Alexander Dugin Highlights Nepal’s Strategic Importance in South Asia at Kathmandu conference
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Kathmandu (Keshav Bhattarai): On November 23, 2024, with the support of the Russian House in Nepal, a conference by philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin was held at the Russian House in Kathmandu on the theme “Emerging Multipolarity: South Asian Context”.
I'm really happy to have the possibility to speak with all of you. Recently, I have visited New Delhi, India, and I had very important and very insightful conversations with different intellectual, political circles there. So I see that your region, the South of Asia, becomes more and more the central focus of the world politics. So we need to know each other better. We need to establish good and friendly contact between intellectuals. Because intellectual level of international relations, the philosophy of multi polarity is main concern. Economy, politics, diplomatic relations, technological friendship and alliance all that are secondary. The first is mind , everything what is human is firstly in our mind. And you as a prestigious respected descendant of the traditions Buddhism and Hinduism, you understand that better than anybody else in the world. Everything begins with this world and everything ends with this all.
When different civilizations coexisted, living between them more or less peacefully, pre-colonial, before Columbus, before the beginning of the colonization, that in that time something like multipolarity existed. There was India as one civilization, China as civilization, Islamic civilization, European civilization, Russian civilization, Byzantine and African civilization, Latin American civilization. But when the West has begun its colonial politics, there was the beginning of the globalization and imperialism. Western imperialism tried to submit the other civilizations. They affirmed there is only one civilization in the world, the Western, and all the rest are the savages, barbarians, under-civilized civilizations and not real civilization. So now we are present at the end of the Western moment,of the Western domination, of this all-colonial history. So the modern world has began with colonialism and the end of colonization is the end of the Western center world system.
So decolonization what we need President Modi of India has recently said,'we need decoloniztion of minds.' We need to liberate our minds from the illusion, toxic illusion of the Western priority, Western domination, Western universalism. So, the Western civilization is not the same as human civilization.It's just one of different other civilizations. Not the unique, not the only one, not universal. So everything that the West claims to be universal is just regional phenomenon, historically and geographically determined. So we need to find new way. Multipolarity it is about reconsidering how reality is? It is not about only technical aspects. That multipolarity is about philosophy. So, philosophy should be liberated from the Western-centered paradigms. That is the main aspect, the main meaning of multipolarity. That means that there is not only one universal truth represented in the modern Western science, in modern western values, in modern attitudes to gender, to family, to religion, to technology, to the politics, all that is optional. The West could suggest, propose something, but it could not impose on us their truth. The West for the Westerners. The Western truth is limited by Western civilization. Only one among few. And next step of multipolarity and establishing of multipolar philosophy is to recognize the absolute validity, the truth of other civilizations. So we should not be ashamed to be Christian, to believe in Christian God, in Holy Trinity, in our empire, in our understanding of family as the marriage of the man and woman. We should not be ashamed of all our Russian historical past, present and future. For example, we prefer strong power of charismatic spiritual leader as Vladimir Putin. We consider this kind of political system just and democratic that fits us more than everything else. We need to defend our traditional values and you know maybe that we have decree, presidential decree in the defense of traditional values of Russian culture, of Russian church, church of Russian civilization. So that is about Russia.
But what about India, for example? India is doing exactly the same thing. There is the traditionalist leader Narendra Modi. India is going the way to defend and to restore and to rehabilitate their Vedic roots, Hindu roots, the roots of this great spiritual civilization and this inclusive attitude to different spiritual tendencies, not exclusive. So there are many paths, so there are many ways inside of Indian culture that are inclusive.
