North Korea is a beautiful thing. Interestingly, the Korean word 'Juche' (주체) is a deeply philosophical term and means 'subject' or even the Heideggerian Dasein. It has everything else included in it: independence, freedom, civil sovereignty.


What the Japanese Need to Understand the Fourth Political Theory

What the Japanese Need to Understand the Fourth Political Theory

We Japanese have forgotten many things with the defeat in the war. While some ideas fade away with the passage of time, there are also many that must not be forgotten. To find them, we need to work like miners in a mine, going back and forth between the surface and the underground, searching for rough diamonds deep in the tunnels. This is the role of workers like me.

Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World - SPIEF 2024

The philosophy of multipolarity represents a fundamentally new approach to international politics, where there is no hegemon and no single system of universal values. Instead, it emphasizes the need to consider the philosophical foundations and traditional values of all civilizations involved in the process. The roundtable will include representatives of Western civilization who condemn and reject globalism, hegemony, and the unilateral dictatorship of the West. 

Restoring Sovereignty: A Conversation with Alexander Dugin about Japan

The West is spiraling into chaos. Russia is recovering its civilizational greatness. The difference lies in the life of the mind—or, rather, in the difference between thinking and mindlessness. Russia has learned from bitter experience that philosophy, true thought, is indispensable for human flourishing. The West, by stark contrast, remains mired in destructive anti-thinking (LGBTQ hedonism, Nominalism, wokeism, gender theory, and more), and so is dying. The West needs philosophy, but is it too proud to learn it from Russia, a civilization that the West’s overlords claim (mindlessly) to be an enemy?

The Phenomenon Of War: Metaphysics, Ontology, Boundaries

We will not be able to understand the full depth of the current confrontation without philosophical reflection. Philosophers have always interpreted war as something necessary. Heraclitus speaks of war as the "father of things": πόλεμος πάντων μεν πατήρ εστί, πάντων δε βασιλεύς. War has always constituted the world and space. Without war, without division, the world is impossible.

Civilizational and Cultural Geopolitics Fourth Position

As far as Eurasianism as a Political Movement - especially as a Resistance Movement within countries outside the immediate Eurasian Geopolitical Greater Area and especially within countries under direct Euro-Atlantic domination - there is a connection between Eurasian Geocratic Thought, cultural identity as determinant of the geopolitical camp, with Gramsci's thought of the cultural superstructure as determinant of political relations, Eurasianism as a geopolitical Gramscianism, and Carlo Terraciano's existential geopolitics.

Living and acting in the spirit of the Donbass

The spirit of the Donbass is the realisation of the Imperium, it is a paradigm of undivided theoria and praxis, it is a model but even more a categorical and binding archetype for conceiving, planning, concretising and realising the ideological clash of the culture war, that Kulturkampf through which the Italian and European world too will know and will want to free themselves from the global and unipolar oppression of American hegemony.

The Economic Personality

The concept of the “total laborer” as a source of economic history can be supplemented by the formula “economic personality.” Economic personality is a total (integral) worker. In this case, the focus is on the personality in its anthropological interpretation (primarily in the French school of Durkheim-Moss and the followers of F. Boas in the USA).

Prophecy Of A Theban Princess

Last fall, I had the privilege of reviewing Eschatological Optimism by the late Daria Dugina (1992-2022), a book I learned of thanks to a very good friend. Earlier this year, I was reminded by another great and lovely friend that a second posthumous Dugina book was forthcoming in English from PRAV. One simply cannot have enough literarily in-tune friends in this life. Nor can one get enough of Russia’s brilliant and ever-rising star of intellect and steely determination.

No more ideologies: it is time to choose the Imperium!

The Fourth Political Theory (4TP) is metaphysics of the Imperial Idea. Founded on the reality principle, on the restoration of Natural Law as the manifestation of Divine Order in the world and its natural hierarchies, the 4TP manifests itself as the glorification of the Imperium. The reality of Empire - which is not imperialism - is the ultimate metapolitical and political goal of the 4TP.

Multipolarity as a fact

Multipolarity as a fact

Multipolarity is a fact and not some falsifiable academic theory, especially by those who obsessively wish for a utopian unipolar hegemony of the USA. Events are running faster than the international system's adoption of the theory of a multipolar world. A theory first introduced into the international debate in its entirety by Professor Dugin, who created a global political movement. 

Without the Fourth Political Theory, multipolarism is an empty shell

True! Without the Fourth Political Theory, multipolarism is indeed an empty shell. In fact, if we take away from multipolarism its foundation, the one that has genially idealized and generated it, namely the Fourth Political Theory (4TP), then the multipolar idea will end up being the greatest deception of the 21st century, the double black, the Antichrist of which Alexander Dugin frequently speaks to us in his texts, in his magisterium, in his lectures, in his debates.


Multipolarity: The Era of the Great Transition

We live in an era of significant transition. The era of the unipolar world is coming to an end, giving way to an age of multipolarity. Changes in the global architecture of the world order are fundamental. Sometimes, processes unfold so swiftly that public thought lags behind. It is all the more important to focus on comprehending the monumental events shaking humanity.


Historical Phases of Russian Orthodoxy

The adoption of Orthodoxy by Vladimir, the Grand Prince of Kiev, marked the starting point of the Christian cycle in Russian history, which spans almost the entire history of Russia — with the exception of the Soviet period and the era of liberal reforms. This cycle represents a complex and multidimensional process, which would be inaccurate to describe as a gradual and unidirectional penetration of Orthodox-Byzantine culture into the folk environment, simultaneously displacing pre-Christian (‘pagan’) beliefs. 

Total Militarisation

Militarisation means shifting society onto a military footing. The scale and main directions of militarisation are open to debate as they depend on the specific historical and geopolitical situation, economic capabilities and resources, political ideology, and cultural dominants. When a country is at peace and its vital interests and very existence are not threatened, excessive militarisation is unnecessary and superfluous. 

Liberalism evil ideology

Liberalism evil ideology

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Alexander Dugin, the prominent Russian politician and philosopher and adviser to the Russian President Vladimir Putin discuss the developments of the Gaza war, Russia's conditions for signing the ceasefire agreement with Ukraine, and the solution to the challenges of the South Caucasus.

One for all — to which country will our heroes return?

Everyone understands that on the fronts of the Special Military Operation (SMO), a new elite of Russia is being forged. This is the estate of bravery (Hegel), which is to reboot the state. It is clear that the war heroes at the front are already divided into future strata: pure warriors, commanders, inventors, creators, strategists, economists. Among them is also the forming estate of ideologists. A bright symbol of theirs was Vladlen Tatarsky; many today rally around the front-line philosopher Korobov-Latyncev.
