do not suit anyone. We are still quite far away from our Victory, from the unconditional surrender of the enemy. And these are the starting conditions from which we can begin to talk about peace. The current Nazi leadership in Kiev has not abandoned its goals of taking Novorossiya from us, taking Crimea, and attacking Russia. So they are not ready to recognise even the status quo, which does not suit us. It doesn't suit them either. In the West, the globalist leadership, which is responsible for unleashing this military conflict, the purpose of which, as they frankly said, was to destroy Russia, to inflict a strategic defeat on us, is still living out its last weeks in the White House. This goal was not even close to being achieved. On the contrary, the war had the opposite effect. Russia woke up, Russia rose up, Russia realised itself, Russia came into force and once again felt its historical role in the global context. The results of the Western globalists have been achieved; on the contrary, something directly opposite has happened.
Accordingly, it is quite clear that no one will negotiate with the current American administration. There is neither faith nor trust in it. They are the criminals. Is it possible to negotiate with terrorists? Therefore, there are no preconditions for peaceful negotiations. And by the way, there won't be for a long time.
And it won't be for a long time under Trump. It is not that very long, but still Trump needs to strengthen himself in the presidential chair, to deal with his enemies, to drain the Swamp, to revise the US foreign policy. He will never make America great by continuing to deal with the current elites. He'll have to annex Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal. And fight China, and help the Israeli far right.
Therefore, if we believe that this conflict can be resolved or suspended or frozen quickly, it is a mistake. It is an absolutely naive position and a false goal.
This, by the way, is what Ukrainian Nazi propagandists have been talking about lately. They are like a copycat voice: believe us, in a day there will be a ceasefire, Trump will tell Putin, and Putin will stop everything. This is complete nonsense, it won't happen. Nobody can order Putin to do anything. We are actually fighting for the sovereignty, for the freedom and independence of our country.
Until complete victory, until the goals of the Special Military Operation are fully realised (which is, I remind you, the total denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine), we will not be serious about peace talks. And we will try to postpone them further and further. Yes, we are leaving the door open, but only if our basic and main conditions are met.
And if we retreat even one step from our conditions on the need to abolish the Nazi regime (especially now it is illegitimate in Ukraine) and from the demand of unconditional surrender of Kiev, from the absence of any aspiration to join NATO, from the complete dismantling of the military machine and the criminalisation of the neo-Nazi russophobic ideology, we will betray ourselves, we will nullify all the sacrifices, suffering and exploits. There can be no negotiations until the moment of our complete Victory.
Diplomatically we smile, we say our doors are open, but we mean one thing: surrender and we will spare you. If you don't surrender, we will not spare you.
Alexei Osin: So we initially put forward unacceptable conditions?
Alexander Dugin: Well, I wouldn't say that. We put forward conditions that are simply fabulous for them. We are actually offering them something that they could not count on in any way. It is to stop the conflict, to recognise the right of the four regions and Crimea to be in Russia forever, plus never to join NATO. But they are not ready to accept that either. Moreover, we offered it before, now the conditions have changed. But even then they would not even discuss these paradisiacal conditions. We will really be ready for negotiations and we will be really involved in them only after Kiev's unconditional surrender.
The main event of the outgoing year: the election of Trump
Alexey Osin: AI (precisely GROK) reports the following about the main events of 2024:
- Russia held a presidential election where Vladimir Putin won a fifth term.
- In the US, Donald Trump won the presidential election, becoming the first president since Grover Cleveland to be elected to an uncontested second term.
- In December 2024, Bashar al-Assad fled Syria, leading to the fall of the Baath regime.
- Continued Russian invasion of Ukraine, with a marked turn in the fighting in Russia's favour.
- Escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, leading to Israel's invasion of Lebanon.
- The significant deterioration of the situation in Gaza due to Israel's war with Hamas, resulting in massive civilian casualties.
Most important of all, perhaps, is the election of Trump in America.
