Russia vs. Anti-Russia: Interests and Values
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The global scale of the Ukrainian problem
The fate of the world order is being decided in Ukraine. This is not a local conflict between two powers that have not divided something between them. It is a fundamental watershed in history.
There is common practice to separate the interests and the values. Interests are connected with the political and geopolitical balance of power, values – with civilizational ideals. There are no military conflicts that have not had both dimensions – the issue of value and the pragmatic goals. In the case of Ukraine, both – interests and values — are global in nature and affect everyone on the globe directly. This is not a local incident.
Ukraine missed its chance to build a State
What does Ukraine stand for? At first glance it is its national State with its (presumably) rational interests, its national values and ideals. Ukraine got its chance to become a State relatively recently – as a result of the collapse of the USSR. It had no national history. That is why the question of identity was at the forefront. There were two peoples on the territory of Ukraine – a western and an eastern one. The first considered itself an independent ethnos, while the second was part of the big Russian world, cut off from it only by chance. Ukraine was given a chance to create a State, but only if it took into account the positions of both peoples, both almost equal parts.
The Ukrainian nationalism has more distinctly declared itself during the Orange revolution of 2004-2005, when the Westerners rebelled against the victory of the candidate from the Ukrainian East.
And then an external factor came into play – geopolitics, Great War of Continents. The West, for its part, saw in the (almost accidentally) independent Ukraine an opportunity to create an anti-Russian bridgehead on this territory in order to contain the likely strengthening of Russia after it comes out of the shock of the collapse of the USSR. It was inevitable, and the West was preparing for it. Therefore, it was the West that staked on the inhabitants of the western regions of Ukraine and their identity and began to support only them in every possible way on the behalf of other – pro-Russian – half.
The geopolitical genesis of Ukrainian Nazism
It was then that the task of establishing a Western Ukrainian identity as an pan-Ukrainian identity came up. To do this, it was necessary to carry out cultural and, if necessary, direct genocide of the people of Eastern Ukraine. In order to accelerate the formation of the Ukrainian nation, which had never existed in history, the West agreed to extreme measures – to artificially create a simulacrum of “One Nation” and suppress the pro-Russian sentiments of the Eastern Ukraine, it went to the use of Nazi ideology. However, it is not the first time – to fight against Soviet influences in the Islamic world during the Cold War (and later to counter Russia) the West actually created, supported and pumped weapons and money into Islamic fundamentalism (from al-Qaeda to ISIS).
Nazism in Ukraine is not just individual extremist parties and movements, it is the main political-technological vector that, with the support of the West, began to take shape in the early 1990s. While pursuing Nazism on their territory, Western liberals – and the most radical ones (Soros, Bernard-Henri Levy, etc.) – openly fraternized with Ukrainian Nazis. Nazification of Ukraine was the only way for the West to quickly create an Anti-Russia on its territory. Otherwise, if democracy, even if relative, was preserved, the voice of the East would not allow to build Anti-Russia (at least at desired speed).
Russia’s reaction by the reunification with Crimea, and the uprising of the pro-Russian Donbass followed. Russian Spring was intended to divide Ukraine into Western Ukraine and Novorossia along the lines of two peoples, two identities, but it was scrapped for a number of reasons.
Stages of Ukrainian Nazism
The seizure of power by pro-Western Nazis in Ukraine took place in stages. Since the beginning of the 1990s, nationalist movements and parties began to form, and propaganda influenced young people, instilling Russophobic attitudes in their minds. At the same time, the Ukrainian identity turned into a two-faced Janus:
a liberal smile to the West and
a Nazi (Bandera, Shukhevich) grimace of hatred to Russia.
The Ukrainian nationalism has more distinctly declared itself during the Orange revolution of 2004-2005, when the Westerners rebelled against the victory of the candidate from the Ukrainian East. As a result, the Western-born Yushchenko came to power, supported by nationalists and liberals. But his rule was a complete failure, and he was replaced by the presumably pro-Eastern Yanukovich.
But during all the time the pumping up of Ukrainian Nazism went on. At all stages, the West continued to build the Anti-Ukraine.
An alliance of liberals with Nazis
At the Maidan in 2013-1014 there was a final turning point. With the direct and open support of the West, a coup d’état took place, and a Russophobic alliance of Nazis and liberals seized power, merging into something indivisible in the new government. The liberal oligarchs Poroshenko and Kolomoisky helped to turn Ukraine into a perfect Nazi state. The West demanded Anti-Russia, and Kiev strictly followed this plan.
