Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland

Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland

06.03.2022 - The events of the last few weeks have highlighted the axes of new geopolitical alliances and completely rebuilt the geopolitical map of the world. Thus, the space of Europe, located between the pole of Eurasia and that of the USA (the civilization of the sea) and forming part of a large area, which in geopolitics is called "Rimland" ("land of the arc") it has finally lost its sovereignty (and even before, largely virtual, rather potential than real) and orientation towards continentalism. All of Europe today is Atlanticist.

China and Russia the bastions of multipolar world that breaks US dominance

24.02.2022 - As Russian philosopher and political analyst Aleksandr Dugin says, the unipolar world, globalist ideology, and Western hegemony are collapsing, and the US doesn't want to sit idly by. Washington is willing to take any action to stop this from happening. Thus the problem of Ukraine arose when the US declared an "impending Russian invasion."


Dugin on the Russian Spring and The Pressure of The West: "Ukraine has chosen the wrong Gentleman"

Dugin on the Russian Spring and The Pressure of The West: "Ukraine has chosen the wrong Gentleman"

22.02.2022 - Political scientist, leader of the international Eurasian movement and editor-in-chief of the portal "Katehon" Alexander Dugin spoke about the Russian spring and the pressure of the West. He called the decision to recognize the independence of the Donbass republics the most important event in the history of recent decades. "Ukraine has chosen the wrong gentleman," the expert added.

The future of the Ukrainian state

The future of the Ukrainian state

16.02.2022 - Amid the stormy propaganda that the West has unleashed on the Ukrainian issue – ranging from a call for the repatriation of US and European citizens in Ukraine to the media leak that the Kiev government has begun to move the government infrastructure and the most important institutions to the western border of the country – it is difficult to think or talk about anything else. 

Pan-Africanism Today: From Neocolonialism to Multipolarity

Pan-Africanism Today: From Neocolonialism to Multipolarity

12.02.2022 - Today, the African continent is a new center of confrontation with neocolonialism and foreign expansionism - especially French expansion.  And since the West's preferred method is to control countries through puppet governments, it is only through military coups that the system can be "broken", if only temporarily, by allowing a country to release the pressure of foreign and supranational structures. This is confirmed by the fact that military coups have recently increased in the region: in Mali in 2020, in Guinea in 2021 and now we have seen the same in Burkina Faso.

Russian views on the Ukrainian crisis

Russian views on the Ukrainian crisis

11.02.2022 - Center for Arab Eurasian Studies of the current explosive crisis between Russia and the West, one of its chapters is now taking place in Ukraine; Where each party reviews its strength and capabilities, the Center's Russian Studies Unit presents, in this press investigation, a summary of the most prominent and most important Russian views on the latest developments surrounding that crisis after Moscow obtained a written response from the United States and its allies regarding the security guarantees it requested. The report is the opinions of several prominent Russian experts who singled out the Center exclusively. In this context, the Center's management extends its thanks and appreciation for the time and effort of these experts

The Counter-Hegemony

The Counter-Hegemony

07.02.2022 - Before starting to talk about counter-hegemony, we must turn to Antonio Gramsci, who introduced the concept of hegemony into the broad scientific discourse of political science. In his teachings, Gramsci says that within the Marxist-Leninist tradition, there are three zones of domination:

Eurasianist Putin V/s Atlanticist Biden

Eurasianist Putin V/s Atlanticist Biden

22.12.2021 - The escalation of relations between Russia and the United States after Joe Biden came to the presidency and the escalation of the situation around Ukraine, as well as the growth of tension in the premises of Russia’s borders (provocative actions of NATO ships in the Black Sea basin, aggressive maneuvers of the US Air Force along the air borders of the Russian Federation, etc.) – all this has a completely rational geopolitical explanation. The root of everything should be sought in the situation that developed in the late 80s of the twentieth century when the collapse of the structures of the Soviet camp occurred.

Second world, semi-periphery and state civilisation in a multipolar world theory. Part Three

Second world, semi-periphery and state civilisation in a multipolar world theory. Part Three

We come to a third concept, crucial for understanding the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world and the place of the BRICS countries in this process. We are talking about the concept of the civilisation-state. This idea has been formulated by Chinese scholars (in particular by Professor Zhang Weiwei) and most often the concept of the civilisation-state is applied to modern China and then by analogy to Russia, India, etc. In the Russian context, a similar theory was put forward by the Eurasians, who proposed the concept of the Peace-State. Actually, in that trend, Russia was understood as a civilisation, not just one of the countries, hence the main Eurasian concept - Russia-Eurasia.

Second World, Semiperiphery and State-Civilisation in Multipolar World Theory. Part Two

Second World, Semiperiphery and State-Civilisation in Multipolar World Theory. Part Two

Let us now turn to a different theory: the 'world-system analysis' constructed by Immanuel Wallerstein. Wallerstein, an exponent of the Marxist school of International Relations (especially in its Trotskyist interpretation), on the basis of the doctrine of "the long run" (F. Braudel) and the Latin American theorists of structural economics (R. Prebisch, S. Furtado), developed a model of world zoning according to the level of development of capitalism.