Alexander Dugin: Yes, that is exactly right. Here we need to understand from the very beginning that there are two obviously wrong positions concerning Trump's victory.
The first absolutely wrong position is that nothing will change, that Trump will be forced to continue the same line that was before him and that has remained unchanged for the last 30 years, except for his own presidency of 2016-2020. It is a focus on promoting leftist globalism, the LGBT agenda, the woke ideology, the continued destruction of traditional values, and the promotion of a unified, international, transnational world order with a World Government, with global liberal elites at the helm, based on the ideology of liberalism and individualism. Trump openly rejects this line and no longer intends to continue it. This is very serious. The first time Trump came to the White House, the globalists thought it was just a ‘short circuit,’ some kind of technical glitch. But his deliberate and decisive election to a second term means that no, this is not a glitch. It is the clear and unambiguous will of the majority of the American people. It cannot be dismissed so simply.
That is why today, seriously and increasingly in America itself, there is talk of the end of woke culture, the end of liberalism and globalism. It is Trump's ideological victory over the globalists that the majority of American society now recognises. Europe refuses to face the truth, it goes into unconsciousness, but American society recognises it. Trump and trumpism is a new ideology. And what it rejects is clear - it is left-wing liberalism and globalism. But what it affirms is less clear.
So -- to assume that everything will continue to be the same is completely wrong, and all predictions and analyses based on such a simplistic scheme -- ‘nothing changes, it will be business as usual, we'll regret our hopes’ -- are primitive and unrealistic.
But there's a second unrealistic position, as if Trump is representative of a worldview similar to our own. It may be similar, in terms of denying woke, LGBT, liberalism, wanting to return to traditional values, but the fact is that their values are quite different. American traditional values have a very indirect and distant relationship to ours. Yes, Trump will change his ideology, change his geopolitical priorities, but American -- even traditional -- values, as he understands them, have nothing to do with ours. So to hope that things will get better immediately with Trump is just as naive, as wrong.
It is more correct to think that Trump will change his policy by 90 degrees in relation to Biden. Exactly 90, not 180. This, on the one hand, is very good, because 90 degrees for the better, but on the other hand, it's pretty bad, because only 90, not 180. And, of course, it will not lead us to peace immediately. It is going to be very difficult to build relations with the new administration.
And nevertheless, you have to understand that there has been a real ideological revolution in America, that the ideology that dominated until the last moment, based on hyperindividualism, on dehumanisation, on gender politics, on woke, on cancel culture, on hatred of one's own roots, has been discarded. The internationalist liberal globalism Trump and the trumpists are resolutely abandoning. This means that a post-liberal ideology has come to the White House and the United States, and more broadly to the West. And now many things, ideas, slogans, movements, positions that before were actually forbidden will now be allowed. In fact, what left liberals mercilessly branded their ideological opponents as ‘fascists’, as ‘extreme rightists’, is now signed by J. D. Vance, Elon Musk, Pete Hegseth, Tucker Carlson, Kash Patel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Robert Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard, Mat Gatz, Steve Bannon, that is, in fact, the entire inner circle of trumpism. The anti-liberal, post-liberal right came to power in the US. They are now called it the ‘woke right’, the ‘vigilant right’, who will be as intolerant of the liberal left as liberal left was intolerant of themselves while they remained in opposition and marginalised.
It is impossible not to take this into account. And, of course, it will affect relations with Europe, with us, Russians, with China, with the Middle East. And not in the way we would like to see a multipolar world, with the West occupying its niche and other civilisations theirs. No, Western hegemony will continue. But this hegemony will acquire other features, other ideological forms, use other tools and other priorities. For Trump and trumpists, the main internal enemies are liberals and globalists - the criminal and rotten top of the Democrat Party, Soros and his networks, Bill Gates, et Fauci, who leaked bioweapons and poisoned half of humanity with their vaccines, woke ideologues and globalist media, etc.