Russia’s reaction by the reunification with Crimea, and the uprising of the pro-Russian Donbass followed. Russian Spring was intended to divide Ukraine into Western Ukraine and Novorossia along the lines of two peoples, two identities, but it was scrapped for a number of reasons. Thus Kiev was given the opportunity to begin the Nazification of the eastern territories. The genocide of the East began with new force and not only against the resisting Donbass, but against all areas of Novorossia – both the occupied parts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and all others.
The West did not just turn a blind eye to this, but promoted it in every way possible. In this case we can say that the West compromised its values for the sake of its interests. Geopolitics (Atlanticism) this time have happened to be more important than liberalism.
This is how Liberal-Nazism as a pragmatic ideology of Ukraine has by necessity become accepted by the West itself. Hence the policy of the global networks for Ukrainian Nazi support and cancelling all alternative voices – Youtube, facebook, twitter, Instagram, Google and so on
The anti-Russia has been created
At the same time Western ideas and norms such as gender policy, LGBT+, more or less free drug circulation, post-modernist culture (understood by Ukrainians as total nihilism and cynicism), cancelling, feminism, wokeism and so on actively penetrated the Ukrainian society. As a result, by 2022 Ukraine had become a full-fledged anti-Russia.
Its national interests at this point consisted of
recapturing Donbass and the Crimea,
accession to NATO,
completing the full cycle of genocide in the East,
obtaining nuclear and biological weapons that could be used against Russia,
plus the ideology consisted of Russophobia and Nazism combined with Westernism and liberalism.
This is what Kiev defends today at the level of interests and values. The West fully supports Kiev in everything except its readiness to enter into a nuclear confrontation with Russia. The West has turned Ukraine into the Anti-Russia, and it needs it only in this capacity.
Russophobia as a new global ideology
It is indicative that in the critical situation of the special military operation, the West found itself in a difficult position: now it must not only explain its interests, but also justify Ukrainian Nazism, which was no longer possible to hide. Take the recent photograph in Odessa of Bernard-Henri Levy, the iconic ideologue of global liberalism and ardent supporter of Great Reset, with openly neo-Nazi, former head of the punitive “Aidar” battalion and head of the military administration of Odessa, Maxim Marchenko.
This is how Liberal-Nazism as a pragmatic ideology of Ukraine has by necessity become accepted by the West itself. Hence the policy of the global networks for Ukrainian Nazi support and cancelling all alternative voices – Youtube, facebook, twitter, Instagram, Google and so on — which have been declared recently “terrorist organizations” and banned in the Russian Federation. Russophobia became the common denominator for this unholy alliance between Nazis and globalist Liberals.
The West quickly found a way out: equating Russia itself with “Nazism”, a crusade was declared against it, in which anti-Russian Nazism was considered a completely acceptable ally, that is “not Nazism at all” – despite its symbols, criminal practices, declared and implemented genocide, torture, rapes, child and organ traffics, ethnic cleansing, etc.
For the Russian geopolitical interests to be realized, anti-Russia must not exist on the territory of Ukraine. And seen from the point of view of the West, it’s the quite opposite, because the West created this anti-Russia precisely to not let it happen.
Interests and values of the global West: hegemony, liberal totalitarianism, Russophobia
This is how the configuration of confrontation between two camps was built. On the one hand, we have the West and its geopolitical interests — the desire
to expand NATO,
to preserve the unipolar model,
to continue globalization and the process of turning humanity into a single mass under the control of the World Government (the Great Reset project),
to save the crumbling hegemony of the United States.
This corresponds to an equally total spread of ideology –
the demand for the cancelling of all dissents,
LGBT+, feminism, and transgenderism,
postmodernism, deliberate destruction and mockery on classical cultural heritage,
wokeism, the willingness to denounce those who contest the liberalism (qualifies as enemies of open society hence committing thought crime),
posthumanism, forced migration of humanity into a virtual dimension (Meta project, one more a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation),
fnd to this today is added Russophobic Nazism.
The artificially created in Ukraine Liberal-Nazi ideology of anti-Russianism is penetrating the West itself, where Russophobia is becoming an obligatory norm, and its absence or disagreement with it is subject to administrative or criminal pursuit. Thus the Ukrainian tail began to wag Washington’s dog. Today, in the face of Russia’s special military operation, Liberalism has finally and inseparably merged with Nazism (in its Russophobic version).
