Actual politics

Existential Justification of Russian Special Military Operation

Existential Justification of Russian Special Military Operation

We read the thesis of the total mobilization in the context of Heidegger, and what do we get out of it? Exactly what Andrei was saying, that total mobilization means changing how one exists. According to Heidegger, there are two fundamental ways of existing, i.e. Dasein: inauthentic and authentic. When Dasein, that is, our human presence, the thinking presence, asks in the world what existence is and turns to its essence and comes face to face with death, because it is death that is the main existential of Dasein.

Ukraine as a Field of Armageddon

Ukraine as a Field of Armageddon

Many are beginning to realize that what is happening is in no way explained by national interest analysis, by economic trends or energy policy, by territorial disputes, or by ethnic contradictions. Virtually any expert who tries to describe what is happening in the usual terms and concepts of pre-war times looks at the least unconvincing, and more often than not, simply stupid.





Erdogan staat voor de ultieme test

Erdogan staat voor de ultieme test

Noot van de vertaler: Aleksandr Doegin analyseert hier de situatie in Turkije vanuit Russisch oogpunt en binnen het huidige kader van de oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne (of liever tussen Rusland en de NAVO) in de Zwarte Zee, die een inzet is van de oude Russisch-Ottomaanse rivaliteit. De huidige situatie impliceert een aanzienlijke verandering van aanpak. Voor Europa (of voor het idee van het Gemeenschappelijk Huis) gaat de noodzaak om de argumenten van Erdogan te aanvaarden, die de Amerikaanse inmenging wenst te beperken, hand in hand met een afwijzing van Erdogans beleid om de Turkse diaspora te manipuleren tegen de Europese samenlevingen, een manipulatie die ook zou plaatsvinden als het beruchte ideologische kenmerk van de West-Europese regimes niet het Wokisme zou zijn.

The ABC of traditional values: historical memory and intergenerational continuity

The ABC of traditional values: historical memory and intergenerational continuity

In the next part of our 'ABC of traditional values' we will talk about the letter 'I' - historical memory and intergenerational continuity. What is more important than this traditional value if we want to achieve all the others? After all, if we lose our historical memory, if we become like the one who does not remember his kinship, then, in general, it will not matter what we have planned before.

Partisans of culture

Partisans of culture

I have noticed that certain registers of understanding are rapidly disappearing in society. It is as if the spectrum of waves on which people communicate - references, quotations, examples, the minimum obvious set of references, including rhetorical figures, references to seemingly obvious cascades of knowledge (in history, culture, art, science, philosophy, politics) - is constantly and irreversibly shrinking.

Third period in Russia's recent history: the war

Third period in Russia's recent history: the war

20.09.2022 - What is happening now in Ukraine is a war. There is no more SMO: what there is is called 'war'. Not a war between Russia and Ukraine, but a collective war of the West against Russia. When American informers direct missiles towards Russian territory, one can only speak of 'war', and it doesn't matter which hands they are fighting with. When they aim the HIMERs at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it can be interpreted as an attempted nuclear attack on Russia. 

On the brink of World War III

16.09.2022 - The last few days have seen a significant shift in the balance of power in Ukraine. This must be understood in its entirety. Kiev's counter-attacks were generally unsuccessful in the Kherson region, but, alas, effective in the Kharkiv region. It is the situation in Kharkiv and the forced retreat of the allied forces that is the turning point. Putting aside the psychological effects and the legitimate feelings of the patriots, it must be recorded that in the entire history of the SMO we have reached the point of no return.

SMO, the battle for the 'end of history'!

SMO, the battle for the 'end of history'!

17.08.2022 - Let us think about the philosophical meaning of SMO (Editor's note: let us again remind readers that SMO stands for Special Military Operation). The SMO is inextricably linked to the concept of the 'end of history', not only because Francis Fukuyama, who wrote the famous text entitled The End of History, from day one of the SMO actively joined the ideological struggle against Russia on the side of the Ukrainian nationalists and even personally joined the terrorist organisation Bellingcat, which, among other things, tried to hijack a military aircraft in Russia, although this fact is very expressive in itself; the central fact is that Russia is directly opposed to globalism, to that 'liberal totalitarianism', as President Putin has openly put it, which is an ideology, and the 'end of history' plays a key role in its structure.

The Polish Question. Partition of Ukraine?

The Polish Question. Partition of Ukraine?

27.05.2022 - Some background on Poland: the plan to hand over western Ukraine to Poland already existed before the start of the SMO, when the West was only considering the likelihood of such a conflict. NATO believed that Russia would destroy the command centre in Kiev at the beginning of the operation and that this would be a wake-up call for Poland; the relocation of the embassies from Kiev to Lviv was also linked to this.

“It's time for Paris to leave”: Africans gather in their thousands against French neo-colonialism

“It's time for Paris to leave”: Africans gather in their thousands against French neo-colonialism

19.05.2022 - Although the era of colonial powers ended in the middle of the last century, France has not yet abandoned its attempts to exploit African states. In many of the countries that gained independence from the metropolis, Paris deployed puppet politicians.

"Europe is the battlefield between two worldviews" - Interview with Daria Platonova

"Europe is the battlefield between two worldviews" - Interview with Daria Platonova

05.05.2022 - We interviewed, exclusively, Darya Platonova Dugina, philosopher graduated from Moscow State University, specialised in Neoplatonism, able political commentator and daughter of Professor Aleksandr Dugin. The interview was made originlly bilingual (italian and russian), in order to be diffused also to the Russian-speaking public.


The loser party

The loser party

15.04.2022 - We have approached a fundamental change in Russia itself. Everyone talks about the 'party of war' and the 'party of peace'.  I think these expressions are wrong. This was the case in 2014, but it no longer fits the new conditions.

How events in Ukraine have shaken the French political life: A FAN interview with Daria Platonova

How events in Ukraine have shaken the French political life: A FAN interview with Daria Platonova

14.04.2022 - In France, the first round of the presidential election was completed on April 10. According to its results, the current head of state Emmanuel Macron won 27.84% of the votes, while his rival, the leader of the right-wing National Unity party Marine Le Pen, got 23.15%.

Victory or nothing

Victory or nothing

13.04.2022 - When the Supreme Commander-in-Chief began a special military operation in Ukraine, the course of history was changed. Irreversibly changed. This is the case when they say "the die is cast," "we have crossed the Rubicon," and "there is no turning back". It may seem to some that there is, but there isn't. And now no one and nothing can affect anything, and no one and can do anything the way it was before.