The external enemies are primarily China, and secondarily the Islamic world and especially Iran. Trump's support for Netanyahu will be unconditional. There will be stiff resistance to the Chinese economy, up to the point that, as the trumpists are now proclaiming, Chinese entrepreneurs will be deprived of almost all property in the United States, where they own half of the economy. Trump has absolutely grandiose horizons of reform, wars, competition and purges. For the Chinese, these prospects are very troubling, for the Iranians even more troubling. But we are somewhere third or fourth on that list. It's not that Trump treats Russia well, he treats Russia rather indifferently. But here's the important thing: we are not a priority target for him. We are neither friend nor foe for him. And especially not the main enemy, as for the globalists. That, I think, is very important.
It is also vital for us to take into account the new ideology of trumpism, which is represented not only by traditional American paleo-conservatives and nationalists like Steve Bannon (trad right), but also by what is called today the ‘tech right,’ that is, Silicon Valley iconic figures like Elon Musk or Peter Thiel, who represent the will for a technocratic leap, for accelerationism.
Trumpism is a rattling mixture of technological development combined with a defence of conservative values up to and including monarchy. In this environment, new extravagant ideological ensembles are emerging. If the globalists do not start a new World War before 20 January 2025, i.e. before Trump is inaugurated and takes office, and do not arrange some other catastrophe on a global scale, we will have to know a completely new America, with a new ideology. Which means there will be a whole new balance of power in the world, because something unpredictable will reign supreme at the other end in Washington.
Already today we can see how Elon Musk, the second man on the Trump’s team, supports the AfD party, the ‘Alternative for Germany’, which the left-wing liberals still in power in Europe simply consider ‘extreme right-wing’ and are trying to ban, despite the huge and ever-growing support of voters. Various conservative populist forces in Europe, with the support of the new regime in America, could come to power. This already has precedents, Orban, Fico, partly Meloni, or “Georgian Dream” for example. Of course, they are just sovereigntists, and even fairly moderate conservatives based on traditional values. But the leftist globalists in their uncompromising and extremist woke-strategy against them have been adamant, demanding to overturn, overthrow, ban, destroy, including through colour revolutions.
Trump is definitely the new wave. It has already won in America, which means it will affect Europe as well.
All this should be considered very carefully analysed.
I observe our (Russian) expert community - some are enthusiastic about Trump, others say that nothing will change there. Both are wrong. A lot of things will change, but not necessarily to our advantage. If we are strong enough, smart enough, accurate enough, deep enough, and determined enough, this could be a chance for us, as well as for humanity. But if we sit back and wait for the weather, then naturally the results could be most deplorable for us and for all those who lead like this. Trump is a chance, but it is also a challenge, and even in a certain sense a threat.
In any case, Russia needs to do actively. The Americans are giving us an example. They want to swiftly remove the entire corrupt globalist bureaucracy in the US. They are doing what, in principle, we should have done long ago. Putin is doing it too, but much more slowly, stretched out and carefully. But they want to immediately, instantly, sharply rotate the elites, putting their opponents in the electric chair as soon as they get to the White House. This is very serious.
The Oath to the Supreme Ruler of Russia
Alexei Osin: It would not hurt us to adopt this experience ...
Alexander Dugin: That's right. We talked about one more event of the passing year - the election of the President of the Russian Federation. I think we should not forget about it either. It was the most important event. Not the fact of the election itself, but the fact that now the election is gradually turning into something else - into a ritual of nationwide worship of the monarch, the supreme ruler - Putin. The elections have proved that he is unchangeable. After all, Putin is more than a President. Putin is more than an ordinary ruler of Russia. As everyone knows, in his time there was such a great Roman commander, leader, supreme ruler Gaius Julius Caesar. By his name they began to call rulers ‘Caesars’. So “Putin” became the highest function, status. It is not a personal name, but this is the generic name (function) of a providential leader who saves Russia.
The one who is the national leader who saves the country, who asserts its sovereignty in a critical situation, is “Putin”.
