Vladimir Putin and the Empire
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Vladimir Putin and the Empire
"Russian leaders particularly the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin wants to resurrect The Russian Empire", - said the Head of the Pentagon Robert Gates. As Gates puts it, these "imperialistic intensions obstruct the US-Russian relations". The United States Secretary of Defense also believes that the "imperialistic intensions" are more common for Putin than for Medvedev. The Prime Minister of Russia is trying to make Russia the main player in the international arena by all means. This fact is very disturbing for the USA. "Are the Russians doomed to a new attempt to build an Empire?" - asks a world-wide known British historian ProfessorGeoffrey Hosking in his recent book "Rulers and Victims - The Russians in The Soviet Union." Thus this worries the Brits as well - "what exactly will Russians choose - the present state with parts of its territory lost or a new empire?" - asks Hosking.
"Who is mister Putin?"
This question asked in the beginning of Putin’s career has been created during the transmutation of the political language of current Russia from Modern into the Post-Modern. In classical language Putin as a human being is an essence, a reality, a personality in the first place. Then he’s being understood inside the political context along his political actions. This is the approach for the Age of the Enlightenment: there is Vladimir Putin, a politician, a person with certain specifics, with certain roots, and there is also his system of evaluations and thoughts. This was true until the Epoch of the Post-Modern has come...
Inside the Post-Modern a person is an empty space, because all a human being deals with is an interpretation of his/her consciousness. As a result, Vladimir Putin’s image appears not from the knowledge of Vladimir Putin, and not from the analysis of his actions, but from the language context he is in. This is why the question "Who is mister Putin?" inside the Post-Modern system has no answer at all. This is a forever open question.
When people who know our Prime Minister well personally hear what is said about Putin in the west, they get shocked. This happens because they haven’t completed the fundamental transaction from the Epoch of the High-Modern and the Enlightenment to the Post-Modern. Otherwise they could have understood that there is no Putin they have been imagining exists. There are some textual games around Putin in Russia or in Europe. That ugly picture the western society deals with has nothing in common with our Prime Minister. Inside that picture Putin is a "political dwarf" without any perception, a protege of the most reactionary circles, of the most horrible secret services, a person with neither any political future nor any respect for the democracy. We on the other hand deal with other Putin as a product of our ceremonial official style.
Is Putin the symbol of the Empire creating?
The new big Russia which is now being resurrected inside the Eurasian area is the idea of a new sovereign resurrected Empire. It is not Soviet, because that ideology is dead, but neither Russian, because we have no common religious direction here. The Eurasianity suggests resurrection of a Big Space in place of the former Russian empire and the Soviet Union. This project strongly opposes the Russian Westerners and Atlantists. Putin has come from the Atlantist regime of Eltsin, but has changed the Eltsin’s direction 180 degrees. When he came, the main idea was to fit Russia into the western world in order to become, as they said, "a normal country". Now the idea is: Russia is a great country. Not "normal". It is a country, reestablishing its planetary meaning, thus leading its independent policy, free from globalist pressure and the Single-Polarity world. This is what Putin and Medvedev are implementing now, and this is a geopolitical program of building the Empire.
The Eurasianity, similar to the Medvedev-Putin’s joint, now opposes two things. The first is the liberal-democratic Westernism, and the second, but not the least is the narrow Nationalism, which presents Russia as a mono-national state. The policy of Putin-president could be explained by this Eurasian code. Even though sometimes it looked like Putin went away from that direction, in the long run the main tendencies and patterns fitted together.
This just cannot be
Many people think up many things, which have nothing in common with the reality. A French visioner and writer Jean Parvulesko, who also looks like be saying extravagant nonsense, strikes with that all of his writings come true over time. I’ve been reading his articles in the 70s in an Italian magazine Orion. There he’s been describing a situation which came true in Russia in the beginning of the 90s with "red-brown" ones, with unions of communists and nationalists, with liberals, that would unite with the West and destroy the great Soviet Union. At the time, these articles appeared many people were saying Parvulesko was crazy, because it looked like Brezhnev was eternal. Even we, his friends were saying: "This just cannot be, Jean!", "This is some kind of a nonsense!". His answer was "Wait, Alexnder...".
In his book "Putin and Eurasian Empire", published in Russia, in the first chapters, written in the end of 70s, Parvulesko states that there are people in Russian military and security forces, which develop the idea of a continent-scale Empire since the 60s. These people work based not on ideological, but on geopolitical means. He says that soon a man will come out of these circles, and that the man will implement the idea of restoring the imperial geopolitical potential of Russia on the other side of the communist ideology. The values he will base on are basic for Russian history, like Orthodox church, and national self-consciousness. He will return Russia to the time before communists. Parvulesko writes this in the 70s, and 20 years after comes Putin. Parvulesko points at him: this is the man of destiny, I’ve been writing all the time about him, long before I’ve learned his name. There is no Putin a simply a person. There is the Eurasian Empire and the named by Parvulesko Dogmatic Code of Things as the Empire is being built. Putin is an instrument of its building and creating.
Parvulesko here describes the reality as it is in a dogmatic way as Bible prophets did. Thus he, the neovisioner may also be called a neoprophet. Missionistic elites in the USA are beginning to suspect something...
Putin as an entity does not exist.
Parvulesko describes Putin in a peculiar context, different from the officials or from the western perception. He puts Putin into the Global World History along with Alexander Makedonsky, Napoleon, De Gaulle, Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, secret services and great achievements. Analyzing all Putin’s nuances, Parvulesko attains a Post-Modernistic penetration inside the Empire system of coordinates.
The main point here is the understanding of the context and the structure of the Empire project, not the perceptions of Putin in anyone’s mind including his own. As a German writer Novalis has proven before, we learn more about the past from colorful stories, than from boring chronicles, which are now vainly trying to find facts about Putin in order to describe him. The truth is that Puin’s mission is metaphysically, intellectually, stylistically and dogmatically caused by metaphysics of our great space and our great people.
This is why Jean Parvulesko’s vision of Putin, the builder of the Great Eurasian Empire, deserves the most precise study. The garbage, which is being written about him will be forgotten sooner than he stops being the Prime Minister. Putin, the Empire builder, will by all means stay as a picture of our epoch. Robert Gates, Geoffrey Hosking, all the Western elite, which rules the world today understands that the Eurasian Empire inevitably was, is, and will be there. Putin is pretty obviously connected with this Empire.