Hybrid Warfare Ecosystems: Russia Under Attack

It is quite natural that Russia, which seeks to strengthen its sovereignty and is generally oriented towards a multipolar world, interprets many processes proceeding from its interests and from its values, which sometimes do not coincide at all with the interests and values ​​of the United States, NATO countries and globalist circles. But this gives no reason at all to call Russian media policy in the international context either “disinformation” or “propaganda.” However, in the eyes of the State Department and the entire Western propaganda machine, everything that does not coincide with the views of the globalists and the United States, contradicts them, gives an alternative point of view, opposes their strategies and approaches, is perceived as an “enemy attack.” 

We (people) are the Church

Today one can often hear the opinion that our Church is wrong in something, does something wrong, does something wrong, and there are even worse expressions. However, it should be recalled that in the Orthodox tradition the concept of the Church includes all believers – or, more precisely, all Christians baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church.
This is one of the main differences from Catholicism. Western Christianity understands the church only as an aggregate of the priestly class – deacons, priests and bishops. And ordinary Christians are placed in the outer circle. They are not inside the church, but around it. Hence the theory of the Pope’s infallibility. He is the head of the Catholic Church in the sense that he stands at the top of the entire institution, being the direct ruler and leader of all lower church ranks.

Understanding a bare life

Survival is the most important concept of Spinoza. For him, it is associated with duration and life, as the ability to preserve one’s identity for a certain period. Ability = strength. Further, Deleuze, reflecting on Nietzsche, force = life. Survival is persistence in durability, perseverance. The will to last. Survivalism is a lifestyle aimed at only one thing – survival, which means, life for the sake of life, strength for the sake of strength.

Ideological Sovereignty In a Multipolar World

In conditions of unipolarity, liberalism has advanced even further in its individualism and technocracy. A new stage began when gender politics, the critical race theory, feminism, the overdue concern with all kinds of minority, came to the fore, as well as in the horizon of the near future – the transition through deep ecology to posthumanism, the era of robots, cyborgs, mutants, and Artificial Intelligence. American embassies or NATO military bases around the world have become the ideological representations of the global LGBT+ movement. LGBT+ signs are nothing more than a new edition of advanced liberalism.


Ideological Sovereignty In a Multipolar World

In the modern world, a multipolar model is clearly taking shape – almost taking shape. It replaced the unipolarity that was marked after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and especially the USSR. And the unipolar world, in turn, replaced the bipolar one, in which the Soviet camp geopolitically and ideologically opposed the capitalist West. These transitions between different types of world order did not take place overnight. Some aspects changed, but some remained the same by inertia.

There is No Progress: It is Delusion

Modern civilization is rather in a state of deep decline. This is a bitter confession, but it is not the same as despair. If everything went wrong – and everything really went wrong – let’s return to fullness and health, let's restore everything as it was -- in the state that existed before it went bad. Moreover, the rejection of progress by no means prohibits the recognition of the improvement of certain aspects of life. But it just doesn’t make it binding law.

Russian Return to the Middle East

Today it is common wisdom to claim that Russia is returning to the Middle East. Some regard it with hate, the others with suspicion, the third with hope. But before any evaluation according to interests and positions of different players and observers, we need first to clarify how Russia returns? What represents contemporary Russia on the new map of balance of world powers – especially regarding the Middle East? In the last 50 years, Russia has thrice changed radically its geopolitical and ideological status. During the Soviet period in the context of a bipolar world, Russia was undoubtfully a geopolitical superpower, the stronghold of Land Power, and the center of universal communist ideology, seeking to gain the mortal fight with the capitalist system, for the global control on the human societies on a planetary scale. The opposite camp – NATO States – represented geopolitically Sea Power and liberal ideology. Geopolitics and ideology, interests and values were densely intertwined forming two totalities – two blocks, two projects for humanity claiming to evict sooner or later the opponent.