A Brief History of Chaos: from Ancient Greece to Postmodernism. Part 2

It would seem that the SMO is talking about a conflict between two world orders - a unipolar one, represented by the collective West and Ukraine, and a multipolar one, defended by Russia and those who are somehow on its side (primarily China, Iran, North Korea, some Islamic states, partly India, Turkey, but also Latin American countries and Africa). This is indeed the case, but let us look at the problem from a perspective that interests us and find out what role chaos plays.

Le concept du sujet pauvre

Le concept du sujet pauvre

Un trait caractéristique de la philosophie russe, selon certains historiens de la philosophie russe, est l'ontologisme de la pensée. La position de l'ontologisme en philosophie, contrairement à la position opposée du gnoséologisme, implique la considération primordiale non pas du processus de la pensée, mais de l'objet de la compréhension. Étant du côté de l'ontologique, nous cherchons avant tout à identifier et à répondre à la question : "QUOI est, QUOI est l'objet de notre connaissance, QUOI est le centre de notre intuition intellectuelle". 

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Rus milliyetçi entelektüellerin yeni internet sitesi'daki son yazısında Aleksandr Dugin, Rusya'nın Ukrayna üzerindeki niyetlerini tüm çıplaklığıyla açıkladı. Dugin'i göre artık Ukrayna Doğu Slav Birliği'nden ayrılamayacak.... Batının B planı terörizm... Afganistan'dan ABD'nin ayrılması Taliban'ı güçlendirip bize güneyden saldırtmak için!..

A brief history of Chaos: from ancient Greece to Postmodern. Part 1

The chaos factor in the Special Military Operation
The most attentive participants in the Ukrainian front note the peculiar nature of this war: the chaos factor has increased enormously. This applies to all sides of the SMO, both to the enemy's actions and strategies and to our command, to the dramatically increased role of technology (drones and aircraft of all kinds) and to the intense online information support, where it is almost impossible to distinguish the fictitious from the real. This is a war of chaos. It is time to revisit this fundamental concept.

El segundo mundo, la semiperiferia y la civilización-estado en la teoría del mundo multipolar

Para comprender la transformación del orden mundial que está aconteciendo ante nuestros ojos, sobre todo el proceso de cambio de un modelo unipolar (globalista) a uno multipolar, es necesario recurrir a diversas ideas y conceptos que permiten realizar una explicación coherente de la misma. He propuesto mi propia visión del asunto en libros como Teoría del mundo multipolar  y La Geopolítica del mundo multipolar, pero estas son solo aproximaciones a un tema bastante complicado. En este artículo quiero desarrollar tres conceptos que pueden ayudarnos a comprender mucho mejor el proceso de transición que está teniendo lugar en las Relaciones Internacionales. Creo que estos conceptos explican las tendencias, conflictos y problemas que se producen actualmente, como, por ejemplo, los conflictos en Ucrania, Taiwán y otras partes del mundo. Solo comprenderemos lo que está sucediendo ahora si entendemos las razones detrás de esta transición, lo cual requiere de una contraparte conceptual. Los tres conceptos que vamos a abordar hacen parte de una explicación de este asunto.

Second world, semi-periphery and state civilisation in a multipolar world theory. Part Three.

We come to a third concept, crucial for understanding the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world and the place of the BRICS countries in this process. We are talking about the concept of the civilisation-state. This idea has been formulated by Chinese scholars (in particular by Professor Zhang Weiwei) and most often the concept of the civilisation-state is applied to modern China and then by analogy to Russia, India, etc. In the Russian context, a similar theory was put forward by the Eurasians, who proposed the concept of the Peace-State. Actually, in that trend, Russia was understood as a civilisation, not just one of the countries, hence the main Eurasian concept - Russia-Eurasia.

Second World, Semiperiphery and State-Civilisation in Multipolar World Theory [Part Two]

Let us now turn to a different theory: the 'world-system analysis' constructed by Immanuel Wallerstein. Wallerstein, an exponent of the Marxist school of International Relations (especially in its Trotskyist interpretation), on the basis of the doctrine of "the long run" (F. Braudel) and the Latin American theorists of structural economics (R. Prebisch, S. Furtado), developed a model of world zoning according to the level of development of capitalism. This view represents a development of Vladimir Lenin's ideas on imperialism as the highest stage of development of capitalism, according to which the capitalist system naturally gravitates towards globalisation and the spread of its influence over all humanity. Colonial wars between the developed powers are only the initial stage. Capitalism is gradually realising the unity of its supranational goals and forming the core of world government. This is fully consistent with liberal International Relations theory, where the phenomenon of 'imperialism', critically understood by Marxists, is described in apologetic terms as the goal of a 'global society', the One World.