Atlantism vs. Eurasianism is the final battle in the territory of Ukraine. This is a classic position of geopolitical theory from Mackinder to Putin.
Russia’s Interests: a Multipolar World
Now what are Russia’s interests and values in this fundamental conflict?
First, geopolitical interests. Russia categorically rejects globalism, a unipolar world, and Western hegemony. In practice, this means hard resistance to NATO’s eastward expansion and to all other forms of Western pressure on Russia. Moscow is building a multipolar world in which it is reclaiming its place as an independent and sovereign pole. It is supported in this by Beijing and a number of Islamic and Latin American countries. India is also drifting to a similar world order model. Later on, everyone else – including the countries of Europe and America – will be convinced of the attractiveness, validity and inevitability of such a construction.
For the Russian geopolitical interests to be realized, anti-Russia must not exist on the territory of Ukraine. And seen from the point of view of the West, it’s the quite opposite, because the West created this anti-Russia precisely to not let it happen. So, we have a fundamental conflict of interests, which Russia tried to resolve peacefully, but it didn’t work out. Hence the new tough phase.
Atlantism vs. Eurasianism is the final battle in the territory of Ukraine. This is a classic position of geopolitical theory from Mackinder to Putin. As Brzezinski (rather correctly) put it in the 1990s: “Without Ukraine, Russia will never rise again”. And with Ukraine it will, the strategists in Moscow decided correctly.
Russia’s Values: Tradition, Spirit, Man
Let’s move on to values. Today, the West and Kiev are struggling for a pathological (from the standpoint of political theory) synthesis of Liberalism and Nazism. Both are united by Russophobia.
The liberal globalists’ Russophobia is explained by their hatred of a sovereign Russia that brings down the unipolar world, destroys the plans of the globalists and the hegemony of the West. Kiev’s Russophobia is based on the fact that Russia prevents the genocide of the population of the East and the creation of the Ukrainian nation. This is how Liberalism and Nazism will join together in a single impulse. Hatred of Russians, calls for the physical destruction of Russians starting from President Putin to infants, women and old people merge with LGBT+ propaganda, defense of gay marriage and postmodernist culture. These are the values of a civilization that has declared war on Russia.
Russia defends other values. First, traditional values – power, sovereignty, faith, a normal family, humanity, cultural heritage. Second, Russia insist on legitimate protection of Russians – concretely in Ukraine, threatened by extermination and victim of genocide. Third, Eurasian values — Russia itself is open to different peoples and cultures and categorically rejects all forms of Nazism and racism. Russia recognizes the right of others to go their own way and to build the type of society that will be chosen – but not at the expense of Russia itself and the peoples who seek in Russia – as in the Ark – salvation. These are the foundations of the modern Russian Idea opposed to Western and Ukrainian Liberal-Nazism.
Russian civilization versus anti-Russian civilization
Interests and values of us and them are opposite. The goals and consequences of the conflict are global, affecting the entire world order, all countries and peoples. The scale of the conflict is planetary.
Two systems collide – the Liberal-Nazi camp of the West and Russia, defending not only their Russian Idea, but also a multipolar world order, in which other ideas can exist – Chinese, Islamic, and the same Western, but where there is no place for Nazism and compulsory globalist Liberalism.
Hence the purpose of the special military operation is denazification. This applies directly to Ukraine, but indirectly to everyone else. Russia will not tolerate Russophobia in any form. This is already a matter of principle.
It is a clash of civilizations – the Russian civilization against the anti-Russian.
The fate of the fifth column in Russia itself
Now we should pay attention to the fifth column, which tried to rebel against the special military operation, but was quickly stopped and fled abroad at the first stage, and especially to the sixth column, which previously successfully mimicked for years, expressing formal loyalty to Putin.
The liberals’ fifth column has been unequivocally on the side of the anti-Russian since the first Chechen campaign. Speech and statements of the majority of Russian opposition liberal figures are full of hatred for Russia. Many of them had fled Russia even earlier, settling in the U.S., Europe, Israel, and Kiev. And many of them chose Kiev consciously, as a stronghold of Anti-Russia, that is, as their ideological fiefdom. And of course, they did not notice the flourishing of Ukrainian Nazism there – with it they share a Russophobia common for both. Many of Russia’s fifth column Liberals also became Nazis themselves, or at least their apologists.
