16.09.2022 - The last few days have seen a significant shift in the balance of power in Ukraine. This must be understood in its entirety. Kiev's counter-attacks were generally unsuccessful in the Kherson region, but, alas, effective in the Kharkiv region. It is the situation in Kharkiv and the forced retreat of the allied forces that is the turning point. Putting aside the psychological effects and the legitimate feelings of the patriots, it must be recorded that in the entire history of the SMO we have reached the point of no return.
17.08.2022 - Let us think about the philosophical meaning of SMO (Editor's note: let us again remind readers that SMO stands for Special Military Operation). The SMO is inextricably linked to the concept of the 'end of history', not only because Francis Fukuyama, who wrote the famous text entitled The End of History, from day one of the SMO actively joined the ideological struggle against Russia on the side of the Ukrainian nationalists and even personally joined the terrorist organisation Bellingcat, which, among other things, tried to hijack a military aircraft in Russia, although this fact is very expressive in itself; the central fact is that Russia is directly opposed to globalism, to that 'liberal totalitarianism', as President Putin has openly put it, which is an ideology, and the 'end of history' plays a key role in its structure.
10.08.2022 - In Russia, we live under the conditions of archaeomodernity. The second edition of my book Archaeomodernism has just been published, in which I describe this phenomenon in detail.
03.08.2022 - In my opinion, fears (for some, hopes) that Russia will at some point reduce the Special Military Operation should finally be discarded. It won't happen because it can't happen. In a way, nothing subjective.
23.04.2022 - The phases of the SMO (Special Military Operation) are taking place in parallel on two dimensions: the external and horizontal one (the geographical and political map of Ukraine) and the internal socio-political one.
15.04.2022 - We have approached a fundamental change in Russia itself. Everyone talks about the 'party of war' and the 'party of peace'. I think these expressions are wrong. This was the case in 2014, but it no longer fits the new conditions.
13.04.2022 - When the Supreme Commander-in-Chief began a special military operation in Ukraine, the course of history was changed. Irreversibly changed. This is the case when they say "the die is cast," "we have crossed the Rubicon," and "there is no turning back". It may seem to some that there is, but there isn't. And now no one and nothing can affect anything, and no one and can do anything the way it was before.
11.04.2022 - Russia's special operation in Ukraine is a challenge to the unipolar world, its results will establish a new world order, Russian philosopher and political scientist Aleksandr Dugin believes.
25.02.2022 - In an interview for the Tsargrad channel, Alexander Dugin reflects on the unfolding of the conflict in Ukraine and its civilizational, existential elements and as a sign of multipolarity.
22.02.2022 - Political scientist, leader of the international Eurasian movement and editor-in-chief of the portal "Katehon" Alexander Dugin spoke about the Russian spring and the pressure of the West. He called the decision to recognize the independence of the Donbass republics the most important event in the history of recent decades. "Ukraine has chosen the wrong gentleman," the expert added.
22.02.2022 - Seven years since 2014, it was too painful for me to comment on the topic of the DPR and LPR and Ukraine in general. I experienced the end of the Russian Spring as a personal drama and a terrible loss.
16.02.2022 - Amid the stormy propaganda that the West has unleashed on the Ukrainian issue – ranging from a call for the repatriation of US and European citizens in Ukraine to the media leak that the Kiev government has begun to move the government infrastructure and the most important institutions to the western border of the country – it is difficult to think or talk about anything else.
11.02.2022 - Center for Arab Eurasian Studies of the current explosive crisis between Russia and the West, one of its chapters is now taking place in Ukraine; Where each party reviews its strength and capabilities, the Center's Russian Studies Unit presents, in this press investigation, a summary of the most prominent and most important Russian views on the latest developments surrounding that crisis after Moscow obtained a written response from the United States and its allies regarding the security guarantees it requested. The report is the opinions of several prominent Russian experts who singled out the Center exclusively. In this context, the Center's management extends its thanks and appreciation for the time and effort of these experts
04.02.2022 - Current political ideologies emerged under the protection of Modernity and ended up crystallizing during the 19th and 20th centuries in the heat of wars. The first political ideology that emerged was liberalism, which was nothing more than a reflection of the values and laws created by bourgeois society.
In his Valdai keynote speech on 27 October 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin argued that: "The direct threat to the political, economic and ideological monopoly of the West is that alternative social models may emerge in the world."
Bu Ukrayna ile bir savaş değil. Bu, bütünsel bir gezegen fenomeni olarak küreselleşmeyle bir yüzleşmedir. Jeopolitik ve ideolojik olmak üzere her düzeyde bir yüzleşmedir.
Rus milliyetçi entelektüellerin yeni internet sitesi zavtra.ru'daki son yazısında Aleksandr Dugin, Rusya'nın Ukrayna üzerindeki niyetlerini tüm çıplaklığıyla açıkladı. Dugin'i göre artık Ukrayna Doğu Slav Birliği'nden ayrılamayacak.... Batının B planı terörizm... Afganistan'dan ABD'nin ayrılması Taliban'ı güçlendirip bize güneyden saldırtmak için!..
