Rejecting Liberal Racism and Reclaiming True Identities
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We need to end with DEI. That means there are peoples, plurality of ethnoi, cultures, civilisations, religions - always in plural. But these identities are collective never individual.
Being white is totally void characteristic. Exactly as being black, or yellow, or green. The meaning begins with being English, or French, or French, or Russian. That is positive cultural, historic, linguistics, spiritual identity. Likewise being Chinese, Fulani, Sioux, Māori.
Ethnic is great thing. Race is not at all, it is gross approximation telling almost nothing about the sense, the meaning of identity. Poorest people are AfroAmericans. The masters have destroyed consciously their identity being Yoruba, Fon, Bantu.
The concept of Black race from the beginning was colonial, pejorative, humiliating. That was just negation, meaning not white. White race is identical void negative concept meaning simply not black. They are hideous and disgusting all these forms of racism - White and critical.
Racism was created by liberals who refuse the ethical identity of peoples. It is artificial concept. It is globalist theory. The people and the peoples of America is very appealing concept beyond both liberal racism and liberal individualism.
Being white is totally void characteristic. Exactly as being black, or yellow, or green. The meaning begins with being English, or French, or German, or Russian. That is positive cultural, historic, linguistics, spiritual identity. Likewise being Chinese, Fulani, Sioux, Māori.
There is no white language.there is plethora of Indo-European languages. English, Latin, Greek, Russian, Celtic, but as well Persian, Hindi, Tajik, Pushtu (Afgani), Urdu (Pakistani). Afghan or Pakistani gangs are Indo-European. White? Originally yes.
To be racist can only totally ignorant individual with zero competence in history, culture, linguistic. Ethnics, tradition, culture, collective identity is totally different case. Our enemies put all in the same garbage can. I am against all kind of racism.
But it natural to any people to live on its own land with historical roots. West for Westerners. Rest for Resterns. Africa for Africans. China for Chinese. Eurasia for Eurasianists.
All kind of universality is geographically limited. There is no universal truth. All truth’s are culturally preconditioned and depend on civilization. I belong to Russian Orthodox Christian civilization. I recognise my truth there. For me Christ is the Lord, the Son of God.
If you accept that you are Russian. If you don’t you are something else. All the rest is colonialism and globalism. America for Americans. For those who consider themselves American, who breathe and speak and think American.
Immigration, confusion and imposed obligatory mixture is the weapon of globalists trying to destroy identities, peoples, ethical cultures. They creat post-human species that will be easy to replace by robots. The being without ethnos is already almost robot. Das Man.
India for Hindu.
Best solution for Ukraine - Trump announces: not my war. That is the point. All the rest is for Moscow, Kiev, EU. America is out.
I am against all forms of hierarchy among the peoples. There can not be such thing.
Ethnos is great thing. Race is not at all, it is gross approximation telling almost nothing about the sense, the meaning of identity. Poorest people are AfroAmericans. The masters have destroyed consciously their identity being Yoruba, Fon, Bantu.
To be racist can only totally ignorant individual with zero competence in history, culture, linguistic. Ethnos, tradition, culture, collective identity are totally different case. Our enemies put all in the same garbage can. I am against all kind of racism.