We could find in that reading and discourse the convergence -- similar meaning with different outer shapes could emphasize the serious divergence, because in the long perspective that means two world orders – realist and liberal.  Trump’s line will somehow accept multipolarity as established fact trying to secure the US leading role in multipolar world order, while Biden’s globalism will try to prevent at any price the coming of the multipolar age because that destroys the linear progress of liberal democracy that is now almost “religious” dogma of Democrats and globalists.

Counter-hegemonic visions of Neo-Eurasianism

Intellectuals and writers of modem Russia with great enthusiasm take care of the search for adequate socio-political explanations of the former gigantic empire, which after the collapse of the Soviet Union was lost and disoriented. At the same time, the universal vacuum was affecting Russia's integral environment due to the fall of the Marxist-Leninist development project. After all this, philosophers and social activist tried to make a foundation to the actual ideological goals of Russian society. However, so far, many of ideological aspirations to create new national policy was unsuccessful.
Since the mid-1990s, theoretical debates about Russia’s role in post-soviet space began with the key concepts of “Eurasia” and “Eurasianism”. The concept of Eurasia has become an integral part of the political discourse in Russia. As a matter of this discourse, the value of this concept appeared numerous presentations and analytical works of publicists, intellectuals, and politicians who are tried to use it to describe the present and future role of Russia in world politics. Today, Eurasianism advocates general turns and ideas of geopolitical and geo-strategic processes which should give an idea about the Russian position in the post-communist world order. In this sense, the concept of Eurasia represents mainly normative category, which is used in the work within the framework of political and ideologically debate about the self-understanding of Russia.

Geopolitics of American elections

These two Americas - the America of the Land and the America of the Sea - have come together today in an irreconcilable struggle for their president. Moreover, both Democrats and Republicans obviously do not intend to recognize the winner if he comes from the opposite camp. Biden is convinced that Trump "has already falsified the election results," and his "friend" Putin has "already intervened in them" with the help of the GRU, Novichok, the Olga trolls and other multipolar ecosystems of "Russian propaganda." Consequently, the Democrats do not intend to recognize Trump's victory. This is not a victory, but a fake.
Almost the same is also considered by the most consistent Republicans. Democrats use illegal methods in the election campaign - in fact, a "color revolution" is taking place in the United States itself, directed against Trump and his administration. And behind it are completely transparent traces of its organizers, one of the main globalists and opponents of Trump George Soros, Bill Gates and other fanatics of the "new democracy", the brightest and most consistent representatives of the American "civilization of the Sea." Therefore, the Republicans are ready to go to the end, especially since the bitterness of the Democrats in the past 4 years against Trump and his appointees is so great that if Biden ends up in the White House, political repression against part of the American establishment - at least against all Trump's appointees - will have unprecedented scope.


I simply disdain analytical philosophy and rational positivism and consider materialism individualism and analytical approach to the consciousness as forms of mental disease. I think it is enough to understand why I am called by them “most dangerous philosopher of the world”. And that explains perfectly all cancellings, deplatformings, demonizations, marginalizations, caricaturizations, criminalizations and so on I am victim of. That is what is epistemological warfare. The globalists will lose. Their educational system should be totally overthrown and destroyed. What they promote is pure mental poison. But to deplore the fact is not enough. We should rise up, resist, revolt and fight for each millimeter of epistemological space.

The Belt and Road Initiative: A Eurasian Road

This economic crisis, the fall of general demand, the crash of oil prices and the beginning of a real civil war in the US, represent a clear sign of the end of the western-centred world. It is a double-faced crisis. On one side, we see liberalism as a historical social vision, as a philosophy. It is not only economic liberalism, the defense of free market or political liberal democracy,  parliamentarianism and so on. It is also the metaphysical understanding of the nature of humankind as a mass of individuals. For liberalism, the man is equal to the individual. That is the basis of all liberal ideology as well as progress, understood as accumulation of liberty. More and more liberty, more and more progress in the eyes of liberals themselves is just the same as the progress and growth of liberalism. With this growth of liberalism, the West affirmed its own hegemony, its own domination.

Politica Aeterna and the end of globalism

The entire world is now in the hard war against our identities because liberals and globalists and the hegemonic powers in the West have declared the war to all of us. I think, being isolated, Arabs, Muslims, Russians, Europeans suffering from this globalist Africans, people from India, China or Latin America, we are helpless we can’t win because being isolated makes them more powerful. We need to join our efforts, we should not try to impose Russian values on you, Islamic values on us, try to turn to our case China. We need to recognize all the identities, sacred identities and the right of all the people to restore their civilizational sovereignty and that is the main logic of multipolar politics, the main logic of Eurasianism.

Conspirology (concept updated)

So, I have some 30 years or more experience in the study of conspirology – but truly speaking, while I study conspiracy theories, I am less and less inclined to trust them. I believe that this is just a kind of sociological phenomenon, this is a language: people experience a certain suspicion, a certain fear, a certain sensation, sometimes a fear of uncertainty. People lack rational arguments to explain the processes that take place and unfold around them. People express their despair, their deep frustration with the structures of the ruling discourse in society - and this all gives rise to conspiracy theories. In fact, if these theories themselves often look very frivolous, then the reasons for their emergence, the structures and algorithms they are built on are just very serious and they really have a very deep sociological content. They are sociologically reliable.



