Darya Dugina at the 16th International Conference “The Universe of Platonic Thought”

Political philosophy has always been denied full recognition, focusing on analyzing the metaphysical aspects of Neoplatonism. Neoplatonic concepts such as “permanence” (μονή), “emanation” (πρόοδος), “return” (ὲπιστροφή), etc. were treated in historical-philosophical works separately from the sphere of the Political. Thus, the Political was interpreted only as a stage of ascent toward the Good, embedded in the rigid hierarchical model of Neoplatonic philosophical thought, but not as an independent pole of the philosophical model.

El código ruso

Rusia lanzó la operación militar especial en Ucrania con la intención de defender su soberanía. Mientras tanto, Occidente ha decidido usar a la nación ucraniana – sí es que puede ser llamada así – como un proxy para detener a los rusos. El predominio militar, económico y formal de Occidente es algo obvio. Sin embargo, Occidente no es solo una estructura política, económica y militar, sino una civilización que tiene un código de programación particular. Este código es el que se convierte posteriormente en armas militares o sistemas económicos, políticos, culturales, educativos, comunicativos, etc… El problema actual subyace en que Rusia debe luchar en contra de este código que da vida a Occidente.

Lévy vs Dugin: 프랑스 철학자는 푸틴의 지적 멘토를 놓칠 수없는 논쟁에서 반유대주의와 인종 차별 주의자로 비난

유럽 휴머니즘의 정신을 살리는 가장 권위있는 지적 단체 중 하나 인 Nexus Institute의 초청으로 2019 년 10 월 지적 결투로 열린 공개 심포지엄을 통해 25 주년을 맞이했습니다.두 철학자 버나드-앙리 레비와 알렉산더 듀긴 사이에 있습니다.

'도둑맞은 혁명', 소련은 왜 망했나?

"아시아는 러시아의 출구가 되어줄 것이다."19세기 후반, 작가 도스토예프스키의 예언이다."러시아의 8할은 아시아이다. 러시아의 희망은 아시아에 있다."20세기 초반, 언어학자 트루베츠코이(Никола́й Серге́евич Трубецко́й)의 언명이다."러시아가 구원을 받을 수 있다면, 그것은 오로지 유라시아 국가로서만, 유라시아주의를 통해서만 가능할 것이다."20세기 후반, 역사학자이자 지리학자 레프 구밀료프(Лев Никола́евич Гумилёв)의 진단이다. 최후의 인터뷰에서 밝힌 견해였으니 유언이라고도 하겠다.러시아제국과 소비에트연방, 두 번의 제국이 무너진 폐허에서 공히 솟아난 담론이 유라시아주의였다. 그 유라시아주의를 21세기에 계승하고 있는 이가 알렉산드르 두긴(Алекса́ндр Ге́льевич Ду́гин)이다

푸틴을 이해하려면 이 사람을 보라 … 알렉산드르 두긴

알렉산드르 두긴. 위키미디어 공용이미지

알렉산드르 두긴(60)은 러시아의 정치철학자이다. 그는 지식인 가운데 유일하게 2014년 러시아의 크름반도(크림반도) 병합 이후 제재 명단에 올라 미국과 캐나다 입국이 금지됐다. 두긴은 러시아를 20년 동안 지배해 온 ‘푸티니즘’의 사상적 기반을 제공했다고 평가받는다. 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령의 세계관을 이해하기 위해서는 ‘푸틴의 브레인’으로 불린 두긴을 알아야 한다는 말이 나올 정도다. 일각에선 그를 제정 러시아 말기 황제의 신임을 바탕으로 폭정을 일삼은 그레고리 라스푸틴에 비유하기도 한다.

Soçi görüşmesinin perde arkasını anlattı

Soçi’de yapılan son görüşmeye dair arka plan bilgilerine vakıf olduğunu aktaran Dugin “O gün Erdoğan ve Putin dünya dengeleri açısından hangi tarafta yer alacaklarını konuştu ve aldıkları kararı paylaştı. Kürt haritasından Kırım’a, Afganistan’dan Libya’ya, Kafkaslardan Suriye’ye tüm alanlara ilişkin hayati konularda kendi kırmızı çizgilerini çizdi. Başta İdlib olmak üzere birçok konuda uzlaştıklarını söyleyebilirim. Ancak bu tarihî buluşmada konuşulanların önemli bir kısmı sır olarak kalacak. Biz sadece sahada yansımalarını göreceğiz’’ dedi.
Putin’in dış politikasını belirleyen isimlerden Aleksandr Dugin, ABD’nin Suriye’den çekileceğini ve bunun kademeli olarak gerçekleşeceğini anlattı. Amerika’nın çekilmesi ile tüm meselelerin hallolmayacağı görüşünü dile getiren Dugin “ABD çekilse bile kriz üretmeye devam edecek. Bu noktada tek belirleyici unsur Rusya, Türkiye ve İran’ın tutumu olacak” diye konuştu.


