Actual politics

Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland

Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland

06.03.2022 - The events of the last few weeks have highlighted the axes of new geopolitical alliances and completely rebuilt the geopolitical map of the world. Thus, the space of Europe, located between the pole of Eurasia and that of the USA (the civilization of the sea) and forming part of a large area, which in geopolitics is called "Rimland" ("land of the arc") it has finally lost its sovereignty (and even before, largely virtual, rather potential than real) and orientation towards continentalism. All of Europe today is Atlanticist.

China and Russia the bastions of multipolar world that breaks US dominance

24.02.2022 - As Russian philosopher and political analyst Aleksandr Dugin says, the unipolar world, globalist ideology, and Western hegemony are collapsing, and the US doesn't want to sit idly by. Washington is willing to take any action to stop this from happening. Thus the problem of Ukraine arose when the US declared an "impending Russian invasion."


Dugin on the Russian Spring and The Pressure of The West: "Ukraine has chosen the wrong Gentleman"

Dugin on the Russian Spring and The Pressure of The West: "Ukraine has chosen the wrong Gentleman"

22.02.2022 - Political scientist, leader of the international Eurasian movement and editor-in-chief of the portal "Katehon" Alexander Dugin spoke about the Russian spring and the pressure of the West. He called the decision to recognize the independence of the Donbass republics the most important event in the history of recent decades. "Ukraine has chosen the wrong gentleman," the expert added.

The future of the Ukrainian state

The future of the Ukrainian state

16.02.2022 - Amid the stormy propaganda that the West has unleashed on the Ukrainian issue – ranging from a call for the repatriation of US and European citizens in Ukraine to the media leak that the Kiev government has begun to move the government infrastructure and the most important institutions to the western border of the country – it is difficult to think or talk about anything else. 

Russian views on the Ukrainian crisis

Russian views on the Ukrainian crisis

11.02.2022 - Center for Arab Eurasian Studies of the current explosive crisis between Russia and the West, one of its chapters is now taking place in Ukraine; Where each party reviews its strength and capabilities, the Center's Russian Studies Unit presents, in this press investigation, a summary of the most prominent and most important Russian views on the latest developments surrounding that crisis after Moscow obtained a written response from the United States and its allies regarding the security guarantees it requested. The report is the opinions of several prominent Russian experts who singled out the Center exclusively. In this context, the Center's management extends its thanks and appreciation for the time and effort of these experts

Eurasianist Putin V/s Atlanticist Biden

Eurasianist Putin V/s Atlanticist Biden

22.12.2021 - The escalation of relations between Russia and the United States after Joe Biden came to the presidency and the escalation of the situation around Ukraine, as well as the growth of tension in the premises of Russia’s borders (provocative actions of NATO ships in the Black Sea basin, aggressive maneuvers of the US Air Force along the air borders of the Russian Federation, etc.) – all this has a completely rational geopolitical explanation. The root of everything should be sought in the situation that developed in the late 80s of the twentieth century when the collapse of the structures of the Soviet camp occurred.

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Rus milliyetçi entelektüellerin yeni internet sitesi'daki son yazısında Aleksandr Dugin, Rusya'nın Ukrayna üzerindeki niyetlerini tüm çıplaklığıyla açıkladı. Dugin'i göre artık Ukrayna Doğu Slav Birliği'nden ayrılamayacak.... Batının B planı terörizm... Afganistan'dan ABD'nin ayrılması Taliban'ı güçlendirip bize güneyden saldırtmak için!..

The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset

Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset is an open declaration of war against the twin diseases of liberalism and Western political modernity. Dugin calls upon the inhabitants of the Heartland to relentlessly attack, on all theoretical and practical fronts, the global elites of the coastlands, who try to impose their perverse, anti-human ideals by ruthlessly eradicating the long-standing cultures and traditions of all peoples in the world.


Soçi görüşmesinin perde arkasını anlattı

Soçi’de yapılan son görüşmeye dair arka plan bilgilerine vakıf olduğunu aktaran Dugin “O gün Erdoğan ve Putin dünya dengeleri açısından hangi tarafta yer alacaklarını konuştu ve aldıkları kararı paylaştı. Kürt haritasından Kırım’a, Afganistan’dan Libya’ya, Kafkaslardan Suriye’ye tüm alanlara ilişkin hayati konularda kendi kırmızı çizgilerini çizdi. Başta İdlib olmak üzere birçok konuda uzlaştıklarını söyleyebilirim. Ancak bu tarihî buluşmada konuşulanların önemli bir kısmı sır olarak kalacak. Biz sadece sahada yansımalarını göreceğiz’’ dedi.
Putin’in dış politikasını belirleyen isimlerden Aleksandr Dugin, ABD’nin Suriye’den çekileceğini ve bunun kademeli olarak gerçekleşeceğini anlattı. Amerika’nın çekilmesi ile tüm meselelerin hallolmayacağı görüşünü dile getiren Dugin “ABD çekilse bile kriz üretmeye devam edecek. Bu noktada tek belirleyici unsur Rusya, Türkiye ve İran’ın tutumu olacak” diye konuştu.