Ungern gradually devised a desperate geopolitical plan to create a unique zone in Asia, or more precisely in Mongolia, free from both Bolshevik influence and the troops of the profane West. It would be a unique world in which the ancient laws of the Sacred Tradition would be in force. Ungern was familiar with the books of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, and knew of the existence of the secret, underground country of Agarttha, where the laws of time are not in effect and where the King of the World, the Chakravarti, resides. Like the Knights Templar, who not only guarded European pilgrims from the Saracens, but also protected the great mysteries of spiritual knowledge from degenerate Catholicism and the secularizing French monarchy, Ungern aimed to create a special zone between the shrines of Tibet, where according to legend lies the entrance to Agarttha, and the rest of the world.
Landscapes of Mamleev are infernal, you might say. I would write better about something bright, about how all of us to be. Mamleev did not choose the world in which he was born. What he saw, and that was singing. He saw mostly horror. And not because Heidegger believed that only in a state of horror one realizes the fact of his being in the world, grasp of the structure of Dasein. Mamleev was not from philosophy to reality, but from reality to philosophy.Seeing the infernal around him, clearly and vividly aware of himself in hell, he just cried, squeezing a scream, hoarse, and it became in his mouth, art, philosophy, literature. Plato and Aristotle unanimously said that philosophy begins with wonder. Needless to say, Yuri Mamleev was really surprised, one might even say, unpleasantly surprised by the fact that he found around himself in the incarnation in the body. And kept it fresh feeling horrendous surprise until his death. He never got used to the world, despite the fact that he lived in it for a long time.To death it was something naive and childish.
Women will love the Empire and cherish it every morning in greeting the sun. Morality will change. The word “evil” will be excluded from the lexicon along with all bad expressions. Instead of them will be introduced the gradual concept of “less good.” A less good person stole a bun at the market. He deserves less love and less respect than the one who asked for a bun and was given one. With a gentle smile. Everyone will smile and laugh at funerals, for since this world is so beautiful, what about the next…And then death will be comprehended as a return to the eidos (επιστροφή).
In the post-Soviet period, communism went through several stages in our society. First, after the fall of the USSR, there were Marxist circles that still had inertia, which did not surrender, believing that the catastrophe was temporary. In this passive attitude, an indecisive and conformist nostalgia became a form of suicide and led to their disappearance. There were also radical communists in the 90’s who tried to get together – among them were passionate people who were not significant during the USSR itself, but in the 90’s they turned out to be honest people with integrity – but gradually they also ceased to really be. For a while in Russia, we were without communists.
Putin is the compromise. If he is gone, there will be no compromise. It is clear that the elite is so resourceful and mean that it will try to adapt to another system, but this does not fundamentally cancel the fact that Putin cannot decisively influence the future. In a sense, he has already influenced it. And this influence is very positive: he showed that the 90s have an alternative, that it lies somewhere in the plane of patriotism (Second Chechen, Munich speech, “Our Crimea”, etc.), and this, in fact, is a grandiose accomplishment. But at the same time, Putin did not give the form and institutionalization of this patriotism, did not change the foundations of the state laid just in the 90s, did not carry out the rotation of the elites, ignored the popular demand for social justice. The established regime in the eyes of the people as a whole is much better than it was in the 90s (hence its legitimacy), but definitely worse than what is required. While Putin is in place, his merits cover the shortcomings. Once he leaves, a delicate and rather unnatural balance will collapse. By the way, Surkov is not right about de Gaulle: his legitimacy, relying on his role in World War II and the Resistance, lasted only until the early 70s, when he remained in power, and collapsed during the events of 1968, which abolished Gollist conservatism and established new socialist paradigm. Later, de Gaulle remained only nostalgia and simulacra.
Every thing is what it is thanks to its borders. After all, it is they that separate it from another thing. This distinction carries the most important meaning of the concept of the border not just for international law, defense doctrine, or the structuring of a country’s armed forces, but also for philosophy as such. The border is not just an instrument of philosophy, but its essence, seeing as the highest philosophical concept – transcendence -in Latin literally means “that what lies on the far side of the border”.
The border externally reflects that which lies inside it, while simultaneously confining the essence of the thing in its confrontation with other things. The border is something sacred. The ancient Greeks knew a special god, Terminus, whose name meant ‘limit’, ‘border’. This was not just the guardian-deity of borders, but a “border-deity”, a kind of special, sacred concept that played a central role in the worldviews of the ancient Indo-European peoples.
In magic, there also exists the important concept of the “Guardian of the Threshold”, a special being that is located at the intersection of two worlds: the beyond and the present, the vulgar and subtle, that of life and that of death, the waking world and the dreaming world. This is the very same ancient Terminus, with only slight modifications.