This is a very subtle point. Putin is not just an elected temporary head of State, but a supreme historical ruler who has such a volume of popular support that he has eternity. At least all that time that is within a human lifetime. The maximum amount of power possible. It's not him we have, it's us he has. So in this special year, in the midst of the SMO, our nation simply swore an oath to a supreme leader.
In fact, voting for Putin in 2024, it was a nationwide oath to our ruler. The people swore an oath to him and said: rule us always; rule the same, rule better; do the same, do more; and don't worry about political intrigue, about keeping power; you have all the power; you are free; focus on the interests of our people, our State; don't worry about anything else; you can do everything for the good of our country; nothing threatens you - not this stupid four-year cycle, because it's just some symbolic procedure. We chose Putin once and for all, and we will not deviate from our decision.
But this is a peculiarity of our historical tradition. Unlike the Americans' choice of Trump, which changed the course of American history for sure, and maybe even the world history. That's where elections really matter. For now, at least. Though it may be that they too will pick the ruler they want to keep in power as long as possible. So trumpist Curtis Yarvin has already raised the issue of establishing a monarchy in the US. They are clearly learning.
Putinism and Katehon
Alexei Osin: The problem, however, is that in Russian history after a great leader often comes something directly opposite.
Alexander Dugin: This is true, this is the biggest risk. Now the deadline for solving this problem has already come. The red light is already on, it is an alarm signal. There is only one way out - it is necessary to turn the line of our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin into an ideology, that is, to create a certain stable ideological construction that would embody his precepts, his strategy, his principles, his ideas, his beliefs. We need an ideology. At least as a symbol of faith for political elites, but it would be worth extending it to the masses as well. Although the word is often used in a negative or ironic way, we need to move from Putin to putinism. This is necessary precisely to hedge the risks associated with one man. Putin is more than a man; he is a country, he is a vector of development. We must try to transform his core, the essence of his patriotic reforms into an ideology. This is the challenge that faces our society, our intellectual elite first of all, but also the political elite.
We need an ideology that will ensure the continuity of not persons, not dynasties, but the spirit, mission, strategy, and goal. So that the next rulers would look at Putin and his ideas as a model and would be afraid to deviate from this line on strengthening sovereignty, on defending traditional values - the Civilization-State - as the supreme and main mission of their rule. They, whoever they are, should be like Putin, serving the people, history, and the State and following the Orthodox Christian tradition. They should fulfil the function of the Katehon, which is higher than any human being.
Georgia's pro-Georgian dream
Alexei Osin: Maybe some post-Soviet states are starting Russiocentric processes. Are they following us in some way?
Alexander Dugin: Pay attention, not so much pro-Russian forces won in Georgia, but pro-Georgian ones. Both Bedzina Ivanishvili, the recently sworn-in new president Mikhail Kavelashvili, after the disgraceful flight of the globalist puppet Solomea Zurabishvili, who represented the failed Biden administration in Georgia, and the Georgian Dream party as a whole can become a friendly or at least neutral force towards Russia, and at least they are sovereignty-oriented like us. Besides, our traditional values are very close, both we and they are Orthodox countries, Orthodox peoples. But to come to this position, it is not necessary to imitate us or be inspired by our example. I don't see any contradiction between the Georgian Dream and Trump. After all, for Trump such a conservative Georgia is quite acceptable and even desirable. It is not an alternative to the West. It is an alternative for globalists, but not for Trump. That is why now the most concerned about Georgia are both the outgoing US globalist administration and European globalists, who are still in the old days, still living in that liberal LGBT/woke phase, which in America itself is already overcoming.
I believe that figures like Ivanishvili, Kavelashvili, or Orban and Fico in Europe are the future. They are not pro-Russian leaders, they are leaders of the future world, including the European one.
Yes, Putin is not an enemy to them. He represents a sovereign country. As realists they will treat us based on their national interests. If it is or is not profitable for them to build, do, sell, buy, agree on something, they will do the same with us, with the West, and with the East. It is important to serve themselves, their own people and not the sect of globalist perverts from Washington or Brussels.
