Electronic golem and electronic dove
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Yes, the success of artificial intelligence, this “electronic golem” is really amazing. To take and write an impeccable article, and soon, I have no doubt, to not only write an article, but to come up with a topic, an idea and a style that the author was going to think about is amazing. But to be honest, it doesn't really scare me.
For an electronic golem, besides physical appearance and skills (which, of course, will become quite perfect in the near future), the main task is still working with a rational mind, including logic, operating with colossal information and creating new methods of reasoning. However, in reality, at best, this is only a reflection, a reproduction, of “rational mindset” ... for the beginning of some individual... For example, a journalist. The result that the reflection can achieve is always worse than the result that the original can achieve in the ideal case i.e., what is written by an electronic golem will be worse or almost the same as what is written by a journalist (assuming, of course, that the author is moving within a purely rational mindset).
But! But if the electronic golem reflects the mentality not of a specific individual, but of the mentality of humanity as a whole (Vernadsky's noosphere), then by focusing on a particular journalist as a grain of sand of this universal mentality, the electronic golem will know how to write a much better article than he does. This is apparently what is happening now. He will be able to not only write his own article better than any author, but in general calculate his whole life.
However, if a person in his reflective capacity is an ideal, at least multifaceted mirror, then the reflective capacity of an electronic golem is limited solely by the ratio (where, of course, rational interpretations of the unconscious part of the mind, expressed by all kinds of psychoanalysts and researchers of dream spaces, can be incorporated). Moreover, in general, all human interpretations of anything, including those fundamentally inaccessible to him, can be included in the accessible golem: a creative act bursting from the entire mental ecumene, poetry bursting into other dimensions, and indeed such realities as feeling, awareness of one's own presence, presence of being, just life, not to mention the thought of God...
Feelings, living beings, life, in general, all that is subjective can be accessible to the golem only as rational interpretations and physical manifestations. Whereas for a person, in his ability to reflect, all this is directly available. He himself is this and therefore understands everything without any interpretation. Therefore, if a person, in principle, is able, having shown an active and creative intellect or realizing involvement in another spiritual dimension, to step outside the limits of the money mentality, including its grossest manifestation-the so-called external world-then the electronic golem is basically incapable of doing so. It always remains within the limits of the total experience of humanity, wandering in the labyrinths of the museum of all the intellectual, artistic, in general, achievements of peoples of all ages and continents. When dealing, for example, with the image of a great master, reflecting the highest spiritual dimensions, the golem is not in the least affected by them, but can interpret them perfectly.
Mind, thought, even rational thought, for a person is precisely the path to the realm of spirit, and the attainment of this realm is the goal.
Whereas for the electronic golem it is precisely the opposite: mind, manifestation, thought, especially rational thought, projected in an unknown way from the spiritual spheres into our realm of matter, is the ultimate goal. In addition to interpretations and navigation in them, although it is much better than people, it is also not suitable.
But it should be noted that in addition to the negative, the electronic golem also has a positive side: for those who swim exclusively in interpretations, who are entangled in the web of rational explanations and ideas, the electronic golem, in all respects superior to such an unfortunate one, is an obvious proof of the futility of all his earthly thoughts and aspirations, as well as himself as a much worse specimen than the golem... And such proof can serve as a turning point toward the spirit ...
“Electronic where” is one of Dzhemal's earliest articles. I don't even remember what, but if the dove is associated with a message from Above, from Heaven, then the electronic dove will be a dead, mechanical, museum-like interpretation of this message... And these interpretations do not call and do not take the electronic dove anywhere.
If, being next to a great ascetic, poet, philosopher, who is in absolute silence, somehow, we feel the power of other dimensions, the unseen presence of something incomprehensible to us, but great, then the electronic golem will not be able to register and analyze anything ... in the absence of external reasoning, interpretations and actions, it is a complete zero.
Ernst Jünger, recalling his encounter with Heidegger, wrote: “In his way of speaking, in the simple but always meaningful things, in the long silence, there was something incredibly attractive, something magical. However, I had a chance right here at home, in experiencing his irresistible attraction. He visited me and we went for a walk in the garden. Watching him walk (I remember him wearing a green cap) and listening to how he talked, taking long pauses, I felt the bewitching power of his presence. The whole image and behavior of the philosopher reflected the magnetic power of reflection, genuine questioning: it was it that attracted, convinced the interlocutor”.