This is a direct reference to the Eurasian conception of Russian history. The Eurasianists were those Russian philosophers who drew attention to the fact that the destiny of Russia is, first of all, the destiny of the Russian people, who founded the power, created the culture, developed the language, but, at the same time, would be incomplete and imperfect if the other nations did not tie their destinies to the Russian people.
Another part of the 'ABC of traditional values' is dedicated to the letter 'T': creative work [Editor's note: in Russian, the adjective 'creative' is tvorcheskiy, in Cyrillic творческий].
Today the ideology of Russia acquiring its own identity is being born in you, in the Russian Donbass. My daughter died for a great Russia at the hands of Ukrainian terrorists. Not long before, she had returned from her new territories (Daria had been to Mariupol, Kherson, Melitopol, Lugansk and Donetsk) and shared her impressions. In her lecture, she said: "Even we patriots, convinced supporters and champions of Russian Peace, ideologists and inspirers of the Russian Spring, think here in Moscow that Novorossia needs us. But in reality it does not. What can we teach Novorossia, when its sons and daughters, adults and children, have gone through such a crucible of historical trials to become a true Russian people. They are the Russian world.
The topic of censorship is not only highly topical for our society (especially in the context of the SMO), but also philosophically fundamental. Contemporary Western culture increasingly resorts to censorship, despite trying to present liberalism as the abolition of all censorship criteria. In reality, what is censorship if not the most radical form of censoring any idea, image, doctrine, work or thought that does not fit into the narrow and increasingly exclusivist dogma of the 'open society'?
Rusland heeft zijn paradigma veranderd van realisme naar de theorie van een multipolaire wereld, heeft het liberalisme in al zijn vormen rechtstreeks verworpen en heeft de moderne westerse beschaving rechtstreeks uitgedaagd, door haar openlijk het recht te ontzeggen om universeel te zijn.
Russia has changed its paradigm from realism to the Theory of a Multipolar World, has directly rejected liberalism in all its forms, and has directly challenged modern Western civilization, openly denying it the right to be universal.
Speech on the occasion of the presentation of a diploma to the winner of the award The Face of the Nation. Fighters of the Invisible Front 2022 to Daria Alexandrovna Dugina, 2 February 2023.
In the next part of our 'ABC of traditional values' we will talk about the letter 'I' - historical memory and intergenerational continuity. What is more important than this traditional value if we want to achieve all the others? After all, if we lose our historical memory, if we become like the one who does not remember his kinship, then, in general, it will not matter what we have planned before.
One of the most popular and debated arguments is the West's theft of Russia's foreign reserves and, consequently, the blaming of the liberal bloc government for placing them. I am far from a supporter of liberalism, in fact I am an irreconcilable opponent of it, but it is still worth getting to the bottom of the myths and propaganda.
We present the third part of a new project by the Russian TV channel Tsargrad, 'The ABC of Traditional Values', a series of talks by three Russian thinkers: Konstantin Malofeev, Alexander Dugin and Protopriest Andrei Tkachev. Today's talk examines one of the most important spiritual and moral values from the list of 'Fundamentals of State Policy' approved by Presidential Decree 809. We are talking about patriotism, citizenship, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its destiny.
In the final part of his study, Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin draws disappointing conclusions about the state of modern society in the West and Russia's chances of salvation based on a substantive analysis of human nature.
I have noticed that certain registers of understanding are rapidly disappearing in society. It is as if the spectrum of waves on which people communicate - references, quotations, examples, the minimum obvious set of references, including rhetorical figures, references to seemingly obvious cascades of knowledge (in history, culture, art, science, philosophy, politics) - is constantly and irreversibly shrinking.
Today, the Virgin Mary is the most vital and the one who brings the inviolable to earth. Angels and shepherds praise. The Wise Men travel with the star. For us the child is born, the Eternal God.
If we consider the problem of chaos from a philosophical and historical perspective, it becomes very clear that SMO is about Russia's struggle against the civilisation of chaos, which is, in fact, the new democracy, represented by the collective West and its rabid neighbourhood structure (Ukraine). The parameters of this civilisation, its historical and cultural profile, its ideology in general, are fairly easy to identify. We can recognise the movement towards chaos from the very first rebellion against orbitality, hierarchy, the ontological pyramidal volume that embodied the order of traditional civilisation.
In the Greek Orthodox tradition, churches that are dedicated to Sophia the Divine Wisdom have their patronal festival on the day of Mid-Pentecost. It means that today is truly a day of philosophy, truly a day of the Divine Wisdom, which our ancestors, our founding fathers handed down to us. As you know, in the Divine Liturgy, there is a priestly exclamation: "Wisdom! Arise!" Sometimes our theologians and philosophers try to contrast divine wisdom with human wisdom. But in the original Greek text of the liturgy, the word 'Sophia' is used. Sophia refers to both meanings of wisdom: divine wisdom and human wisdom. These two meanings do not totally coincide, but, at the same time, they are not in opposition.
Today I would like to share my views on the metaphysics of war and the philosophical comprehension of what is happening. Without such comprehension, we will not be able to grasp the full depth of the current confrontation. It goes without saying that I am carefully watching the information space, commenting on it live. However, today I would like to have a look at the current events from a philosophical perspective.
The novel-life, a 'non-historical novel' as the author Evgeny Vodolazkin (doctor of philology, specialist in ancient Russian literature) calls it, is a description of the destiny and inner development of Arseny the healer.
A characteristic feature of Russian philosophy, according to some historians of Russian philosophy, is the ontologism of thought. The position of ontologism in philosophy, unlike the opposite position of gnoseologism, implies the primary consideration not of the process of thinking, but of the object of understanding.
The work of the famous Christian theologian and mystic, whose writings have entered the Christian tradition under the name of Dionysius the Areopagite, is a unique phenomenon in the history of philosophical and religious thought. He has had an enormous influence on all Christian philosophy, eastern and western, and consequently on New Age philosophical thought in one way or another since the Middle Ages, where the Areopagitans played such an important role.
20.09.2022 - What is happening now in Ukraine is a war. There is no more SMO: what there is is called 'war'. Not a war between Russia and Ukraine, but a collective war of the West against Russia. When American informers direct missiles towards Russian territory, one can only speak of 'war', and it doesn't matter which hands they are fighting with. When they aim the HIMERs at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it can be interpreted as an attempted nuclear attack on Russia.