The renewed national security doctrine is much more sharply defined by the imperative of sovereignty. The main priority is declared the freedom and independence of Russia as a great power. The growing pressure from Western hegemony is openly recorded. A strict orientation towards traditional values ​​and the development of their own Russian national idea is being asserted.  If we only follow this patriotic line, the following picture emerges: Russia, as a besieged fortress, is desperately fighting for its sovereignty, turning to mobilization, turning to Tradition, culture and deep historical roots of the Russian people and other Eurasian ethnic groups in solidarity with Russians in their destiny, statehood and history.


1 July 4, 1099 the army of the crusaders captured Jerusalem, snatching it from the hands of the Gentiles. We, of course, know that the Latin chivalry did not fulfill its promises to our Orthodox Emperor, and later even made the ugly capture of Constantinople. But this will only be in the 4th Crusade, at the end of the heroic era.

Elements for a revolutionary populist thought

The emerging Multipolar World is a geopolitical revolution. It doesn’t only mark a paradigm shift from the short unipolar moment established by the United States after 1991, but also the end of Western hegemony. The ongoing process of multipolarity is in favor of the different civilizations and against the Liberalist project of Globalization. Whereas Globalization tries to unify the world under one political system, one ideology and one civilization, multipolarity proclaims the diversity of different political systems, different ideologies and different civilizations.

Life, Thought and Echo-Persons

My main goal is that people - both in power and outside of power - learn to think. Not to think exactly as we do or similar but just to think. This thinking may not be the same as ours, and it may be contrary to what and to how we think.  Thinking is following the thought itself. And who knows where it will lead us... We have to follow it – wherever it leads ... Therefore, teaching people to think is a risk. Huge risk. And we have to accept it. Because to be is to be in danger. And to think is highest state of being… Therefore that is highest risk.

Relative Absolute, American Logos, Figure of Other and American Youth

Multipolarity could have its own contradictions, conflicts, and oppositions, but they would be of another nature than having one hegemony in the West establishing modern day left-liberalism as a global order with absolute truths. Unipolarity is linked to this new left-liberalism, and everybody who challenges the values of LGBT, BLM, “progress,” “technology,” and “scientific development” is considered to be Nazi, Communist, and so on.

Doubts and deadlocks of vaccination

Revaccination – loud calls to be vaccinated again and again and to receive in return various pleasant benefits – such as a QR code or even participation in a raffle of a whole car. That is what is happening actually in Russia. This is already a real epic fail. When they realized that it would not take a long time to hide the fact that the vaccine was a hoax, the idea was born about “new strains” and about the need to do it over and over again. Combined with the false target of herd immunity (let’s infect everyone with bubonic plague, come on !, come on !, of course, come on!) forced revaccination already looks really ominous. 

What does the world government want

Today we will talk about those conspiracy theories that are being censored more and more severely in different states. I wrote the book “Conspirology” and, in fact, in the early 90s, introduced this term into the language of Russian political science. This is, in general, an American word. Moreover, in one of my first speeches at the Sorbonne, I proposed to introduce this term into French, because the French used the term “conspirationnisme”, but did not use the English term “conspirology”. And I introduced this version of the term into Russian. I gave a lecture on conspiracy theories at the Sorbonne in 1899 … or rather in 1989  (I am so many years old that I can even confuse centuries). I gave a lecture on conspiracy theories and used this English term “conspirology” in the French manner – “conspirologie “: This word became a neologism for the French language, and a number of professors who were present at my lecture said: ” This is interesting, we need to enrich our French language borrowing this Anglo-Saxon word from a Russian philosopher who made a lecture on “conspirology”.


The liberal West includes levers of pressure on Russia not only when it comes to the fate of the opposition of the “fifth column”, but also about the inviolability of the “sixth”. The only difference is that open oppositionists are discussed openly and loudly, while the political immunity of the liberals in power – Chubais, Nabiullina or Siluanov – is discussed behind closed doors.


