What the Japanese Need to Understand the Fourth Political Theory
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We Japanese have forgotten many things with the defeat in the war. While some ideas fade away with the passage of time, there are also many that must not be forgotten. To find them, we need to work like miners in a mine, going back and forth between the surface and the underground, searching for rough diamonds deep in the tunnels. This is the role of workers like me.
In order for Japanese people to deeply understand the importance of Professor Alexander Dugin’s “Fourth Political Theory,” it is first necessary to understand the ideas of our important predecessors. Here, I would like to introduce a Japanese person.
The Ideas and Influences of Kanji Ishihara
Kanji Ishihara (1889 - 1949) was a former Imperial Army soldier and is known as one of the masterminds behind the Manchurian Incident. He had his own strategic thought and proposed the “World Final War Theory.” This theory holds that East Asia will ultimately become the center of the world and peace will be achieved. Ishihara’s unique ideas and actions greatly influenced the Japanese military in the interwar period, but his hard-line military actions and pro-war stance were later the subject of debate. Despite being a key figure in the Japanese army, he was never held accountable for the war. However, after the defeat, his military actions and ideas during the war were not reevaluated, and his original strategic theories were buried in the currents of the times. After the war, he had no political or military influence and died in 1949.
Of his talents, it is the ideology and strategy that should be taken up, which can be found in his books “World Final War Theory” and “Outline of War Theory.” This is because of Ishihara’s Asiatic perspective, which shows that he was an outstanding visionary in this period.
Outposts with Western Civilization and the Limitations of the “Outline of War Theory”
Even though Kanji Ishihara’s “Outline of War Theory” was mainly limited to the local relations between Japan and Asia, it was still a vision of Asian collaboration and independence to counter the Western powers. However, because of the advanced nature of his theory, he was forced to use the foundation of Western thought to oppose the West and was unable to resolve the contradiction of the colonization of the areas supposedly liberated by the Japanese military. He also emphasized traditional Asian values and morality but lacked a clear vision of the specific role of religion and the inclusion of diverse values, which contributed to his inability to adequately address diverse issues. Ishihara’s theory is rooted in the context of the early 20th century and cannot be adapted to today’s multipolar world situation. However, this theory is a guidepost for the Japanese in one direction, and it is certainly an idea that cannot be found anywhere else.
In the modern era, and with the defeat in the war, the “Outline of War Theory” has lost some of its luster. It was an excellent idea. However, it can be said that only a seed planted in the soil of philosophy can grow into a good tree. Daria Dugina, in her book “The Phenomenon of War: Metaphysics, Ontology, and Boundaries,” says, “πόλεμος, according to Plato, must be done in a very harsh and brave way.” Japan started the war without a clear understanding of πόλεμος, without knowing the nature of warfare, and lost everything because of the defeat.
Now Japan has been colonized and cannot have the vision it had then.
A Fighting Hero
Dr. Alexander Dugin’s “Fourth Political Theory” emphasizes the importance of traditional values, religion, and community, but also seeks to overcome the evils of materialism and individualism, thereby providing the flexibility and depth to deal with the diverse problems facing contemporary society.
In advocating Eurasianism centered on Russia and aiming for the integration of the Eurasian continent, peaceful coexistence in a multipolar world is essential, and the use of military force is a means to protect national independence and sovereignty.
All of this makes the “Fourth Political Theory” superior to Kanji Ishihara’s “Outline of War Theory” in its originality, modernity, comprehensive values, and global geopolitical perspective. Dr. Alexander Dugin’s theory offers a new framework for addressing the complex issues facing contemporary society, one that encompasses a wide variety of values and can therefore gain broader support.
And it is on these robust foundations that Russia now stands. And they fight as indefatigable heroes on the front lines against Western civilization.
“Aspirants, our homeland is in danger of extinction. Now is the time to gather under the banner of traditional values.”