What is happening in Georgia is also happening in Hungary and Slovakia, but it is also happening in the United States.
Now the Georgian Dream is winning over the anti-Georgian, russophobic, neo-Nazi mob that tried to overthrow it during the colour revolution. And it does it not in the interests of Russia, but in the interests of Georgia. This way Georgia will be preserved and strengthen its positions. Georgia will preserve its traditional values, and these are the demands of the Georgian people. The Georgian people voted for the Georgian Dream, just as the Hungarian people did for Orban and the Slovak people did for Fico. Other peoples and societies in Europe or the post-Soviet space, alas, have fallen under the corrosive hypnosis of the outgoing liberal elites.
In my opinion, this is the goal we have in common with Trump - together with the new administration, with trumpists, to close the page of history of such characters as George Soros and his criminal son, to end the era of colour revolutions, to end globalist interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries. We must move to realism, clearly understanding what is to our advantage and what is not. And this should be the main task of any State, and on this basis we should build a policy with both near and far, with our Georgians, who are close in faith, or not close, neither in faith nor in history, by the way, with Hungarians or with Americans, with whom we have geopolitical antagonism, but this antagonism can be solved more or less by universal agreement. It is not easy, but it is possible. If only because of the fact that they and we are oriented towards traditional values.
The fire of the big war in the Middle East
Alexander Dugin: Artificial Intelligence talked more about the sad events in the Middle East. This is also a crucial escalation zone. There is a tense clash of antagonistic forces there. Not only in Gaza, not only in Lebanon, not only in Yemen, not only in Syria itself, but basically the whole region is about to be engulfed in the flames of a major war. Avoiding this is very difficult.
The Zionist authorities are determined to build a Greater Israel ‘from sea to sea’. Hence the invasion of the Golan Heights and Lebanon, and the genocide of Gaza. Israeli conservatives are determined and radical in their intentions. They have already shown how much. From now on, especially with the support of Trump's pro-Israel group, they can go further. And that's the challenge. There are really very serious events unfolding in the Middle East right now. You have to keep an eye on the Middle East. Things are changing there.
And of course the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime is a blow to us. I think that the globalists deliberately timed the operation in Syria, involved the Turks and other forces, Qatar, for example, as well as other Islamic States, in order to supposedly ‘demonstrate our weakness’. It is not our weakness, they did not achieve their goal. But still, the fall of a regime friendly to us, in which we had a real investment, cannot be called either an “indifferent” or a “good” event. It is a sad event for us, a sad result of the passing year.
In the new year of 2025, I think the situation there will become even more acute. This is not the last, alas, sadness that the Middle East will bring us in the near future. I do not rule out the beginning of a war between Israel and Iran.
Alexei Osin: How will they fight, they do not border?
Alexander Dugin: Through Syria, through Iraq, through missile strikes. Israel and Iran have already exchanged missile strikes. I do not rule out the involvement of the American armed forces in this campaign. Strikes could be launched against Iran's nuclear facilities. There could be a direct intervention in Yemen, because the Yemeni Houthis are tough against Israel, brave and well armed.
The region as a whole is very tense between Sunnis and Shiites. Many factors could be triggers for a major war. But, of course, the main factor is the Greater Israel. In 2025 it may happen that the right-wing Zionist forces in the Israeli government, Bezalel Smotrich, Ben Gvir and other ministers from Natanyahu's entourage will get their way and blow up the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to start building the Third Temple. They have threatened the Arabs with this many times before, and in fact, the Hamas terrorist operation in October 2023 was largely provoked by this. And it was called ‘Al-Aqsa Flood.’
Accordingly, a variety of conflicts will escalate in the Middle East. One should study the map of the Middle East diligently. Most likely, more than one country and more than one territory will be engulfed in a great war.
And Turkey, which is now celebrating its supposed success in Syria, I think could also suffer in the course of this. I mean, the overthrow of Assad was a trap for Erdogan. The Middle East is a world of traps.
But let us hope in God and His Providence.