And they are not worse than Western. They are much better, much more ancient, much more profound and philosophically argumented. So, Nyaya Hindu logic is just more complete than European Aristotelian logic. So, you should not be ashamed of being Hindu, or being Buddhist, or being Nepalese, or being Asian. That is, you should be proud for your cultural, philosophical, metaphysical rules, you have some bases,that is the logic of multipolarity. you should base the position in the world on your own cultural values, or your principles. If you have Castes and Varnas, it is good for you, because it is your experience. the philosophy of Upanishads, or Shlokas, Buddhist Shlokas, or other spiritual ways of Shaivism, of Vaishnaism. If you believe in Avatars, in Kali-Yuga, in Cosmic Cycles, that is absolutely right understanding of your identity. The same for us, the same for Islamic people, the same for African people, the same for West. 'The West can follow its own path under one condition. Don't export your values, don't impose your values on us. Western values for Western people, Eastern values for Eastern people, Nepalese values for Nepalede people. The same for India, the same for Japan, the same for China, the same for Islamic world, for Africa.' So, multipolarity is first of all, the first law of multipolarity is refuse to recognize Western world as a role model, as some universal core. It is not universal core in nothing. So now the population, the majority of population is in Eurasia, in Asia. The most of the most important and developed country are in BRICS. So we understand each other very well. Russia,China,India, Inner China, people from Asia, from Africa,and from Latin America, wherever we should go our own ways. That is the main law of multipolarity. That is not unipolar liberalism, obligatory liberalism, capitalism, or other forms of western political thought about which our presenter has said correctly. So we need to liberate our minds first of all of three main political philosophies imposed on us by the West. We should, if we like for example liberty, let's find it in Upanisad,lets find it in Bhagawat Geeta, lets find it in Buddha. There is a huge learning, huge knowledge of the liberty. Not in the liberalism. Liberalism, it is not liberty. Liberty you should find in your own tradition. The same for justice. We should not imitate socialism or Marxism. If we are for social justice, if we need to find the way inside of our society, inside of our tradition, and harmony, and peace, and Karma, and Ahimsa.All these concepts are native, they are natural for Asian civilization, and if you want to defend social justice, It is up to you, but let it be based on your authentic roots, on karmic roots. So, karma in the concept of the highest justice. And the same for the other thing. We cannot accept from the West nationalism, neither nationalism, nor fascism, nor racism. They are based on the permission of superiority of one nation over the other. That is typically Western attitude. It is not Eastern attitude. It is...racism is totally strange to greatest civilization. They are inclusive. They could include many, many, many ethnic group, many religious group. As Russia, for example, there are many ethical group living in Russia. There are different religious groups, traditional religious, living in Russia. And they feel themselves Russian without any nationalism. Our country is totally free from any form of nationalism, as well as in India, in China, in Nepal, I guess. So, we need to refuse three main political philosophies of Western modernity, liberalism, dogmatic communism and nationalism. And that's what I mean under the concept of forced political theory. We need forced political theory beyond liberalism, communism and fascism. And that should not be universal.
For example, it could exist Russian forced political theory, Indian force political theory, Chinese force political theory, Islamic force political theory, African force political theory, or Latin America. It is open-end project. That is why I didn't give the name for force political theory, just a number. They say, oh, that is weakness, sometimes. No, it is the strength.
The power of forced political theory, it is not, consists in the fact that it is not obligatory. It is not imposition. It is not just projection of Russian hegemony. No, it is open. We have our form of forced political theory for us, and you are invited to develop it for you and that will be your first political theory, not ours. That is very important.
So when our president, Mr. Putin, speaks about a multipolar justice and democratic organization of the global society, he means precisely that. We don't want to replace one hegemony by ours. We are absolutely, openly and sincerely invite you to establish your own civilizational sovereignty. There should be few sovereignties. The sovereignty of Western civilization, sovereignty of Russian civilization, sovereignty of Indian civilization, Latin America, Africa and there should be correspondently some different point of political idea.
We need to abandon, Emma's Western way of political thinking. We need to restore our own native form of political thinking, searching terms, theories, concepts, values, methods, strategies inside of our culture. That is about multipolar philosophy. Next point, it is not just theory. We are living already in the world that is multipolar.
There are 4 almost totally shaped and established civilizational states. 4 poles:The Western Pole, Russian Pole, Chinese Pole, and Indian Pole. So 4 totally established civilizational states as the pole of multipolar world. There are Islamic world, African world, and Latin American world.
Well, 3 more potential polls that are in the way of consolidation. And there is so we are living in the world of, 7 polls, western poles and 6 others. And it is very symbolic that 6 other poles are represented in the BRICS. In the in BRICS kind of BRICS we see Russia, China, India, 3 civilization states, representative of the Islamic World, Shia and Sunni, Arab and Persian, African countries, South Africa, Ethiopia, and Latin America and, as Brazil. So all these 6 civilizations are already represented in the BRICS.