Although the concept of hegemony in Critical Theory is based on Antonio Gramsci’s theory, it is necessary to distinguish this concept’s position on Gramscianism and neo-Gramscianism from how it is understood in the realist and neo-realist schools of IR.

The classical realists use the term “hegemony” in a relative sense and understand it as the “actual and substantial superiority of the potential power of any state over the potential of another one, often neighboring countries.” Hegemony might be understood as a regional phenomenon, as the determination of whether one or another political entity is considered a “hegemon” depends on scale. Thucydides introduced the term itself when he spoke of Athens and Sparta as the hegemons of the Peloponnesian War, and classical realism employs this term in the same way to this day. Such an understanding of hegemony can be described as “strategic” or “relative.”

In neo-realism, “hegemony” is understood in a global (structural) context. The main difference from classical realism lies in that “hegemony” cannot be regarded as a regional phenomenon. It is always a global one. The neorealism of K. Waltz, for example, insists that the balance of two hegemons (in a bipolar world) is the optimal structure of power balance on a world scale[ii]. R. Gilpin believes that hegemony can be combined only with unipolarity, i.e., it is possible for only a single hegemon to exist, this function today being played by the USA.

In both cases, the realists comprehend hegemony as a means of potential correlation between the potentials of different state powers. 

Gramsci's understanding of hegemony is completely different and finds itself in a completely opposite theoretical field. To avoid the misuse of this term in IR, and especially in the TMW, it is necessary to pay attention to Gramsci’s political theory, the context of which is regarded as a major priority in Critical Theory and TMW. Moreover, such an analysis will allows us to more clearly see the conceptual gap between Critical Theory and TMW.

Inleiding tot de idee Marc. Eemans

Toen ik aanvaardde een essay te wijden aan het werk en het denken van de schilder, dichter en kunsthistoricus Marc. Eemans, heb ik me afgevraagd of het in mijn geval geoorloofd was te spreken van een zekere continuïteit in zijn geestelijke ontwikkeling. Langzaam maar zeker kwamen elementen en argumenten aan het licht om mijn overtuiging te staven dat die vraag positief macht beantwoord worden. Aldus is deze geschiedenis van de intellectuele en creatieve levensweg van Marc. Eemans ontstaan. Daarbij werd de klemtoon vooral op zijn denken en op zijn poëtisch oeuvre gelegd, vermits het illustratiemateriaal dat deze uitgave verrijkt, als een soort picturaal complement van mijn stelling kan beschouwd worden. Overigens bleven om voor de hand liggende redenen, biografische en andere gegevens buiten beschouwing.

Hopelijk vergeeft de lezer het me dat ik met hem wegen ga verkennen, die men normaliter in essays van het onderhavige genre links laat liggen. Maar op de eerste plaats is het zo dat ik geen kunsthistoricus ben en het derhalve als een punt van elementaire intellectuele eerlijkheid beschouw me onbevoegd te verklaren om een verantwoord waardeoordeel over het schilderkunstig werk van Marc. Eemans uit te spreken. En voorts is er het oude adagium « de gustibus et coloribus non disputandum », dat in de loop der tijden zijn geldigheid heeft behouden. Waarom de lezer dan ook willen beïnvloeden met een onvermijdelijk subjectieve analyse van de boodschap die de schilderijen van Marc. Eemans brengen?

21 Facts About America's Decaying Infrastructure That Will Blow Your Mind


You can tell a lot about a nation by the condition of the infrastructure. So what does our infrastructure say about us? It says that we are in a very advanced state of decay. At this point, much of America is being held together with spit, duct tape and prayers. Our roads are crumbling and thousands of our bridges look like they could collapse at any moment. Our power grid is ancient, and over a trillion gallons of untreated sewage is leaking from our aging sewer systems each year. 

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