The first conference was on 4 ª Political Theory
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During the last days 24 and 25 of February was held in San Lorenzo de El Escorial the Seminar of metapolitics: "Keys and visions for a metapolitical resistance in Spain."
Half a hundred people from different and distant points of the Spanish geography, came to listen to the papers and participate in the round tables with the speakers who generously and selflessly responded to the invitation of the seminar.
After a brief presentation by Dionisio Romero, one of the organizers of the meeting, grateful for the assistance to those present and briefly explaining the origin and intentions of the initiative, we proceeded to give the floor to the invited speakers.
In this way, José Alsina Calvés opened the sessions with the conference "Hispanism and Fourth Political Theory", where he gave a brief introduction on the nature and fundamental points of the 4th Political Theory proposed by the Russian thinker and philosopher Alexander Dugin, and on The idea of Hispanism and Hispanism as possible genuinely Spanish ways of expression for their own counterhegemonic discourse and for the creation of a differentiated geopolitical space.
Javier Ruiz Portella during his talk: "Populism: a ghost travels Europe".
Alsina explained the philosophical bases that Dugin has used to articulate a metapolitical paradigm that goes beyond liberalism (1st Theory), Marxism (2nd Theory) and Nazi-fascism (3 \ Theory), inspiring to do so among other sources in Eurasianism, The New French Right (without falling into the acerbic accusation of Christianity as the matrix of modernity, case of Alain de Benoist), or the work of the philosopher Martin Heidegger and the consideration of the concept of time.
Then, closing the day on Friday Javier Ruiz Portella took the floor, to speak of "Populism: a ghost travels Europe", a paper focused on the populist phenomenon currently booming and its different and diverse incarnations, right and left of the frame Political, and also beyond, both in Europe and in other parts of the world.
Portella reviewed some of the manifestations of this phenomenon, from the parties of nationalist orientation to Eurosceptics, analyzing phenomena such as the Brexit, the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. Or the emergence of the Alt-Right call.

José Javier Esparza: "From the New Right to the Alt-Right ".
On Saturday morning, the Holy Mass was celebrated in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, celebrated by Father Ángel Martín Rubio, for whom he wanted to participate.
The seminar resumed with the intervention of José Javier Esparza, who under the title "From the New Right to the 'alt-right'", briefly explained the formation, nature and historical journey of the school of thought known as New Right, Impact on the movements of the "alternative right," and their relationship to the specifically American complex of Alt-Right tendencies, their nature and character, analyzing the role played by that phenomenon in Donald Trump's campaign in the last elections , The profile of the voters of the new president and the reasons for the latter's victory.

Alsina, Esparza and Portella during the first discussion table.
Esparza also showed his reluctance to use conspiracy theories when analyzing the complexity of international, political, social, economic and cultural affairs and emphasized the existence of different "constellations of interests" that false economic-political elites Cultural institutions establish to devastate the national identities and to implant a world-wide discourse that now has in the limits that the biology imposes its new and last objective, in order to construct an indifferent and moldable human being, pointing towards the horizon of a sinister and diffuse transhumanismo .
After the first three interventions, the first discussion table was held, with the participation of Alsina, Ruiz Portella and Esparza, on "international schools and trends".
During the course of the roundtable, participants at the seminar were able to raise their reflections and ask their questions to the speakers, establishing a lively debate that covered a variety of topics.
During this session, questions related to previous interventions were discussed, clarifying concepts about the Fourth Political Theory, Hispanism, the emergence of populism, the victory of Donald Trump, or the question of the Alt-Right .
Other important topics were also discussed, such as the nature and current situation of globalization, the constellations of economic-political-cultural interests, or world-class discourses (gender ideology, animalism, transhumanism, etc.), almost always drawing parallels with Situation in Spain, and on the possibility of the emergence and / or construction on our soil of a discourse of contestation and of national political structures that could embody it.

López Diéguez: "The Spanish thought in the panorama of the identity of the right".
After a short break the activity was resumed with the intervention of Rafael López-Diéguez, entitled "Spanish political thought in the right identity landscape", where the speaker drew a tour of his own political career explaining some of the consequences , The problems, the harassment and the ostracism that supposes to defend today a discourse vasado in the catholic values.
López-Diéguez explained the need to live up to the historic moment by taking advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the new winds that blow in the West, planting face to the increasingly totalitarian world-wide speeches and building serious structures and viable projects, as Has been made in other countries. To this end, he explained the case of the new pan-European party Coalition for Life and Family, in whose birth he has been involved, and his participation in other types of projects aimed at influencing Spanish political life.

P. Martín Rubio: "The Social Doctrine and the role that the Church should play. Teo-politics ".
After the meal, Father Ángel David Martín Rubio took the floor in the afternoon to speak on "The Social Doctrine or the role that the Church should play. Teo-politics ".
During his speech, Father Angel David explained the obligation that both the Church and Catholics have to participate in political life and in the construction of a moral, social and economic order in line with the message of Christ and the teachings and Tradition Catholics, even in times like the present, where the need to become authentic and genuine Katéjon becomes a requirement for every Catholic and for every Christian institution.
Manuel Fernández Espinosa closed the lecture cycle with his "Claiming of Carlism as a Hispanist vector", in which he explained the origins, nature, trajectory, present and fundamental points of this genuinely Spanish and popular political, social and cultural expression and aspects More important to draw today from this school when it comes to building and vertebrate a Hispanic speech and political structures effective for the present time.

Fernández Espinosa: "Claiming Carlism as a Hispanist vector".
Fernandez Espinosa spoke mainly of the original carlismo that fought the revolutionary hurricanes coming from France and the bad Spaniards who allowed themselves to be infected of that liberal plague. He also advocated preventing the ruin of the countryside to save Spain, giving back to its peoples the identity that has been mocked by enemy elites.
Finally, the second discussion table was held, with the participation of López-Diéguez, Father Martín Rubio, Fernández Espinosa and Alsina Calvés, focused on the "national panorama".
In the exchange of questions and answers, questions of the current situation of the Catholic Church or of the problems raised by the Second Vatican Council, not only on the liturgical level, but also on the subject of hermeneutics, were dealt with in detail. dogmatic.

López-Diéguez, Alsina, Martín Rubio and Fernández Espinosa during the 2nd discussion table.
During the debate the Spanish situation was also discussed in relation to the separatist wave, the persistence and decay of the national feeling, the construction of patriotic political structures, and other subjects.
After the discussion table, the Seminar was officially closed and the participants and participants were gratefully acknowledged for their involvement and generosity in participating in an initiative of this nature.
Due to the success of the meeting, the possibility of convening a new edition was left open and the present ones were invited to communicate to the organization all those proposals, criticisms and suggestions on possible topics to be addressed. The channels of communication between the organizers and the assistants for new projects and projects in common have also been left open.