Life, Thought and Echo-Persons
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My main goal is that people - both in power and outside of power - learn to think. Not to think exactly as we do or similar but just to think. This thinking may not be the same as ours, and it may be contrary to what and to how we think. Thinking is following the thought itself. And who knows where it will lead us... We have to follow it – wherever it leads ... Therefore, teaching people to think is a risk. Huge risk. And we have to accept it. Because to be is to be in danger. And to think is highest state of being… Therefore that is highest risk.
I recently noticed that there are a sort of echo-persons. Individuals who do not think, but just repeat thoughts and words. They repeat feelings and emotions, passions and dreams... They imitate life and simulate death. To to be sure if there is a real person or just echo-person we can only by observation: does he/she thinks or not.
And if he/she thinks – no matter how - this is already a chance to convince him/her or let him/her convince us. This is human life - the thinking thing meeting the other thinking thing. Human life is a dialogue between thinkers.
The Russian word "to think", “dumat’”according to professor Vladimir Kolesov, means "to think together", where "d" is an archaic prefix indicating the collectivity of the process and root of word is “um”, that means “mind”, “intellect”. In Russian language and – hence - in Russian cultural tradition you cannot think (dumat’) being alone. To think means from the very beginning to think together. Hence, by the way, the Duma is a place of collective thinking. A place to think not justto talk (Parliament). Obviously, this doesn't fit to the current Russian institution with the same name. But it doesn't matter.
At some point, our society completely forgot how to think. Sometimes it seems that we even began to feel weary about that. It is really safer not to think. But this is the "wisdom" of the echo-personas.