Events in Palestine: the End is closer than ever

It is important to point out that not only the Israelis are massacring the Palestinians, but the rockets launched by Hamas are also reaching their targets. Israelis are also losing their lives.
The flare-up of the Arab-Israeli conflict once again resurrects a whole range of ominous apocalyptic plots. All three world monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - agree that the end of the world will begin with a great war in the Holy Land. So the End is closer than ever.
The State of Israel itself is, in the eyes of religious Jews, a State of the End. The fourth diaspora (galut), which began with Titus' destruction of Jerusalem in 70, after which the Jews were scattered all over the world, ends only in the age of Moshiach.

Nationalism in the Third World & the idea of a Fourth Political Theory

The anti-imperialist struggle, in political contemporaneity, possesses a radically third-worldly, patriotic, anti-systemic and multipolar characteristic.

The political blocks underlying the current conflicts do not consist of all those old ideological blocks which used to dispute hegemony during the Second World War and, subsequently, during the Cold War anymore. Said in a different way, politics in concrete, today, is not expressed anymore through a tri-partition between American liberalism, Soviet communism and Italo-German fascism, and much less between a dual division between a capitalist block and a socialist block.

Fourth Political Theory and Socialism in Latin America

In the last two months of 2020, we have participated in several collaborative instances with intellectuals and activists from the anti-imperialist struggle around the world. On November the 19th, as a representative of the Circle, I exposed in the international conference “Multipolar Alternative for Latin America: Geopolitics, Ideology and Culture” (Alternativa Multipolar para América Latina: La Geopolítica, La Ideología, La Cultura). In such occasion, and exposing the topics which I already had addressed in my text: “The Fourth Political Theory or a Thinking for Latin America”, I was able to appreciate many good lectures such as the ones from Vicente Quintero (Venezuela), Pavel Grass (Brazil), Nino Pagliccia (Canada/Venezuela), Valerii Korovin (Russia) among many others, and coinciding with them in many viewpoints. Professor Alexander Dugin’s lecture standed out in which he made the unmissable invitation to the peoples of Our America in order to address its problematiques from the Fourth Political Theory (4PT), this time making a proposal to think a new kind of Socialism, which would distinguish itself from the older one and also from the liberal left (“liberal-bolsheviks” as they are being called with some sarcasm).

Global Resistance has become a necessity: A Eurasianist perspective

This is why; we Eurasianists are in open rebellion against the so-called Great Reset because we believe that it is time for the Great Awakening as Philosopher Alexandr Dugin said. The liberal order is under severe crisis in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the fact cannot be denied that the sudden upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragile socio-political and economic models of the liberal world order. Consequently, under the guise of the ongoing Pandemic, the liberal pundits such as Klaus Schwab (COVID-19: The Great Reset) and George Soros (Open Society) are attempting to hide the failure and crisis of the liberal world order. As Klaus Schwab in his propaganda pamphlet "About COVID-19: The Great Reset" ambiguously claims that "COVID-19 is not going to end anytime soon; hence we must learn to live with it". This clearly illustrates that the corporate liberal pundits are trying to design a new grand reset strategy to save the liberal world order. Unfortunately, this time; it won't be successful because the ordinary masses are well aware about the superficiality of the liberal modernity and its cherished ideologies.


ow we can easily observe that global world order is in decay. Globalism is collapsing. We see, for example, a real agony in the Unites States. The threat of President Trump — who is much more moderated in regards to the global liberal agenda — is experienced by globalists as something fatal, something existential. Globalists are trying to destroy the United States in order to promote their candidate, to save their agenda at any price. 

The Manifesto of Great Awakening. Against Great Reset.

The Great Awakening is a flash of consciousness at the threshold of the Singularity. It is the last opportunity to make an alternative decision about the content and direction of the future. The complete replacement of human beings with new entities, new divinities, cannot simply be imposed by force from above. The elites must seduce humanity, obtain from it - albeit vaguely -  some consent. The Great Awakening calls for a decisive “No”!

This is not yet the end of the war, not even the war itself. Moreover, it has not yet begun. But it is the possibility of such a beginning. A New Beginning in the History of Man.

Katechon & Antichrist. Definitions & Theories

For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (apostasia) first, and that man of sin (anomia) be revealed, the son of perdition (apoleia); who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he (ho antikeimenos) as God sitteth in the temple of God (eis ton naon), shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth (to katechon) that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth (ho katechon) will let, until he be taken out of the way (ek mesou geneta). 

The Great Reset and the Great Awakening (Interview with Alexander Dugin on “the Great Reset.”)

o we need to organize this Great Awakening by not only basing it on one dogma. Next step, different identities, and we need to find a place for them. This eschatology of the Great Awakening we find in Christian tradition. We find some special figures for that second return of Christ for an apocalyptic fight against the Antichrist. The same in the Shia tradition of Islam, the same in the Sunni tradition of Islam, and there is the Indian tradition of Kali Yuga, the narrative about the end of Kali Yuga and the fight of the Tenth Avatar against the Demon of Perverted Time.