So we have institutions to unite this multipolar world. And it is why the Kazan's Forum of BRICS was so successful in this this year. So many many countries want to join BRICS because it is the will to join to accept multipolar philosophy, multipolarity and organization of the world based on multipolarity. That is extremely important. And the last point I would like to emphasize in my speech that we have given the name to our so prestigeous; so high level conference of today in Nepal.
we have chosen the name how what is the place of Nepal and this region in the context of multipolarity. So let us apply these theoretical principles that I have exposed, by now to the case of Nepal. First of all in order to consider the role and the place of Nepal in the multipolar world, we should, first of all, liberate, us from Western influence. So the West, modern West, a liberal West, transgender, LGBT, postmodern West has nothing to do with this region. He is totally strange to this region.
So it's presence there in your your territory, in your country could be only colonial. That is a kind of colonial presence. So the west should be isolated in this stage. Maybe the West will join multipolar club in the future. But now we are living in the transitional period and we need to be very careful to let not let them in.
Multipolarity, it's us, not them. Their role was unipolarity, hegemony, imperialism, and colonization. We have enough of that. Enough. So we need to easily the west from dissolving any concrete conflict on the borders between the ethnical groups.
That's the rule of multipolarity. Let's to let the West be out. The West should concentrate its inner problem. Let them make America great against let, leave us alone. Be busy with making your country great again because it is damaged damaged because you need this very badly.Concentrate on your domestic problem. They are huge. You are losing America, so we wish you good luck. Stay out of Asia. Stay out of Africa.
Stay out of Latin America. Stay out of anything except yourself. Be yourself. Become yourself once more, and we will respect you in that and stop your colonial, colonial politics. But, what we we we have in Nepal.
Nepal, as you have correctly already mentioned, the kind of frontier, not the border but frontier, some space between 2 great and ancient civilization, and today between 2 civilizational states, India and China. Both of them, China and India, exercised certain influence on the politic of Nepal. We see that in different in different aspect. And when when we should agree that the main cultural identity of Nepal is India in the Buddhist or India and majority the influence of Chinese socialism as as well very serious in this country. So you we need to take that in consideration.
And I think that today, between China as one pole of multipolar world and India, the other pole of multipolar world, there is a very, very special relation. The relation of the hostility sometimes; in some aspects, some domain alliances, and so on. So I think that Nepal could play extremely important role in the context of balancing the relations between India and China. Because the role of Frontier is in many many situations is crucial. If we could organize or harmonize the interest of 2 civilizational states In some, frontier, we could solve great problems of humanity.
So small country or small space with deep cultural roots could influence the global politics. But in that sense, how I see maybe I'm wrong. How I see the the role of Nepal, of Bhutan, of Malaysia, of Indonesia as well or this in in the China general, this boy that is the kind of frontier between Chinese poll and Indian poll. And the sovereignty you can establish and defend and reinforce and empower by create participating in the organization of harmonious relations be between 2 civilizational states great civilization states that now as well only begin to understand themselves and their role inside of multipolar system.
India is only now is beginning to have the consciousness of this civilization state that begins with Modi. It is new. It is reassessment, of the deep identity of Indian society. China is going the same way. It is not only socialist Maoist country.
It is not the big economical system involved in, global capital and global market. China is Confucianist civilization, very ancient. And this Confucianism transpires through the system of, through the system of socialist socialism borrowed from the political west. So China's model is not just one of the western political ideology. Chinese socialism is something completely different.
That is a kind of Confucianist, ethical teaching with some social, socialist form. So we need to understand the core. And you living near to the Chinese, being their neighbors, they you understand it better than anybody else. The same for relations with India. So I think that, as well, the factor of Islam in Indonesia, in Malaysia, in Nepal, it is not so big in in the China as well.
But there is presence of Islamic culture here. So, it is not maybe the problem for your country, but for region, for southern Asia, Islam represent very serious serious challenge. So on one hand, we should have to Islamic poll to be formed in order to represent a full scale civilization state. At the same time, we need somehow, feel ourselves in security, in front of some, active aspect of, of this tradition. So in that sense, we should participate actively in the creation of Islamic poll.
Not only observe that from outside, we need to be involved to help to support positive tendencies in creation of Islamic law. And from the beginning, trying to establish some rule to define some balances and harmonious principles of coexistence in the space of the frontier. So that is frontier challenge as well. One more. So I think as well, the next point, Indochina Indochina that is close to Nepal as well is a kind of frontier between Indian and Chinese civilization.
