The Western Modernity is Antichrist
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What the life after woke looks like? If we want to overcome woke, we need to identify its roots and extract them. The roots are nominalism, hyper-individualism and liberalism as ideology inviting every individual to abandon any form of collective identity.
The woke ideology of globalist liberal left is the logical consequence of whole history of liberalism. Liberation from Catholic Church, estates, Empire, national states, collectives ideologies (fascism and communism), race, ethnic identity, gender and humanity as specie.
Woke is not just casual perversion, aberration, deviation. It is final stage of the Western Modernity. Woke is much more founded than anti-woke. In order to get rid of it we need to overcome the Modernity itself, to make profound criticism of it.
Modernity, its spirit, its paradigm is incompatible with Tradition, religion, Christianity. Either or. Without great return to Pre-modernity and its ontology we will vulnerable. Western Modernity is Antichrist. Woke phase is but finalization of its manifestation.
But Pre-modernity has to be understood as super-temporal paradigm. As something eternal. Pre-modernity is not only behind us. It can exist now and it can become our future. It is rather the eternity than the past. The Modernity denied eternity in favor of pure temporality.
Woke is the final stage of pure duration - without any meaning, total victory of time over eternity. Meaning is a glimpse of eternity inside temporality. Hence, the end of history and the end of man. The time without reference to eternity can not be counted, measured.
There are two types of rule - King of the World, Jesus Christ, rule of eternity and prince of this world, Satan, rule of pure time. Modernity is the shift of power from first to second. It is democratic and demonocratic rebellion of matter against spirit. Woke is disclosure of it Technic is metaphysical phenomenon. The essence of the technic is not technic. Technic is something modern, not traditional. That is alienation. It could be tamed, but still it is as riding the tiger. Technic is a kind of damnation. We can pass it as initiation, as descent in hell Dark accelerationism is much more serious and responsible than optimistic one. Dark accelerationism (right tech) is left-hand path. Right trad is right-hand path. Silicon Valley is space for authentic satanists but as well for aghoris. Pieter Thiel is aghori.