ヌーマキアの紹介(講義2) - ジオソフィー

ヌーマキアの紹介(講義2) - ジオソフィー


ヌーマキアの紹介(講義1) ヌーマキアとは何か?

ヌーマキアの紹介(講義1) ヌーマキアとは何か?




ロシア初のテレビチャンネル「ツァルグラード」は、新しいテレビプロジェクト「The ABC of Traditional Values」を開始しました。3人のロシア人思想家による、ロシアの存立基盤とロシアの未来についての専門家による講演シリーズです。コンスタンチン・マロフェーエフ、アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン、アンドレイ・トカチェフ大司祭は、ウラジーミル・プーチンによって承認された「伝統的精神・道徳的価値の保存と強化のための国家政策の基礎」について分析しています。最初の導入部では、「伝統」そのものを扱っている。




Dugin's guideline: The Anthropological Problem in Eschatology

In our time it is becoming increasingly clear that man himself, his very existence, is in question, and it is becoming increasingly clear that we are living in a critical, extremely critical moment in history, and it is possible (and even probable) that we are living in the end times.
Epidemics and wars are decimating millions of lives, in the SMO, the world has been brought to the brink of a nuclear war that, once started, could end humanity's existence.




War and Chaos (Essays on the Metaphysics of War) - full version

The most thoughtful observers of the Ukrainian front note the peculiar nature of this war: the chaos factor has increased enormously. This applies to all sides of the Special Military Operation, both to the actions and strategies of the enemy and our command, as well as to the dramatically increased role of technology (all kinds of drones and UAVs), and the intensive online information support, where it is almost impossible to distinguish the fictitious from the real. This is a war of chaos. It is time to revisit this fundamental concept.

アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン: ウクライナは「最初の多極」紛争である

アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン: ウクライナは「最初の多極」紛争である


Le concept du sujet pauvre

Le concept du sujet pauvre

Un trait caractéristique de la philosophie russe, selon certains historiens de la philosophie russe, est l'ontologisme de la pensée. La position de l'ontologisme en philosophie, contrairement à la position opposée du gnoséologisme, implique la considération primordiale non pas du processus de la pensée, mais de l'objet de la compréhension. Étant du côté de l'ontologique, nous cherchons avant tout à identifier et à répondre à la question : "QUOI est, QUOI est l'objet de notre connaissance, QUOI est le centre de notre intuition intellectuelle". 

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Rus milliyetçi entelektüellerin yeni internet sitesi zavtra.ru'daki son yazısında Aleksandr Dugin, Rusya'nın Ukrayna üzerindeki niyetlerini tüm çıplaklığıyla açıkladı. Dugin'i göre artık Ukrayna Doğu Slav Birliği'nden ayrılamayacak.... Batının B planı terörizm... Afganistan'dan ABD'nin ayrılması Taliban'ı güçlendirip bize güneyden saldırtmak için!..

El segundo mundo, la semiperiferia y la civilización-estado en la teoría del mundo multipolar

Para comprender la transformación del orden mundial que está aconteciendo ante nuestros ojos, sobre todo el proceso de cambio de un modelo unipolar (globalista) a uno multipolar, es necesario recurrir a diversas ideas y conceptos que permiten realizar una explicación coherente de la misma. He propuesto mi propia visión del asunto en libros como Teoría del mundo multipolar  y La Geopolítica del mundo multipolar, pero estas son solo aproximaciones a un tema bastante complicado. En este artículo quiero desarrollar tres conceptos que pueden ayudarnos a comprender mucho mejor el proceso de transición que está teniendo lugar en las Relaciones Internacionales. Creo que estos conceptos explican las tendencias, conflictos y problemas que se producen actualmente, como, por ejemplo, los conflictos en Ucrania, Taiwán y otras partes del mundo. Solo comprenderemos lo que está sucediendo ahora si entendemos las razones detrás de esta transición, lo cual requiere de una contraparte conceptual. Los tres conceptos que vamos a abordar hacen parte de una explicación de este asunto.

Second world, semi-periphery and state civilisation in a multipolar world theory. Part Three.

We come to a third concept, crucial for understanding the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world and the place of the BRICS countries in this process. We are talking about the concept of the civilisation-state. This idea has been formulated by Chinese scholars (in particular by Professor Zhang Weiwei) and most often the concept of the civilisation-state is applied to modern China and then by analogy to Russia, India, etc. In the Russian context, a similar theory was put forward by the Eurasians, who proposed the concept of the Peace-State. Actually, in that trend, Russia was understood as a civilisation, not just one of the countries, hence the main Eurasian concept - Russia-Eurasia.

Second World, Semiperiphery and State-Civilisation in Multipolar World Theory [Part Two]

Let us now turn to a different theory: the 'world-system analysis' constructed by Immanuel Wallerstein. Wallerstein, an exponent of the Marxist school of International Relations (especially in its Trotskyist interpretation), on the basis of the doctrine of "the long run" (F. Braudel) and the Latin American theorists of structural economics (R. Prebisch, S. Furtado), developed a model of world zoning according to the level of development of capitalism. This view represents a development of Vladimir Lenin's ideas on imperialism as the highest stage of development of capitalism, according to which the capitalist system naturally gravitates towards globalisation and the spread of its influence over all humanity. Colonial wars between the developed powers are only the initial stage. Capitalism is gradually realising the unity of its supranational goals and forming the core of world government. This is fully consistent with liberal International Relations theory, where the phenomenon of 'imperialism', critically understood by Marxists, is described in apologetic terms as the goal of a 'global society', the One World.