The modern structure of knowledge, whose principles were laid down at the beginning of the Modernity, is focused on a consistent rejection of the hierarchy. This is most clearly seen in nominalism, which overturns the ontological taxonomy that goes back to Aristotle (individual, species, genus –  individuum,  specie,  genus ), in favor of a plane equalization among themselves of all things taken under the modus hicceitas, “thisness” (Duns Scott). From here it is already a stone’s throw to the logical positivism of Bertrand Russell and early Wittgenstein. 

Independence Day of US - hijacked feast

As long as the U.S. remained a peripheral power, closed in on itself, this was acceptable. After all, how various religious sectarians and extravagant fantasists like the Mormons and other still stranger sects want to live, it was their business, their choice.
But then something irreparable happened. A group of British oligarchs - such as the racist and imperialist Cecil Rhodes, responsible for the genocide and brutal exploitation of Africans - saw that the British Empire was heading for the end and decided to prepare a former colony, the United States, to take its place.

The day of global Insurrection

On June 29, the world community celebrates the Day of the Partisan or the Insurgent, the Day of Underground. I like this idea. No one can get a guarantee from being in the position of a persecuted minority, forced to exist in the underground and lead a partisan way of life. Russian proverbs says: one not never too sure to avoid accidental poverty or imprisonment. That depends not on our will only. There is something other. The Fate.

Global World as Masonic Temple. Wake up!

This radical revolutionary Freemasonry rejected God and became the main ideological and political enemy of the whole traditional order in Europe. The Third Estate under the Masonic leadership and guidance destroyed the Church, overthrew the Monarchy and still more enslaved the peasants. The materialistic science of the Encyclopedists all directly connected with Masonry and inspired by it replaced sublime idealism of the Christian Middle Ages.
True Europe fought a desperate battle in the Vendée, where the priesthood, the aristocracy loyal to the monarch, and the peasantry – all three classical functions of Indo-European society (according to G.Dumezil) united against bloody Masonic terrorism, the vanguard of liberal-capitalist materialist civilization, which was advancing on Europe. And, in the end, conquered it.

Eurasianism: The struggle for the multi-polar world

Whereas George Marshall explained the responsibility of American leadership in the context of the cold war, Fukuyama attempted to presume the unilateral role of American leadership in the post-cold war, especially in the absence any major adversary on the global scale. But within a decade, after Fukuyama’s open proclamation of America’s liberal ascendance, American leadership began suffering from the disorder of doublethink that originates from the contradiction between theory and practice in the promotion of liberal values.

Galileo's repentance was false. Modern science is criminal

Historical chronicles report that Galileo renounced the heliocentric picture of the world on 22 June 1633. Urban folklore adds that Galileo muttered to himself "and so it goes round and round". This moment is usually thought of as the drama of “a progressive scientific worldview in the struggle against medieval backwardness”. In fact it was one episode in an act of God-killing that stretched over several centuries of Western European history. When in the XIX century Nietzsche proclaimed "God is dead, you killed him - you and me!", he was only stating a fait accompli. He has heroically taken the blame upon himself, trying to live, think, and create with this unbearable knowledge of the Western nihilistic abyss. If there is no God, there is nothing. If the earth is round, material and revolves around the same material sun in infinite - and again - purely material! - space, then there is no God. And there is no world, His world.

The Theory of a Multipolar World

Alexander Dugin’s The Theory of a Multipolar World is a cheerful and optimistic view of a future in which humanity will reach its highest development. However, it will not be the uniform humanity pictured by the globalizing and leveling schemers and manipulators. Instead, old artificial borders will be dissolved and new natural divisions installed. Mankind will blossom in its manifold manifestations, namely the distinct civilizations and the ethnoses that breathe their souls into them. Drawing from a variety of philosophies from both the Right and Left, Dugin maps out the immediate goals and ultimate vision of this theory, and what is required to implement it.