Events in Palestine: the End is closer than ever

It is important to point out that not only the Israelis are massacring the Palestinians, but the rockets launched by Hamas are also reaching their targets. Israelis are also losing their lives.
The flare-up of the Arab-Israeli conflict once again resurrects a whole range of ominous apocalyptic plots. All three world monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - agree that the end of the world will begin with a great war in the Holy Land. So the End is closer than ever.
The State of Israel itself is, in the eyes of religious Jews, a State of the End. The fourth diaspora (galut), which began with Titus' destruction of Jerusalem in 70, after which the Jews were scattered all over the world, ends only in the age of Moshiach.

Global Resistance has become a necessity: A Eurasianist perspective

This is why; we Eurasianists are in open rebellion against the so-called Great Reset because we believe that it is time for the Great Awakening as Philosopher Alexandr Dugin said. The liberal order is under severe crisis in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the fact cannot be denied that the sudden upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragile socio-political and economic models of the liberal world order. Consequently, under the guise of the ongoing Pandemic, the liberal pundits such as Klaus Schwab (COVID-19: The Great Reset) and George Soros (Open Society) are attempting to hide the failure and crisis of the liberal world order. As Klaus Schwab in his propaganda pamphlet "About COVID-19: The Great Reset" ambiguously claims that "COVID-19 is not going to end anytime soon; hence we must learn to live with it". This clearly illustrates that the corporate liberal pundits are trying to design a new grand reset strategy to save the liberal world order. Unfortunately, this time; it won't be successful because the ordinary masses are well aware about the superficiality of the liberal modernity and its cherished ideologies.


The real struggle begins just now. The fear Democrats felt during peaceful protests on Capitol hill will be reminder for all of them. Seeing simple American people – dispossessed majority, silent and “deplorable” – coming to Congress – that was the moment of truth. And deputies have hidden themselves under banks... Real “deplorables” are these cowards. They grasped in this marvellous moment that they are no more safe anywhere. Welcome into our skin. From now on Democrats will be attacked worldwide. They should know: we observe them exactly as they do; we will follow them exactly as they do; we will gather information and create the dossiers on all Democrats, globalists and their puppets exactly as they do. From now on any connection with Democrats and their proxies will be considered as the fact of collaborationism and of participation in the crime against humanity. They killed thousands and hundreds of thousands outside of USA. But the evil doesn’t recognize the limits. It is always based on hybris. So they started to kill American themselves. Ashley Babbitt is just the beginning. They are planning the real genocide inside US this time. And that has already began.


We need to refresh his mission, to reestablish the real dimension of the Iranian Call (da‘wah) for universal Revolution. And that concerns everybody on the planet, every entity in the whole cosmic structure. It is a call for men, women, animals, plants, elements, for angels and demons. It is the call for the Great Zuhur,  and  we need to reopen this hidden dimension of the Iranian Revolution.

I consider that a sign of the Great Awakening – not only for Muslims - that was addressed to all of us. But each culture should find the proper way to translate this Call (da‘wah). It is not just about literal translation – to translate the Call (da‘wah) is not the same as to translate a text. We need to translate the Iranian Revolution as the Event (Ereignis) in Heideggerian sense. So, we have the Event but we still need its correct interpretation.


We could find in that reading and discourse the convergence -- similar meaning with different outer shapes could emphasize the serious divergence, because in the long perspective that means two world orders – realist and liberal.  Trump’s line will somehow accept multipolarity as established fact trying to secure the US leading role in multipolar world order, while Biden’s globalism will try to prevent at any price the coming of the multipolar age because that destroys the linear progress of liberal democracy that is now almost “religious” dogma of Democrats and globalists.

Geopolitics of American elections

These two Americas - the America of the Land and the America of the Sea - have come together today in an irreconcilable struggle for their president. Moreover, both Democrats and Republicans obviously do not intend to recognize the winner if he comes from the opposite camp. Biden is convinced that Trump "has already falsified the election results," and his "friend" Putin has "already intervened in them" with the help of the GRU, Novichok, the Olga trolls and other multipolar ecosystems of "Russian propaganda." Consequently, the Democrats do not intend to recognize Trump's victory. This is not a victory, but a fake.
Almost the same is also considered by the most consistent Republicans. Democrats use illegal methods in the election campaign - in fact, a "color revolution" is taking place in the United States itself, directed against Trump and his administration. And behind it are completely transparent traces of its organizers, one of the main globalists and opponents of Trump George Soros, Bill Gates and other fanatics of the "new democracy", the brightest and most consistent representatives of the American "civilization of the Sea." Therefore, the Republicans are ready to go to the end, especially since the bitterness of the Democrats in the past 4 years against Trump and his appointees is so great that if Biden ends up in the White House, political repression against part of the American establishment - at least against all Trump's appointees - will have unprecedented scope.
