Master/slave summit

One might well consider the UN an institution that embodied a bipolar world order, in which the competition between the two world systems was seen as legitimate and limited by certain rules. The most influential body was the UN Security Council, in which the largest (later nuclear) powers were present - five of them permanent with veto power (USA, Russia, China, England, France). In fact, this composition of the UN Security Council is a vivid illustration of strategic parity.

About COVID-19: Personal Reflection

In fact, as experience shows (using the example of two elderly relatives whom I recently lost), vaccination does not save either from contracting the coronavirus or from serving as a carrier and transmitter of coronavirus. In this sense, there is no difference at all between vaccinated and unvaccinated. And everyone (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) is sure that there is, and that the vaccine gives reliable protection against infection. It doesn’t.

The Metaphysics of Delay

After German philosophy, formalized by Nietzsche and interpreted by Heidegger, was recognized as the End of Western European metaphysics, the seynsgeschichtliche localization of the "great midnight" was theoretically fulfilled. But does this mean that it had been attained? This question, in which uncertainty and wavering knowingly show through, explains in many ways the paradoxes of the ties of the Conservative Revolution with the history of the Third Reich.

On Speculative Realism

I have to admit that I haven’t interpreted speculative realism entirely correctly, starting with Quentin Meillassoux. It seemed to me as if in his defense of new materialism, his struggle of the subject against the subject, his apology of the eventuality, the proposal within the framework of the philosophy of the Copernican Revolution to displace the subject from its central position and to relocate it to the periphery, that there is something archaic in all of this, reminiscent of the materialism of the 19th century, of uncritical positivism, not least because of his criticism of Deleuze, whom he accused of his various “vitalisms”.

Political Technologies are the real threat to Russia

In our politics, the technical or political technology approach has reached a critical point. This began back in the 90s, but, interestingly, in parallel with the fundamental changes that have occurred in Russia since the Putin era, when almost everything has changed, and the liberal-Western course has been replaced by a sovereign-patriotic one, Russian politics has continued to be purely technological. Moreover, from the head of the political department of the AP to the head, it becomes no less, but more and more technological.

The Final Battle

This is a book-length essay by the Russian philosopher and political theorist Alexander Dugin. Without a doubt, Dugin is one of the most brilliant “out of-the-box” thinkers of our age. Does this mean I’m some kind of full-on Dugin disciple? No. I have my doubts about his contention that philosophical Nominalism (aka William of Ockham) was ultimately the cause of the downfall of Western Civilization.

But If Tomorrow There is No War?

Recently, the escalation of US-Russian relations has been clearly visible. This is the second episode since the spring of 2021 when many expected a go-ahead to Kyiv from the neocons-backed globalist Biden for an offensive in Donbas. But then everything was limited to Zelensky’s ridiculous arrival from the NATO zone and convincing maneuvers of the Russian Armed Forces on Russian territory. This turned out to be enough.

The Treaty of Westphalia

All who have studied, let the most superficial way, International Relations know that the world order in which we still live humanity is called Westphalian. This expression has become commonplace, but it is still worth recalling – what exactly is the Treaty of Versailles, concluded on October 24, 1648.
On this day, in Münster and Osnabrück, an agreement was concluded between the leading European powers to end the Thirty Years’ War. In European history, the Thirty Years War is seen as the border between the medieval order and the full-fledged onset of modern times. This was the last war to be fought under the banner of religion. Catholic countries fought against Protestant ones. The main question that was being decided: who will win – the Reformation or the Counter-Reformation?


October 27 can be considered the date of the appearance of the theater in Russia. On this day in 1672, the first performance was staged in the Komedialnaya Khoromina, the first building in Russia, built specifically for theatrical performances near Moscow in Preobrazhensky by the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The actors were recruited from the Germans in the German Suburb. The play was in German.


Among the most recent important events in the field of geopolitics that followed the shameful flight of the Americans from Afghanistan, one should especially highlight the revitalization of the Anglo-Saxon alliance in the Pacific Ocean. In a fairly quick time frame, the Biden administration, in order to brighten up the depressing effect of the failure in Afghanistan, announced the creation of two new strategic alliances – AUKUS and QUAD.

Dugin gazes upon modernity with the cold eyes of a wolf

In Dugin’s analysis, liberalism tends to self-abolition in nihilism, and is able to counteract this fate — if only temporarily — by defining itself against a concrete enemy. Without the war against illiberalism, liberalism reverts to being nothing at all, a free-floating negation without purpose. Therefore, the impending war on Russia is a requirement of liberalism’s intrinsic cultural process. It is a flight from nihilism, which is to say: the history of nihilism propels it.

The Pseudo-Religion of Oil and Gas

Amid ongoing attacks on Nord Stream 2 and the advancement of the green agenda, gas prices in Europe continue to break records. Now the cost of a thousand cubic meters of natural gas is already $ 1500. This means that it has risen in price by 5 times over the past two years. Analysts predict: and this is not the limit – in winter it can reach up to $ 2,000. At the same time, Europe is already requesting coal from Russia.

Youtube Must be Destroyed

Youtube excelled again. This time he demolished the Russian television channel Russia Today in Germany without warning. As soon as I gave comments on the elections to the Bundestag for this channel, Youtube immediately eliminated it. Coincidence? Yes, I think it’s a coincidence, but a very symbolic one. The same Youtube, more than a year ago, also deleted my philosophical channel, where there were mainly lectures about Aristotle, and the millionth channel of Constantinople. Youtube lost the trial with Constantinople, but no one is going to change the way we see our policy. And now it is Russia Today Deutschland.