And I think that the same it is challenge for Thailand, for Laos. Laos has joined BRICS, and it's very important. The first country of Indochina has already joined Laos joined BRICS. And maybe Myanmar, will follow and Vietnam, and so on. So Cambodia, Kampuchea.
So, I think that we need to concentrate on this on this, part of the world as a very important frontier line. And I think that in in the theory of multipolar world on the geopolitical level, the challenge of frontier, how organize them as bridges between civilizations. As the common ground and not the territory of hostility is the main challenge for the theory of multipolar world. And not only theory, but practice of multipolar world. And that is up to you.
So you should stay in your country, the people, the country, and the countries who surround Nepal or close to Nepal should understand understand, this art to create multipolarity starting from frontier because frontier is the key element. So you should be when you will interact with India, with China, with the help of very friendly help of Russian Federation is that always ready to support this non alignment, not alignment tendency, this sovereignty, the claim for sovereignty and independent development. We are very ready. we'll be very lucky and happy to to to, as well to friendly participate in that in order to bring peace, prosperity, justice, and democratization of international relations. So but you can, play this in this role, very important role that put you on the level of the highest, hyperpowers of the modern politics if you will stay loyal to your own, origins, your own traditional values and spiritual identity to your core.
And this will give you understanding of the other, of the neighbors of the world. So, there is the Buddhist saying that you can, travel through all the world without going out of your small cabin, small small home in or in your room in Buddhist monastery. If your, understanding, if your mind is open enough, is seeking truths, universal truths, so you could understand, and travel through the world without getting out of your rule. That is very, very, see a very profound wisdom. Really historic event because now multipolarity is in a rise.
Unipolarity is in the decline. The new philosophy of the justice and equity and of fairness on the global level with rehabilitation of the great ancient civilizations is prospering, is emerging, and there all this long period, long lasting period of western domination is approaching to expand. And very very special moment we speak about such things. It is very important we tried to speak the relation between across the civilizational borders as well, across the, frontiers in order to find the common ground or creation of a more just and more balanced international relations system when nothing could be judged or accepted as universal if we, lack the opinion of anybody, any human tribe, any human group, the big civilization or small group of people, we should take in consideration everybody's if, for example, some representative of small tribe doesn't agree with our definition of justice, of rights, of human system, we shouldn't accept that as universal. So should really create inclusive system, anthropologically, humanly inclusive, and that humanism should build different nature. It shouldn't be just projection of the western understanding of what man is, what is humanity, what is normal. For for them, it could be the case, but there are the other who think differently.
And we need to establish this multipolar philosophy on the inclusion and exception of the, hear everybody and take in consideration the opinion about the world, about the death, life, being, time, space of all cultures existing in the world. We could regard them as primitive or developed, but it doesn't matter. That is there is no universal measure. The problem is human or not human. If there is human, something human, we should take an in.
So nothing should be left outside of our multipolar philosophy. That is important. That's very, I think, very Hindu, very Buddhist attitude. So, it is universal consciousness somehow. That is the universal law, the kind of karma that we should respect all of us, including the smallest groups, its smallest entity, as well as nature should be included in our understanding of the what is universal.
So that is first, first element that is so symbolic to speak with the the prominent thinkers and political, leaders of Nepal precisely in that moment because, on you depends precisely to participate actively in the creation of multipolar philosophy. And I think that, immense heritage of the great, Indian, Nepali wisdom is the very important part of this heritage, of this basis. I would like to go, to say some, words about very pertinent, questions about Der al Shirkuh, for example. So I think that Sufi Islam Sufi Islam above all, that is very, very strong in Indonesia and Malaysia, in India, in Nepal as well as you have said from coming from Kashmir. This, Sufi Islam is universal.
That is most universal, most inclusive form of Islamic tradition. More Sufism in the creation, in the concept of Islamic, all more, effective, more harmonious, more wise, more profound will be Islamic politics. So I in any sense, I would like to stress this very pertinent remark. So the heritage of people like, Dar al Shukh, like Akbar, who has suggested this synthesis based on the concept of the, al Ashraq philosophy, that was Islamic but very universal of Sakhrabardin. That I think that these examples of intercultural, interreligious dialogue are precious, and we need to pick them up, to identify them, to promote them.
