US: the uncertainty of post-liberal era
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There are situations where the predictions and plans made beforehand realise in the field of facts. Then you can follow them comparing and reality check is backed by the correlation with forecast: this is correct, that is wrong, that is deviation.
But there are situations where the facts contradict any prevision and plan, overturning the table and proving that the previous paradigm as such was wrong. Totally. Not only in regard to future but in itself. If something happens that normally couldn’t happen in any circumstances that means that the very structure of normality was erroneous and analysis was based on some deep error. When you fail to see the future and to control it that means you are wrong about the present and past.
That was the case of late USSR. According the Marxist dogmatic interpretation of history socialism follows capitalism. And there can not be reverse. Never. So the return to capitalism was considered as strictly impossible. When it happened the socialism as doctrine has exploded. The late USSR failed to predict the future and disappeared - the country and ideology. Forever. It was not just manifestation of black swan. It was inner implosion of ideological structure. "That is the end, my friend."
The same thing is happening now with liberalism. After the collapse of USSR Fukuyama’s end of the history has come. And the global victory of liberalism was seen and interpreted as something irreversible. The world government was (almost) already here. Globalism started to reign. The western liberalism has overcome all historic foes - catholicism, empires, estates, national states, fascism, communism - all systems based on collective identity. Only liberation from gender collective identity has rested. Hence gender politics. Preparation of post-humanism era has begun.
According the liberal doctrine the reverse was deemed strictly impossible. Only progress. It is how woke-politics has arrived. And cancel culture and left liberalism and post-modernism and post-humanism and strong AI and Singularity and optimistic accelerationism.
When Trump appeared on the horizon in 2016 that was understood as short circuit, as if the computer has stoned. Just mistake. He shouldn’t win. Never. Some technical error. Black swan. The theory of probability acknowledges that such things happen. In 2020 the progressists did all they could to improve that. By all means. Including lie, fraud, violence. 2024 elections approached. Fukuyama and Harari warned: if Trump wins that means the end of (liberal) world. He shouldn’t.
Trump has won. The end of liberal world has happened. As a matter of fact. It is here. The fact checking denies liberal predictions. And all their efforrts to stop Trump have failed. Trump is more than just Trump. He is the history. In its illiberal, post-liberal turn.
The second coming of Trump wasn’t possible inside of liberal dogma. Not twice. That is no more niether short circuit nor black swan. It is like the end of Soviet system - something impossible, overthrowing all predictions, plans, forecasts. The liberals have lost the future.
The liberals have lost control over the future. But not only that. They have lost the control over the past. The whole ideological doctrine of liberalism proved to be wrong. The liberalism has failed. The field of facts has crossed out the frame of liberal doctrine. Exactly as in the case of USSR with Marxism.
The second arrival of Trump, Vance and trumpists was strictly impossible, unforeseen. That is why they tried to kill Trump. Twice. They strived to save the future correcting the facts. Artificially. They have lost. The post-liberal future is here. Totally unknown. Unpredicted.
In the case of collapse of USSR the situation was a bit easier. Socialist ideology has imploded and Russia has adopted liberal ideology. Awkwardly. But as it could. One of the two poles has gone, and Russia has taken the ideology of the pole that was still there. Cut and paste methode. That was crossing out socialist dogma but renferocing liberal one. Russians agreed with the Fukuyama. Russia has capitulated ideologically totally. Geopolitically Russia has saved nevertheless (partly) its sovereignty. When Putin has arrived to power he has relied on that sovereignty and started to reaffirm Russian independence emphasizing more and more State in realist perspetcive. That was the beginning of Russian contradictions with liberalism and globalism.
With the end of liberal system- that is ending right now in US - the tings are more complicated. There is no more poles outside of the collective liberal West. At least US hegemonic consciousness doesn't recognize any that could serve as role model in the field of ideology. Cut and paste strategy is impossible. The US has overcome itself, its liberal moment.
In favour of what? Nobody knows.That is the beauty of present situation. And challenge. And danger.
Here comes the phenomenon of trumpo-futurism. American traditional values plus colonization of Mars and overcoming Great Filter. Cyber Conservative Revolution. Space Empire. AI reeducated by the team of War Room of Steve Bannon and Alex Jones. Dark Enlightenment and black accelerationism.
Exciting. Not to forget to publish Epstein list and to arrest Alexander Soros.