The “Right-Wing Gramscianism” Phenomenon: The Experience of the “New Right”

The “New Right” is an ensemble of intellectual movements that appeared in 1968 as a reaction to ideological crisis and the strengthening of liberal hegemony in Europe. By 1968, the classical “rightwing” movements were riddled with liberal ideological motives, such as the adoption of capitalism, pro-American sentiments, and statism. In turn, the “left-wing” agenda, the core of which was constituted by opposition to capitalism [1], was also affected by liberal influences. Egalitarianism, individualism, the negation of differences between cultures, and universalism were rendering “left-wing” movements allies and partners of the liberal doctrine.

Darya Dugina at the 16th International Conference “The Universe of Platonic Thought”

Political philosophy has always been denied full recognition, focusing on analyzing the metaphysical aspects of Neoplatonism. Neoplatonic concepts such as “permanence” (μονή), “emanation” (πρόοδος), “return” (ὲπιστροφή), etc. were treated in historical-philosophical works separately from the sphere of the Political. Thus, the Political was interpreted only as a stage of ascent toward the Good, embedded in the rigid hierarchical model of Neoplatonic philosophical thought, but not as an independent pole of the philosophical model.

El código ruso

Rusia lanzó la operación militar especial en Ucrania con la intención de defender su soberanía. Mientras tanto, Occidente ha decidido usar a la nación ucraniana – sí es que puede ser llamada así – como un proxy para detener a los rusos. El predominio militar, económico y formal de Occidente es algo obvio. Sin embargo, Occidente no es solo una estructura política, económica y militar, sino una civilización que tiene un código de programación particular. Este código es el que se convierte posteriormente en armas militares o sistemas económicos, políticos, culturales, educativos, comunicativos, etc… El problema actual subyace en que Rusia debe luchar en contra de este código que da vida a Occidente.

Soçi görüşmesinin perde arkasını anlattı

Soçi’de yapılan son görüşmeye dair arka plan bilgilerine vakıf olduğunu aktaran Dugin “O gün Erdoğan ve Putin dünya dengeleri açısından hangi tarafta yer alacaklarını konuştu ve aldıkları kararı paylaştı. Kürt haritasından Kırım’a, Afganistan’dan Libya’ya, Kafkaslardan Suriye’ye tüm alanlara ilişkin hayati konularda kendi kırmızı çizgilerini çizdi. Başta İdlib olmak üzere birçok konuda uzlaştıklarını söyleyebilirim. Ancak bu tarihî buluşmada konuşulanların önemli bir kısmı sır olarak kalacak. Biz sadece sahada yansımalarını göreceğiz’’ dedi.
Putin’in dış politikasını belirleyen isimlerden Aleksandr Dugin, ABD’nin Suriye’den çekileceğini ve bunun kademeli olarak gerçekleşeceğini anlattı. Amerika’nın çekilmesi ile tüm meselelerin hallolmayacağı görüşünü dile getiren Dugin “ABD çekilse bile kriz üretmeye devam edecek. Bu noktada tek belirleyici unsur Rusya, Türkiye ve İran’ın tutumu olacak” diye konuştu.


私は循環的発展の支持者であり、知は徐々に蓄積されてゆく ものだというフランシス•ベーコンの考えには賛成しない。だ がここでは、進歩主義的なテーマや思潮へのアプローチを、い かに発展させ修正するべきか提案したい。われわれは「保守主 義」という概念の内容について、これまでくりかえし説明しよ うとしてきた。〈第四の政治理論〉をめぐる会議や学術シンポ ジゥムをいくつも開催した。こうした努力の成果は雑誌【★! や学術論文集、著«、ィンターネット.サィト【*2】で発表さ れており、多かれ少なかれ一般読者の目に入っているだろう。 だからここではその先に進みたい。

〈第四の政治理論〉に関する議論の進展の具体例としてモス クヮ大学社会学部保守主義研究センター【★立とサンクトぺテ ルブルク大学哲学部のペテルブルク保守クラブ【★々〕の活動力 もたらした、めざましい成果を紹介しよぅ。ペテルブルクの(強 調しておこぅ)すばらしい出版社「アンフオラ」から刊行され た二冊の本、アラン.ド•ブノワ!:☆11の『アンチ•リベラリ ズム——第四の政治理論にむけて』у!と拙著『第四の政治 理論』〔*6〕である。
この「サンクトぺテルブルク哲学の日」!;亡2〕でも登壇した 哲学者ブノヮの本は、現代の主要問題に関する哲学的.政治的 所見をまとめたもので、グローパル化、経済的.社会的危機、 ョーロッパ統合、政治.社会の新潮流、ョーロッバ.ロシア関係、 ヒユーマニズムなどが論じられている。これらの問題がみな、
