Battle for the State. Russians Awaken
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Battle for the State. Russians Awaken
An Awakened Russian Defending the Russian World is a True Delight
Translated by Nina Kouprianova
In the political sense, the situation in Russia is becoming quite critical. These are fundamental shifts rather that fluctuations at the surface. Let us attempt to create a conceptual schema of current events.
There is a People (Narod in Russian, akin to the German Volk: henceforth the term “Narod” will be used—editors), and there are people (population). These are different things (different concepts). And all of them are collectively known as “Russia.” This homonymy generates layers of meaning, and everything gets tangled. Let us orthogonalize the full picture by placing everything onto its own level.
Narod is a historical-cultural community. This is a subject of destiny and creator of history. However, not all philosophies and ideologies recognize its existence in this sense. Narod does not exist for the Liberals—there is only an aggregate of individuals. Nor does it exist for the Communists—only classes do; for the Nazis—only race exists; and for the fascists—only the state does. And, even though it sounds paradoxical, Naroddoes not exist for the nationalists either—for them, there is a political nation based on individual membership (the classic bourgeois nation is a product of Europe during the period of Modernity). Narod does not exist for all these ideologies—this is the complete ideological nomenclature of Modernity. But it does exist—it is the only thing that truly exists. Heidegger used to say, “Dasein exists through a People” (Das Dasein existiert völkisch). That is to say, man’s presence in the world is given to us through Narod. It provides us with language, appearance, psychological attributes, a place in time (history) and space (geopolitics).
Today, Russia’s Narod awakens breaking through the depths of its dreams—difficult and simple, impoverished and enriched—but dreams nonetheless. It views Crimea and Novorossia as territories of its awakening. Thus, Narod heads to a place where the Russian Light pulls it in like a magnet, shining through the heroes of Novorossia. These are not emotions, chauvinism, or ultra-patriotism. This is not a “hurray” or a surface, but, rather, it is the voice of our ultimate Russian depths. We exist authentically only when faced with death. Only when faced with death does it become clear what it means to be Russian. People go to Novorossia, to Donetsk and Lugansk, obeying the Will of Russian History, drawn in by the Russian Death. It is this Red Death that makes Russians what they are. Death in the world. In the name of Narod. Death for Narod is life. Thus, people go to Novorossia to live in the Russian way.
Igor Strelkov is the symbol of the Russian Narod. Strelkov is the embodiment of our spirit, our will, our resistance. And even if we are not there with him, he makes us ashamed of ourselves and proud of him, but most important, he inspires Faith in ourNarod. Strelkov exists authentically. In him, our Narod finds its image. And all those who are with him—Gubarev, Motorola, Mozgovoi, Babai, Purgin, and all the heroes of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples’ Republics, living or dead—they are all our Narod, its faces. As it is. As it exists. One cannot rip it out, pollute it, or relativize it.
There is also a population, the people. If our Narod is united on both sides of the border, then the population is different. People are not exactly Narod, or more specifically, not quite Narod. They could become the latter if the depths awaken in them, if they face Death, if they wake up. But they could also fail. In that case, they are individuals concerned with survival, comfort, contentment, success, career, material well-being, etc. The individual is the antithesis of Narod, a product of its decay. Narod separates into individuals in order for them to unite in it once again—as in a Church, Cathedral, Motherland. But sometimes this return does not happen. Then we are faced with the pure individual. On his own. In Greek, this kind of a pure individual without any ties to the Whole or his Narod was known as idiotes, a private citizen, which is the source for the term “idiot.” Population comprises idiots in the etymological sense. Narod is something entirely different—it is that which man becomes only when he addresses his own depths, lives inside history, and hears the voice of the Motherland’s sacred space. It is the individual that all political theories of Modernity address: they unite the individuals in different ways: Marxism—into classes, nationalism—into political nations, Liberals—into a civil society, but none of these is a People— Narod. Thus, Modernity rejects Naroddealing only with disparate people. People of Russia consider those in southeastern Ukraine to be different. And they are correct: from the legal standpoint, this is formally the case if the voice from the depths remains silent. In this case, it is absurd to speak of the Russian World, Russian Civilization, and Great Russia. Instead, there are the respective populations of two administrative units, two groups of individuals that have their own interests and goals. Thus, the population of Russia, people of Russia could remain deaf to Novorossia’s pain. According to this kind of logic, different people live there. They are murdered, violated, slaughtered, shelled, and bombed, but this is none of our business. This is neither good, nor pleasant, but, perhaps, they had done something wrong—people think. Yes, people survive. But Narod lives. Herein lies the difference. In order to live, Narod sends its best sons and daughters to their Death. Death for the sake of Narod, for the sake of Life. Not survival—Life.
There also is a State. This is a mechanism, a superstructure. In it, a People—Narod sees its creation and, perhaps, the most successful of its creations. Narod creates the State as a product of its historical will, and is proud of it. But the State could tear away fromNarod, forgetting its foundations. And then it could turn into a self-sufficient and dead mechanism, a machine. States could be living, but they could also be dead. A living State does not sever its links with its Narod, which created it, drawing its power from it. It lives and exists. It is. But when the State degenerates, it becomes an apparatus, machine, bureaucratic mechanism rather than an organic living whole. In that case, the State begins to view its Narod as a population, disparate people, and a mechanical sum of atoms. Any unification of these atoms—into a class, nation, or a society—is always arbitrary. The contemporary European State in the era of Modernity emerged dead from the onset. This is a mechanism of agglomerating a population. This kind of a State kills its Narod and turns it into a population. This kind of a State parasitically lives off itsNarod, its pain and suffering. It kills its Narod. Finds benefit in this. Makes a Gesheft. This is the State of managers and mechanics; more specifically—a State of traders and businessmen.