So I think that Sufi factor should be maybe main factor in the establishment of Islamic world. 2nd point, so I agree that there are many many interesting, parallels, in our tradition. So you know, for example, that in Christian Orthodox tradition, there is a story about the Prince Iosaphat. The ancient Prince Iosaphat who has abdicated his rule and he became, Sannyasin, became the monk in the forest. And all the elements of this history of the Prince Iosaphat in this literally story of Buddha, the history of Buddha, Buddha Gautama, Toltor Buddha Shakyamuni.
All the elements of the history. So we could find common narratives inside our respective tradition. Concerning China, I think that, China is great civilization, and I think that it should be precisely the fact that Nepal didn't lose historically its sovereignty, independence that make Nepal a role model of the frontier of multipolar world. Because you have good relations with both great civilization, you will not you did not disappear on the influence of such huge energy coming out from India, from China. You have conserved your unique sovereign dimension.
That is example of how peaceful coexistence and a conservation of the sovereignty is possible, dealing with the great civilization. If you find the way to be win to to use win win strategy, to be to establish harmon harmonious harmonious relations, you can, reinforce your sovereignty. That is a role model. We need to study this case. Why Nepal had saved its independence?
So that is about the political and cultural and civilizational wisdom. We should study that as as example because that is very, very actual. That is for the future, not only, only the past. And last, last point I would like to to emphasize that is necessity of civilization of our culture, science and education. We have discovered in our center established, recently, 1 year and a half in Moscow Humanitarian State University, we have established high political school, in order to revise, to make a big study about what is the Russian educational paradigm in the humanitarian sciences, first of all.
But not only, but mostly in humanitarian sciences. And we have come to the very dramatical, tragic, result and conclusion that all our humanitarian science is hijacked because, everybody is obliged to follow the criteria of the Western liberal science, making abstracts in English to follow the rules to publish in the in the Scopus system where only Western journals are considered to be scientific. That is colonization of Russian science. Full and deep colonization. So maybe comparing with other society, we look we Russians look very, you know, very developed, advanced, but we are a colony of the western civilization in the epistemological level.
We tried to react during our history, but the westernism in the Russian Russian society is too deep, and it has penetrated our way of thinking. Now we are coming out of this captivity. That is, Egyptian captivity, in the Bible. So our minds are still in the West, and our heart is in Russia. So now we should bring in the the harmony, the heart Russian heart and westernized brains.
So we need to make a huge epistemological revolution, and I presume everybody is invited to do the say now. When I have spoken recently, 2 days ago in the Java Carleo University with vice, chancellor and with chancellor of this university, in New Delhi, they have said the same that Indian humanitarians science mostly is totally penetrated by the western concept theory that are absolutely subversive in present, context. The same consequence, the same situation is in China. China is very keen to defend its sovereignty, but most brilliant, most profound Chinese thinkers have arrived at the same conclusion that, Chinese modern humanitarian science is penetrated by Western doctrines. And that creates the real danger, real threat for the epistemological sovereignty of Chinese tradition.
And how our, friend has remarked, that is why they, try to attack any kind, any centrifugal approach that is different from the western. So the west wants at any price conserve is, its epistemological hegemony. So that is very important. They try to not let us to become ourselves independent from them in the way of thinking. That is why they attack forum conference.
They try to hack, Zoom's comp. And that is why we don't discuss here as you as you see clearly some radical thought, radical ideas. We are speaking about the principles, about philosophy of how organized, peaceful, and harmonious and fair relations in the world. Nothing else. Nothing else.
It's not against someone. It is not radical. It is just the same difficult of highest level discussion. And they try to hack that. And if they could not achieve that, they try to erase to cancel. That is woke or cancel culture. They erase something that goes against their hegemonic liberal, liberal discourse, liberal narratives. And we need, quite opposite. We what will not suppress them. We are not going to limit and reduce their liberty of speech.
If there will be the people who thinks differently, welcome. We will accept you. We will include you with your alternative views. Our attitude is really humanistic. We shouldn't I have already said, we shouldn't replace, one hegemony by the other.
We should destroy all kind of hegemonic discourse including, ours. So we want to create, to construct, to build to build, really multipolar, world order. And that means that we accept us. We accept opposite than us, for example, the West. And we accept those who are not us and not the West.
