Let Ideas Compete: A Challenge to Globalism
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Now pejorative names “far right”, “fascist”, “Putin follower» used by woke censors are loosing their sense. They produce no effect at all or some opposite effect. After Zuckerberg’s confession we know all about globalist strategy against freedom of speech.
What is really important are ideas. Left, right, transversal, futuristic, old, new, conservative, progressive. Let us stop exchange insults. Let us speak with ideas.
I make ultimatum: stop use pejoratives in the register of reduction ad Hitlerum and we stop demonizing liberals and globalists. I presume liberals and globalists have some ideas. Let them to be exposed and defended. We are more than ready to do the same.
XX century was disgusting, degenerate, perverse, totalitarian and stupid. In all its three main versions - liberalism, communism and fascism. All three pretended to have absolute moral values being just nothing - arbitrary modern artificially constructed systems.
With Trump and Musk we have the chance to pass to XXI century. Every ideology is from now reduced to its core. They need to prove their validity in free competence. I prefer to transcend all three of them. I have arguments. Others can try to save liberalism, communism and fascism. But no one has absolute truth. Jews as well. After Gaza and this sneaky small shy Nazi Zelensky moral superiority of Jews has vanished. They are the people as other. With no claim of absolute moral truth. We can side with them or not. No one oblige us to accept rules based order, Trump is total freedom. Be what you are. Do what thou wilt.
I believe Christ is the King, God, Man. I believe in Orthodox Church and its teaching. I believe in holly Mother Russia. And I believe that Christian Empire is the only legitimate form of political system.
For sure you have other opinions and choices. That is wonderful. Let us speak, not demonise, not kill each other. There are different religions and political systems. Let them compete.
I am partisan of freedom of speech but not only for liberals- for all.