Today, this question is particularly acute: what is the Russian State at the moment? Does it belong to its Narod? Or is it mechanical? This is the principal dilemma for Putin, personally, as the head if this State with a vague dual identity. The rise of patriotism in Russia, reunification with Crimea, and the confrontation with the West are all signs of a People’s—Narod’s presence. Cynical political technologists (political scientists), the all-powerful and constantly lying top-level managers, mad corruption, dominant Liberalism, anti-Narod oligarchy, Westernizing on the part of the intelligentsia and the elites all point to the State of death, the State of survival. Putin has been balancing on this narrow fence between the State of a People—Narod and that of the mechanical and alienated Liberal elite for the past 14 years. He kept taking steps in one direction, then another. Of course, without a certain kind of support for Novorossia, today’s picture—even if critically difficult—would not be possible. Were Putin solely on the side if a dead State, Russia Corp., he would have betrayed everything himself long ago. But this is not the case. He comprises the painful drama of the Russian Statehood and its nature, crucified between Narod and the elite (always dependent upon the mass of surviving idiots—idiots in the etymological sense of the word, that is private citizens, individuals). In other words, the picture is as follows: on the one side, Putin (=State) has Strelkov as an embodiment of Narod. This is Novorossia as a whole. These are Russians and all that is Russian. On the other side, there is the elite (Yurgens in all his expressions), bureaucracy (Government, Administration), and average citizens. This is a mechanical, contemporary, Liberal, and Western State—in any case, not Narod, and in a certain sense, anti-Narod. Putin stands in between. Not Putin personally, but rather the State, its meaning and nature. .
Novorossia and its dramatic fate—specifically expressed in the stories of Strelkov, Gubarev, Mozgovoi, and others—which our Narod, Russians watch with bated breath—is one of Putin’s (Russia’s) paths. The other takes us in the direction of compromisers, blatant traitors, provocateurs, intrigue-makers, Liberals, and Westernizers (hidden or obvious), which use Russia’s duality in their own way. It is they that are the sixth column, which, in essence, is no different from the fifth one. The population always obeys the top-level management. After all, being fired, hired, bonuses, and penalties—in other words, survival—depend on it. Narod wants a Tsar as an embodiment of its own greatest will throughout history, as a sacred figure, as that which unites the Earth and the Sky, that enlightens and spiritualizes Narod itself. It does not see top-level management. It sees a Ruler. For Narod, Russia is the State of Russia’s Narod and those that linked their fate with it.
Today, these two poles—Narod and anti-Narod—have entered into the harshest confrontation. No one could say how this would end. Every scenario is possible. And Putin is being torn apart. His balanced strategy is no longer useful. History places the either/or dilemma in front of him: either his Narod or the elite (plus a mechanical, atomized, divided population). Either Civilization Russia (which means morality, Novorossia, Strelkov, and Gubarev) or Corporation Russia (which means pragmatism, political realism, and, ultimately, Yurgens and his variants).
This is the most difficult moment. Our People—Narod has made its choice. It has awakened, even if not in its entirety and not fully, but…Take a look around—Russians appear everywhere out of the depths of the survival slumber. And boldly head to Novorossia. To die, that is, to Live. To Live authentically, as that which Is. Strelkov marks the horizon of our self-identification, and it is completely irrelevant who he is as an individual. He is the one for whom we waited for so long. He is the hero of Russians. And this is sufficient. He himself clearly says that he us Putin’s ray of light, his solar incarnation. And he is right. If Putin did not have this particular side, then there would be no Crimea or the heroic defense of Slavyansk. The fact that Novorossia still is—is unthinkable without this part of Russia, that of Narod. But another thing is also evident: the second (lunar) side of the State has rebelled. Traitors and “technologists” have declared a war on Novorossia, its leaders and symbols. They declared a war on Strelkov. And again, we have lies instead of battles. Betrayals instead of help. Disunity instead of solidarity. Treachery instead of loyalty. Do you recognize this modus operandi?
This is anti-Narod as such. And it offered Narod a deadly challenge. In comparison, Ukrainian Nazis are simply pawns at the hands of the global anti-Narod fading into the background. If there were not a powerful group of traitors in Moscow at the very top, we would already be outside of Kiev. Of course, we will still be there. Narod will be there. Russians will be there. But there is the following question: what about the State? Which path will it choose? Is it with Narod or its antithesis? This battle is more frightening than any military initiative. By changing the ratio ever so slightly at the surface, at the periphery, we end up with colossal results. As soon as the traitors slightly change the reports as to what is really going in in Novorossia, they create disinformation, increase uncertainty, and leave determination behind. Everything works: false arguments, selective usage of facts, lies—here the anti-Narod bureaucracy is a master.
I did not anticipate that the war against the sixth column at the top would be so bloody and difficult, and that its counter-offensive would be so cruel. After all, losing thousands of citizens in Novorossia, murders of women and children—these are simply the consequences of the actions carried out by the sixth column in Russia, which has been attempting to push the State onto its side. Its thesis—pull Strelkov out, begin negotiations, compromise with the junta—else its stolen wealth in the billions, real estate abroad, families taken there long ago, omnipotence in Russia—will suffer. After all, it is anti-Narod that the elite comprises almost fully. There is only one ambassador for Narod. But he is restrained by the State’s machine of death.
As in 1612 during the Times of Troubles, Narod must take its own initiative. It cannot solely depend on the State. The latter is partly paralyzed by the sixth column. Even Putin cannot bear all of the responsibility. Historic Being is our cause—the cause of the Russians. Russians today are Novorossia, on the map and in the heart, on the machine gun and on the social-networking avatar. What a difficult moment…I do not recall another one of this caliber in my life…But it is also joyous! An awakened Russian defending the Russian World—this is true delight. We are armed Russians, what a delight!