Actual politics
The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Alexander Dugin
Moscow Is a Front-Line City
Multipolarity: The Era of the Great Transition
We live in an era of significant transition. The era of the unipolar world is coming to an end, giving way to an age of multipolarity. Changes in the global architecture of the world order are fundamental. Sometimes, processes unfold so swiftly that public thought lags behind. It is all the more important to focus on comprehending the monumental events shaking humanity.
Total Militarisation
Militarisation means shifting society onto a military footing. The scale and main directions of militarisation are open to debate as they depend on the specific historical and geopolitical situation, economic capabilities and resources, political ideology, and cultural dominants. When a country is at peace and its vital interests and very existence are not threatened, excessive militarisation is unnecessary and superfluous.
Liberalism evil ideology
In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Alexander Dugin, the prominent Russian politician and philosopher and adviser to the Russian President Vladimir Putin discuss the developments of the Gaza war, Russia's conditions for signing the ceasefire agreement with Ukraine, and the solution to the challenges of the South Caucasus.
Multipolar Humanity
One for all — to which country will our heroes return?
Everyone understands that on the fronts of the Special Military Operation (SMO), a new elite of Russia is being forged. This is the estate of bravery (Hegel), which is to reboot the state. It is clear that the war heroes at the front are already divided into future strata: pure warriors, commanders, inventors, creators, strategists, economists. Among them is also the forming estate of ideologists. A bright symbol of theirs was Vladlen Tatarsky; many today rally around the front-line philosopher Korobov-Latyncev.
A New Russian Worldview
Contemporary social science in Russia needs to catch up in understanding the changes occurring in the country and in forming a sovereign worldview, and it needs to be accelerated, philosopher Alexander Dugin told journalists at the 5th Congress of the Russian Society of Political Scientists in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region).
Tucker Carlson and MAGA Communism
Why is Tucker Carlson’s interview considered pivotal for both the West and Russia?
Let us start with the simpler part: Russia. Here, Tucker Carlson has become a focal point for two polar opposites within Russian society: ideological patriots and elite Westernisers who nonetheless remain loyal to Putin and the Special Military Operation. For patriots, Tucker Carlson is simply ‘one of us’. He is a traditionalist, a right-wing conservative, and a staunch opponent of liberalism. This is what twenty-first-century emissaries to the Russian tsar look like.
The Events in Texas: A New Civil War?
Forward to the New Middle Ages!
In Russia, the year 2024 has been proclaimed the Year of the Family. Clearly, in this area, things are quite dire for us. The alarming rates of divorce, abortion, and declining birth rates represent a national catastrophe. If we take the Year of the Family seriously, relying on the classics (but not the liberal or communist ones, as they are likely to advise something that will only hasten the disintegration of the family), we should simultaneously return to our roots and take a step forward.
Slaying the Dragon: The World Stands on the Brink of Global War
2024: Towards the European Revolution!
Liberal Totalitarianism
All-Russian Ideology Emerges at the Front
Certainly, there are those who voluntarily and consciously went to war, already possessing an ideology. There are the convinced rightists (Orthodox, monarchists, imperialists). There are the leftists (Stalinists, anti-globalists). There are left-rightists — National Bolsheviks. By the way, Prigozhin articulated, in many respects, exactly the left-right discourse — justice and strength.
The Russian World and its Cathedral
Realism in International Relations
From Ukraine to the Middle East: On the Brink of World War 3
Russia, as a pole of a multipolar world, is fighting the West in Ukraine. Many Islamic countries, influenced by Western propaganda, did not clearly understand the reasons, goals, and the very nature of this war, assuming it was a regional conflict (and there are many such in the Islamic world itself).
The West Has Made Islam Its Enemy
In Israel and the Gaza Strip, two disasters occurred one after the other: a Hamas attack on the Jewish state — with numerous civilian casualties, including hostage-taking — and Israel’s retaliatory strikes on the Gaza Strip, far exceeding in cruelty and the number of civilian casualties, primarily women and children.
End the Liberals: The People’s Hope for Change
Certainly most thinking individuals would agree that in the 1990s, the Russian state was taken over by adversaries who imposed external control over it – over our entire society. Its overarching name is liberalism. Not some ‘bad liberalism’, ‘distorted liberalism’, or ‘pseudo-liberalism’, but simply liberalism. No other kind of liberalism exists. Russian liberals became nodes in this occupation network.
Middle East: the eschatological scenario
The Geopolitics of the Caucasus
The West Is Not ‘Judeo-Christian’
The escalation of hostilities between Israel and Palestine undoubtedly unifies the Islamic world. Western conservatives once again invoke the defence of a ‘Judeo-Christian civilisation’ in the face of Muslims – the radical ideology of Hamas gives them a convenient pretext. Yet, a society deeply rooted in atheism, materialism, and the legalisation of various perversions, having long abandoned theology and traditional values, can neither be considered Christian nor Jewish.