Shanghai Lecture 4 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony 中国
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China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony
International Relations & Geopolitics 国际政治 和 地缘政治 China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony
Academic course of prof. Alexander Dugin (杜金教授的学术课程)
4 lectures (四个讲座): 1. International Relations (国际关系) 2. Geopolitics (地缘政治) 3. Multipolarity, unipolarity, hegemony (多极, 单极, 霸权) 4. China in IR, geopolitics, globalization, hegemony (在国际关系中的中国,地缘政治,全球化,霸权) 在国际关系中的中国,地缘政治,全球化,霸权
Identity of China 中国的认同 China中国 is Civilization 文明(one of several, not unique) China中国 is Big Space 大空间 (one of several, not unique)
China中国 is Culture文化 (one of several, not unique)
China中国 is Power 权 (one of several, not unique)
China中国 is Pole 极 (one of several, not unique)
China中国 is Hegemony 霸权 (one of several, not unique)
China中国 is Empire 帝国 (one of several, not unique)
China中国 is Tianxia 天下 (one of several, not unique)
Identity of China
Relations are most important (constitutional)
Harmony should prevail
All oppositions are relative
Order is based on ethics
There is neither pure subjectivity nor pure objectivity
Dao is everywhere and nowhere
Matter and spirit form fold 折
Symmetry: center/periphery not top/bottom
Extremities are dangerous
Time is circular
Inclusiveness not exclusiveness
Relations are secondary
Competition (struggle) should prevail
All oppositions are radical and irreducible
Order is based on power
There is pure subjectivity and/or pure objectivity
Transcendence with God or without God
Matter and spirit are two natures
Symmetry: top/bottom
Extremities are constitutional
Time is linear
Exclusiveness not inclusiveness