The Return of Traditionalism
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Exiled for three centuries by the Modern, the traditional world suffers from an inability to project its future with the inevitable collapse of the first and last remaining political theory of the Modern.
If we continue like this, along with the obligatory renaissance of the other two political theories of Modernity: Marxism (China, Vietnam, Venezuela, Parts of Africa and Eurasia) and Nazism (wherever American military bases leave), the world will face an unprecedented round of violence, a century of endless wars, because for the agonizing forms of Modernity in postmodernity.
In this regard, the articulation of the affirmative agenda of pre-modernity, or post-postmodernity, which is one and the same, i.e. Traditionalism is the main humanitarian task of our time.
The trouble is that Traditionalism is not globalistic, which means it should arise wherever possible in the form of islands of normality and in accordance with the characteristics of each civilization.
From this, a multipolar world will develop: from patches of a blanket trying to return /exit into Tradition and from patches trying to keep /reanimate modernity (liberalism, Marxism, Nazism.)
There will be wars between all 4 categories, wars will be within each of the categories, therefore there is nowhere to go from war in the 21st century, more people will die in it than in the 20th century and the coming of the Antichrist, Dajjal, will be prepared in it.
Despite the differences of each form of tradition, there is still one property that is universal for each of them. This is the vertical dimension of politics, or the uranium-political aspect.
It consists in the fact that if all 3 PTs of Modernity measure themselves in terms of the worldly well-being of their citizens, tradition measures itself in the number of righteous people who have gone to heaven.
It is impossible to express this in political discourse without being accused of fanaticism, but let's put it this way: if modernity (liberalism, Marxism, Nazism) are good in terms of how much they managed to feed and enrich their subjects of a Plato’s «City of Pigs» (respectively, an individual, a class, a nation,) then or other traditionalism is good because how many of its citizens did not go to hell and went to heaven.
There are two problems here: it is impossible to measure the result, and the majority of the postmodern population does not want it, because they do not believe in the existence of eternal life, i.e. in Being.
Therefore, in those geographies where Tradition will defeat Modern, it will have to do it by force, which, in principle, does not differ in any way from the method of coming to power of all three modern political theories. The question is how traditionalist revolutions will take place.
Usually the revolution is the work of the young, but here it’s the other way around, the young are all kidnapped by modernity, the most fools believe in blue liberalism, and the lesser fools in red Marxism, or in brown fascism. And here it turns out the old people should lead the seizure of power by Tradition.
Reflecting on the cultures in which this is possible, one involuntarily comes to paradoxical conclusions: where the elderly have nothing to lose, and where the youth is more gendered, weak and castrated. It turns out that in the west, not here.
Surrendered to old people's homes, embittered Western old people are much more predisposed to initiating a revolution of thought than our elders, caressed by children and grandchildren, and millions of sexually disoriented and androgynous Western youth are much more submissive than our children.
Therefore, the end-to-end aging of politicians and Hollywood in the US and Europe is possible, like the late Politburo, yet it should not be read as just the death of liberalism.
David Rockefeller, who transplanted 7 hearts, if he lived longer, he would hardly have finished the same fellow mummy of Soros in some Bilderberg, but an ordinary redneck old man, embittered to the extreme by sexual depravity of his children, is definitely capable of this.
Here we are talking not so much about old people, but about mature Americans and Europeans who lived when sodomy was a shame in their youth, then reluctantly agreed to compromises, and were maliciously deceived in all the promises that Sodom would not move an inch further east, and for whom nothing else awaits except dilated pupils from Prozac and discrimination from ageists.
We will see whether or not there will be a revolution of the old people in the West, but it’s time for us, the sons of traditionalist spaces, to take power into our own hands, either by ourselves or through avatar parrots, repeating well the discourse on the spirit of the time and introducing satisfactorily it into their lives. Traditionalists of all countries, unite!