Vote for AfD!
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The vote for AfD is the answer to “to be or not to be” for Germany. Without AfD, there will be no Germany anymore.
If you, being German, vote for Merz, you vote for the accelerated nuclear destruction of Germany, Europe, and perhaps the whole world. Take responsibility and be aware.
If you like Trump, Musk, and Bannon, vote for AfD. If you like Putin (why not), vote for AfD. If you like Germany, vote for AfD. If you like Europe, vote for AfD. If you admire Meister Eckhart, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Nietzsche, Heidegger, vote for AfD. If you don’t like any of them, still vote for AfD.
Vote for AfD if you are a nihilist, socialist, nationalist, Christian, Muslim, pagan, Buddhist, agnostic, atheist. Vote for AfD, and you will see how wonderful reality can be.
Some say the Kali-Yuga is over. That depends on us. Let’s finish it. Now. Ragnarök is scheduled for tomorrow. Vote for AfD.
Thanks for the reminder: if you appreciate Bach, Mozart, Wagner, Mendelssohn, and Tchaikovsky, or Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, vote for AfD.
If you have some psychological or physiological issues, vote for AfD, and you will find relief, more than that, a cure!
Stop pretending, come out — AfD is yourself, your unconscious.
Be yourself; Dein Selbst befiehlt dir: Wähle AfD!