Today, the fifth column in Russia is under a tight ban and does not pose much of a threat. But on the whole, its interests and values coincide with Washington, the CIA, the Pentagon, the NATO bloc and Kiev, which they serve. So it is a pure enemy. I do not need to remind you again what one does with an enemy under martial law.
The systemic liberals are between the hammer and the anvil
The situation with the sixth column is much more complicated. Today, it is precisely this column which is in the center of attention. It is made up of what has been called “system liberals” such as oligarchs, politicians, bureaucrats and cultural figures who share the liberal ideology (monetarism, dollar imperialism, currency board, cosmopolitanism, LGBT+, transgender people, globalization, digitalization, etc.) but do not openly oppose Putin.
Today, they find themselves in a difficult position – between a hammer and anvil. It was against the sixth column that the West imposed serious economic sanctions, took away their yachts and palaces, froze their bank accounts and seized their real estate. The goal was the same: to get them to overthrow Putin. But that’s impossible and means suicide.
So the sixth column is now confused – the West has demanded from it something impossible. So they either have to flee Russia and fight Putin from the outside (as Chubais and a number of other iconic figures of the Russian oligarchy did), or solidify with a special military operation, but this would cross out their position in the West and deprive them of their loot stacked there. And here’s the main point: they cannot remain liberals anymore – not even systemic ones, because liberalism today has merged with Russophobia on a global scale, has become a version of Nazism. And you can not be a Nazi and at the same time fight against Nazism, Unsolvable paradox.
Our victory does not depend only on the heroic actions of our army, the successes of military and strategic planning, the material support of the operation, the effective political and administrative management of the liberated territories, etc. It depends on how deeply and completely Russia becomes Russia.
It turns out that either Russia or liberalism.
If the systemic liberals (the sixth column) want to remain systemic, they have to stop being liberals. Liberalism today is equal to Nazism, and Russia has launched an unprecedented operation of denazification. Consequently, systemic liberals must denazify (i.e de-liberalize) themselves.
Conversion to patriotism
Many former liberals of the 90’s already made their decision at previous stages, choosing between Russia with its traditional values and the West with its liberal-Nazi values. These did chose Russia and Tradition. And it is great and right decision. No problem with them. A person can change his/her mind, can be mistaken, can pursue tactical goals, in the end, can sin and repent. No one is going to throw stones at ex-liberals who have become patriots. But a certain ritual of change in ideology, a kind of conversion to patriotism, is still worthwhile.
It would be wrong to convert, as Spanish Jews to Catholicism, systemic liberals to patriotism by force. This is a question of ideology and freedom of conscience. And here, violence will only have the opposite effect. But the ruling elite of society in such a tense and decisive time should consist of those who fully share the interests and values of the country waging an ontological war against a strong ad powerful adversary – for the interests and values. And if the elite does not share the values, and do not understand the interests, then it has no sense to be elite – at least the ruling one.
People in both Russia and Ukraine are waiting for Moscow to say real words. A true speech. A sincere appeal to the depths of people’s being. It is time to say that this special military operation belongs to the category of sacred.
Today, the war between Russia and the global Anti-Russia is in full swing. It would be unnatural to maintain enemy networks within Russia. Therefore, if the sixth column chooses Russia, it can no longer be called “system liberals,” sounding as contradiction like being “system Nazis”. The current state of affairs does not allow this.
Russia must become Russia: the Russian Light
Our victory does not depend only on the heroic actions of our army, the successes of military and strategic planning, the material support of the operation, the effective political and administrative management of the liberated territories, etc. It depends on how deeply and completely Russia becomes Russia. Today the appeal to the Russian Idea is not a whim of power. Even the Soviet Communists, through the mouth of Stalin in a difficult critical situation appealed to the Russian people, to the Orthodox Church, to the Tradition and to our heroic history. Today, nothing stands in the way of this. Except for the prejudices of systemic liberals, who, I hope, simply have not yet realized the seriousness of their own situation.
People in both Russia and Ukraine are waiting for Moscow to say real words. A true speech. A sincere appeal to the depths of people’s being. It is time to say that this special military operation belongs to the category of sacred.
Today again a Russian soldier and a Russian citizen at the rear, a Russian son and a Russian mother, a Russian priest and a Russian poet are deciding the fate of mankind.
Russia in mortal combat with Anti-Russia stands as a civilization of Light. This is our interests and values. We bring once more the Light to the world, silent, but unquenchable quiet Russian Light.