The antichrist's last trick

Let's put all the elements together. We have a frightening picture (for the Russians). Forces, groups, worldviews and governmental entities, which collectively call themselves "the West" and which since their victory in the Cold War have been the sole rulers of the world, behind a façade of "liberalism" profess a thin eschatological theological doctrine, in which the events of secular history, technological progress, international relations, social processes, etc. are interpreted from an apocalyptic perspective.

They are trying to prevent victory

The first phase has been solar and offensive: immediate attacks on a wide range of targets across Ukraine, Russian troops up in Kiev, Gostomel, the seizure of northern Ukraine (Chernihiv, Sumy), a breakthrough from the south to the Donbass, establishing control over Kherson and part of the Zaporozhe region, the semi-darkness of Kharkiv, a frenzied attack on National Front and AFU positions in Mariupol (the operation is almost complete) and on occupied DNR/LNR territory

Apocalyptic realism

The way the Special Military Operation started and how it unfolded for the first 2 months makes it impossible for the rest of Ukraine to remain under the rule of the Nazis and globalists. There is no imperial maximalism in this, at least for this time. Imperial maximalism could have ended up in Novorossia, and the other half of the former Ukraine left to live as it wishes, but now things have gone too far. A major factor has been the direct attack on the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Stop at the first (generally flawed) or the second option and we are throwing a host of Orthodox believers to their deaths, torture and possibly genocide. Nothing will be left of them. That’s why we are now fully responsible for Western Ukraine.

Victory or nothing

When the Supreme Commander-in-Chief began a special military operation in Ukraine, the course of history was changed. Irreversibly changed. This is the case when they say "the die is cast," "we have crossed the Rubicon," and "there is no turning back". It may seem to some that there is, but there isn't. And now no one and nothing can affect anything, and no one and can do anything the way it was before.

What is the essence and meaning of the Russian Armed Forces' special operation in Ukraine

Few people feel what is happening today more acutely than Alexander Dugin. Few people have been more deeply immersed in the events in Ukraine all these eight years. Some follow him, defending the Russian idea, others consider him almost the incarnation of evil. But no one is indifferent to his ideas.

Technology is the absolute enemy of man

In the case of network technologies (technology) - Google, twitter, youtube, facebook, instagram, etc. - we see a very important phenomenon: they do oppose Russia not because they depend on the U.S. government. They do not depend on it. They are the tools of the globalists, of a supranational oligarchy that no one elected. And no one gave them the right to set their own rules on a global scale.

End of history that has never happened and Russian war on the liberal order

From an ideological point of view, the world is still living in the shadow of the controversy of the 1990s between Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington. Whatever criticism may be levelled at the theses of both authors, their importance has not been diminished in any way, as the dilemma still remains and, moreover, is still the main content of world politics and ideology.

Ethnosociology of Ukraine in the context of military operation

Thorough understanding of the special military operation in Ukraine requires a preliminary explanation: what, in the broadest sense of the word, are we dealing with? The concepts of “nation”, “nationality”, “people”, “ethnos” are totally confused, and hence those of “Russians”, “Ukrainians”, “Little Russians”, etc. We should first give an ethno-sociological map and distribute the concepts with which we operate in the analysis of this conflict.

Nationalism: criminal fiction and ideological impasse

Probably only few people paid serious attention to the fact that the Fourth Political Theory, which I adhere to, pays the most serious attention to the criticism of nationalism. Most striking is the criticism of liberalism and the rejection of Marxist dogma. But equally necessary and fundamental is the radical rejection of not just nationalism, but even the nation.

The geopolitical background of the conflict in Ukraine

I started to develop geopolitics 30 years ago. When Russia only started to feel itself the part of the Global Civilization, Global West, and everybody was optimistic becoming the part of this Humanity: Civil Rights Theory, Human Rights Theory, the Global World. We entered in this process we accepted the Western Identity, we have abandoned Soviet Identity, we have totally forgotten the Tzarist pre-Soviet identity and we try to be like everybody else. And in that moment not being too much engaged in this Soviet system, neither in Liberal System, I have discovered the geopolitics formulated by British authors like Halford Mackinder, who tried to explain the Great Game between British Empire and Russian Empire in the terms of Sea Power and Land Power.

War as reality check

Information and Reality
War is always a reality check. What precedes and accompanies it, as a rule, has a virtual character and is, if not pure disinformation (from all sides), then close to it. And it is almost impossible to catch those topics and theses which correspond to the real state of affairs. These are the laws of the correlation of the information sphere and reality. 

Unregistered 193: Interview with Alexander Dugin

Russell: My guest this week holds the distinction of being the only philosopher in the world to be officially sanctioned by the United States government. He is sanctioned because he is the leading intellectual behind the global nationalist populist movement that is threatening to take over governments across Europe and the United States, and he is known as Vladimir Putin`s mind. This is my interview with Alexander Dugin.

The Counter-Hegemony

Before starting to talk about counter-hegemony, we must turn to Antonio Gramsci, who introduced the concept of hegemony into the broad scientific discourse of political science. In his teachings, Gramsci says that within the Marxist-Leninist tradition, there are three zones of domination

A Teacher of Thought: 60 Years on

Aleksander Dugin has acquired enormous scholarship in the history of world philosophy, mastering the depths of Guénon and Heidegger, Schelling and Brentano, Plato and Aristotle, Porphyry and Erigena. But all the grandiose apparatus of these great thinkers only allowed him to develop to the end the potential that Dugin possessed deep within himself already in his youth.