So that is global south maybe. So that is not necessary to be one against the other. It is to be together and to find a way to hear the opponent of the people who just think differently. And I think that, modern days communist communism, or socialist, tendency when it is in agreement with the cultural roots, it's a positive thing. Because capitalism is not universal.
Capitalism is western. It's the part of the western culture. And the pretension that capitalism is something universal is just hegemonic discourse. It's colonial discourse. So if you agree, you can accept capitalism or you could or can't refuse it, if you are willing to be socialist, you have all the rights to be socialist, anything.
But we should not, we should not regard any form of social, political, economical system and something universal Because capitalism is Western phenomenon. So that is why limits? and we need to to reduce the capitalism to to its historic and geographic limits outside of the west. There was no and there will be never the same capitalist system as in the west. It's just in the west. That is just imperialist claim.
So, so let be all kind of ideological system, let them prosper, and it is up to your society to define what is wrong, what is good, what, fits you, what, doesn't fit you. It is up to you, and that is sovereignty and sovereignty of mind. The main sovereignty is not about political system or economical system or self, outer out of sea. The the main sovereignty is in the mind. So I thank you very much, and I would like to continue relations with all of you, as our institution or in, in all other qualities that, I could present so .
That is Biden's administration, desperate efforts to involve the world in the nuclear war between the West and Russia. And that is the only way to avoid, I think, the court because I think when, Trump comes to power, there will be the serie of the judge, judgments and court cases against crimes or committed by Biden and his gang. So they have usurped the power in the United States. They have hijacked United States of America and submitted to their maniacal, aggressive, interests and they have betrayed. They have committed a high, high treason of United States.
They understand they could not avoid that because I hope with Trump there will be reconciliation in Ukraine somehow. And that will not make the world safer. But I think that the conflict precisely with Ukraine will, a kind, smoother, if Trump will not supply such huge amount of weapon, not the Kyiv regime. So I think that in, expecting that Biden has made a suicidal decision to give, to the Kyiv Kyiv's regime the permission to attack Russia with the missiles of middle and long long range. So, the response was given, 21 November.
We have tried the, middle range, missile called Arezhnik Hazel Hazel, against the city, Dnieper Petrovsk in Ukraine. And, next time this missile that was without or without nuclear had but next time, there's something like that hypersonic missile would hit, some of of of the NATO NATO facility. So as, example that will we are not going to tolerate, passing, red lines, made by by Putin. So we are in a very, very difficult period. So the period that will last, I hope until January and you're coming, Donald Trump into office, but before we will be balancing, over the abyss, over the edge of the abyss of nuclear extinction of humanity.
We don't want that. We will try to avoid that, but desperate efforts of this criminal, this gang of liberals and globalists, they try to save their positions and their life in spite of their loss, not only in the presidential battle. They have lost everything. They have lost their claim to be, to lead the world. And, with Trump, everything will be quite imminent because second term of Trump, it is that means that means that it the first term was not just casual, not mistake.
Something more that there is a inner logic in this refuse of Western American Society of Globalists gang. And I think there will be a kind of revenge, starting from January, that is clear. And the globalists, they try to avoid that desperately, including provoking provoking, nuclear war. We will try to avoid that, but we could not be treated like that. For example, you could not permit Ukrainian Nazis to, use Western, middle, and short range missiles to use against Russian territories.
One more strike, there will be consequence. And Putin has clearly really shown what it will be because in front of hypersonic missile, there is no not any any form of air defense in the West. So we could keep with such hassle, arsenic, missile, any point in the world, any at least at any point in Europe without any risk to prevent, this strike. So that is very serious, and I think that, rationality will overcome in their case and we could avoid that. But we stand strongly for peace.
We don't like to to use that. We are solving our problem in Ukraine with conventional weapons and it is difficult. It's tragic. It is very, very, very sad history, a kind of civil war, something like civil war because Ukrainians and and ourselves, we are the same people,same religion, same people, absolutely same history, same language, same same identity. That is kind of civil war inside and no third path should be intervened in that.
That is our law. That is our rule, and we are going to impose this rule to everybody. And so, let me stop at this point. And, once more, I am grateful to you. I'm very happy to participate in this conference, and to have the possibility to speak with such high audience.
Thank you.