Grand Duke's Wedding

The wedding in St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg of Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov shook our society. For a long time, I have not seen so much poison and rudeness against the descendant of the glorious family of Russian tsars. The impression is that the rage of the envious proletarian masses has flared up again. To them was added the malice of the liberals who hate everything Russian. That is,  two revolutions – 1917 and 1991 – merged in a common hatred of the Russian monarchy… Quite indicative. But the detached position of the authorities was completely incomprehensible. Such a restrained and cold reaction to the beautiful and sophisticated symbolic event – the return to Russia of a descendant of the Romanov family and the solemn wedding ceremony in the main cathedral of St. Petersburg – causes only bewilderment. This is a direct illustration of the conservative vector of Putin’s policy – the restoration of ties from the times of Russian history, sympathy for the conservative part of the European elite and the aristocracy – and after all, among the guests of the Grand Duke were representatives of almost all the royal houses of Europe, a careful attitude to the aesthetics of the reviving imperial capital .

The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset

Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset is an open declaration of war against the twin diseases of liberalism and Western political modernity. Dugin calls upon the inhabitants of the Heartland to relentlessly attack, on all theoretical and practical fronts, the global elites of the coastlands, who try to impose their perverse, anti-human ideals by ruthlessly eradicating the long-standing cultures and traditions of all peoples in the world.


Bernard Levi's Imperial Dreams: Time has approached to accept Multipolarity

Globalist philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy reports that in the coming weeks, the French President and his Italian counterpart will announce a “Quirinal Treaty,” which is said to be modeled on the Elysee Treaty, which defines the framework for Franco-German relations. It is not the first year that the pact between Italy and France has been talked about. However, now, according to the liberal philosopher, it is high time to conclude such an agreement .

The Problem of "Nothing" in Philosophy

This article is devoted to the most important philosophical problem – the problem of Nothing. At first glance, nothing is easier than nothing, but in fact, nothing is more complicated. When a person begins to think about being, including about his own being, about his life, he will sooner or later come across the topic of the border. Being is. But in order to truly appreciate it, it is necessary to correlate it with something. This is where Nothing comes in.

Soçi görüşmesinin perde arkasını anlattı

Soçi’de yapılan son görüşmeye dair arka plan bilgilerine vakıf olduğunu aktaran Dugin “O gün Erdoğan ve Putin dünya dengeleri açısından hangi tarafta yer alacaklarını konuştu ve aldıkları kararı paylaştı. Kürt haritasından Kırım’a, Afganistan’dan Libya’ya, Kafkaslardan Suriye’ye tüm alanlara ilişkin hayati konularda kendi kırmızı çizgilerini çizdi. Başta İdlib olmak üzere birçok konuda uzlaştıklarını söyleyebilirim. Ancak bu tarihî buluşmada konuşulanların önemli bir kısmı sır olarak kalacak. Biz sadece sahada yansımalarını göreceğiz’’ dedi.
Putin’in dış politikasını belirleyen isimlerden Aleksandr Dugin, ABD’nin Suriye’den çekileceğini ve bunun kademeli olarak gerçekleşeceğini anlattı. Amerika’nın çekilmesi ile tüm meselelerin hallolmayacağı görüşünü dile getiren Dugin “ABD çekilse bile kriz üretmeye devam edecek. Bu noktada tek belirleyici unsur Rusya, Türkiye ve İran’ın tutumu olacak” diye konuştu.

The Crisis of Science: Does Atom Exist?

What Husserl clearly understood and brilliantly explained, scientists themselves began to understand. So, for example, in quantum mechanics, the process itself depends on the position and even on the very presence of the observer. In Einstein’s theory of relativity, the structure of time also becomes relative, which also depends on where we place the subject on the timeline. And if we assume the processes occurring at a speed greater than the speed of light, then time – beyond the limit of Minkowski space – becomes reversible. Modern superstring theory associates measurement structures with the calibration of the world sheet and the spirits of Fadeev-Popov, which also refers specifically to the subject.

The Fate of the Sixth Column: When Will it End?

You’ve probably noticed that in Russia the campaign against the liberal fifth column is gradually gaining momentum. This is related to the consolidation of the status of foreign agents for a number of media outlets and individual figures. Increasingly, the authorities are resorting to a completely justified classification of a number of liberal and pro-Western groups that are actively acting in order to destabilize society as extremism. What for decades got away with Navalny, Roman Dobrokhotov and other radical anti-state figures are finally beginning to qualify properly. Like a crime. Working for the collapse of your country in the interests of the enemy powers is, of course, a crime. In all senses. And it must be followed by punishment.


Many people know the character Thomas Sankara or Muammar Kadhafi was, but few know the deep thoughts of these characters. Few people know the concept of Pan-Africanism (at least among non-African peoples). Yet it is a thought that has always been at the center of the African debate in every era, in every generation. We will try to understand together the origins of this ideal, its objectives and the problems that it has had to face in each era and continues to face. In this article, we will focus on the history of the Pan-African current, addressing its origins, the Afro-descendant resistance in the Americas, Garveyism, African independence, and then addressing the more political-contemporary part with the resistance movements in this XXI century, like NGO Urgences Panafricanistes of Kemi Seba, an organization that I coordinate in the African diaspora, precisely in Italy.

Mali: The Fate of Great Africa

September 22 is the Independence Day of the African state of Mali. In Antiquity, since the 13th century, a real African Empire was formed on the territory of this state. Its name comes from the Malinke people, which are part of the Mande group of West African tribes. Previously, this area was dominated by the power of the people of Ghana, but after its decline, the initiative passed to Mali. The founder of the Mali Empire is considered the legendary ruler of Sundyatta Keita, about whom the whole epic “Sundiata” was composed.
