Alexander Dugin and John Mearsheimer | Overlap Trailer
Before Trump took office, chaos and unrest seemed to loom. What impact will his presidency have on China and the world?
Alexander Dugin on Global South | Traditional Values of Global South | The West and Rest | Russia |
In this insightful discussion with COGGS, acclaimed Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin shares his perspective on the Global South and its significance. Explore Russia's views on the Global South, the traditional values that shape this region, and the contrasting dynamics between the West and the Rest of the world.
Where Africa Hides its Greatest Strength?|Aleksandr Dugin
Africa stands at the crossroads of a changing global order, moving beyond the shadow of Western dominance to claim its rightful place as a powerful and independent force. Professor Aleksandr Dugin explores how Africa can unite, decolonize its mindsets, and lead in a multipolar world while overcoming centuries of exploitation and shaping a future rooted in sovereignty, cultural pride, and economic strength.