Modern liberalism is the absolute enemy of any independent thought. Anything that doesn’t coincide with liberal dogma should be canceled, eliminated, declared “fascism” and its bearers will be severely punished cut off from access to networks, deplatformed, ostracized.

If you don’t share all dogmatic assertions of liberals you are automatically put under attack, denunciated, pursued,  condemned and doomed.
It is not double standards or conscious systematically distortions of facts. The facts don’t exist outside of interpretation. And in globalist world there is only one interpretation – liberal interpretation. All the rest is “fascism” that should be destroyed.

The liberalism is based on fundamental premise: the man is identical to individual. There is no other identity except individual one. It should be applied universally – in ideology, politics, economy, culture, law, everyday life. But individual as such is man (woman) totally detached of any form of collective identity – religious, racial, national, of class, sexual and so on. Such pure individual doesn’t exist in reality. It represent the moral goal of liberalism as historical, ideological, political and economic process.


The accession of Belarus to Russia (especially in its current state) is not an option. Not for Belarusians, not for Lukashenko, not for Putin. Everyone needs, if not the West (and this is definitely not the West), then something new - with a future, with hope, with meaning, with a horizon. Best of all is a radically new state - the Continental Union. With Idea, justice, life, spirit and the triumph of the national element. And to invite Ukraine to him - not to enter the Russian Federation with its monstrous elites, oligarchs and scoundrels, but to create a new state for all Belarusians, Ukrainians and Great Russians -based on three Russian identities, Kievan Rus, Polotsk Rus and Vladimir-Moscow Rus. The Eurasian dimension will add Kazakhstan and the rest of the continental countries and peoples - which they want. You say an impossible utopia, dreams, fantasies. Utopias come true. Humanity lives with fantasy. But if we do not do this, we will continue to slide into a dead end.


As a matter of fact, Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory as a new political alternative opposes the geopolitical and ideological victory of liberalism over communism and fascism. For Dugin, liberalism as a foundational basis of Capitalism reached its peak during the cold war and hence, began disintegrating in the post-cold war era, when it became unchallenged. In this way, the unchallenged post-liberalism came into close association with postmodernity. Unfortunately, today it is the postmodernity that defines post-liberalism—, which illustrates the complete relegation and refutation of liberal history.

Black Philosophy of Cybele

Twenty Principles of Black Philosophy

1. At the basis of everything lies matter, hule, silva, ‘wood’, space, khora, the wet-nurse (from the Timaeus), the first-matter.

2. Matter, understood maximally broadly (logically, mythologically, philosophically, theologically, religiously, rituality, symbolically, genderly) is identical with being and imbues all the phenomena arising from her with being.

3. Matter possess creative power and can create from itself bodily forms and life streams. The being of matter is transformed into life and into eidetic constructions. Matter is the creator of all.

Fourth Political Theory openly disowns liberalism

On August 1, 2020 the First Online International Conference on Fourth Political Theory (4PT) was organized by Professor Dugin (author of the Fourth Political theory), which was hosted by Paideuma TV. Around 200 participants from at least 40 countries have participated in the conference with different philosophical perspectives on the Liberal totalitarianism and liberal world disorder. This was the first international congress on the emerging Fourth Political Theory, which will play a crucial role in shaping the future of human civilization. The major theme of the conference was the brief discussion on the three political theories of modernity i: e liberalism, communism and Fascism, which are also the central focus of Professor Dugin’s book."


Partly after the adoption of Christianity, the first function was assigned to the clergy, to the priesthood, and primarily to the black priesthood and monkhood, but at the same time, the veneration of the tsar or the Great Knyaz (prince) as a special figure, perhaps, continued the more ancient, pre-Indo-European traditions, when our Slavic ancestors, most likely, had special political structures - either together with the Sarmatians and with nomadic Iranian tribes, or maybe the Germans, either in parallel, or under their influence - this issue is completely unknown, there are no documents, but most likely the Slavs had a figure of a sacred king a very long time ago (judging by legends, traditions, fairy tales, etc.). The second caste is knyazes (princes) and boyars (military squad or "grid’", prince's bodyguards). And the third caste is the peasants (Rus. “krestiane” = Christians, and in the pre-Christian era they were called differently, because peasants are simply "Christians", ordinary people, but possessing the fullness of political rights: a certain household, wealth and rights, i.e. the civil status of free people).

1st International online conference on Fourth Political Theory

By the close of the 20th century, the violent battle between the three political theories of Modernity, i.e. Liberalism, Communism and Fascism, ended with the spectacular worldwide victory of the First Political Theory, Liberalism. This yielded the unipolar moment, Francis Fukuyama’s declaration of the “End of History” (as it at least seemed to be so in the 1990s), and globalization. “One World” began to be discernible based on one universal ideology – liberal globalism. In the 1990s, the overwhelming majority of analysts and experts, public figures and political scientists were inclined to believe that henceforth the economy and civil society would gradually replace politics and competition among nation-states. This created a new paradigm of truths and new obligatory epistemological criteria, such as those represented by such trends as cognitivism, techno-science, political correctness, and “LGBT+ culture.” This unipolar moment lasted until the year 2000, after which something went wrong (for the First Political Theory). The 9/11 attack, the gradual recovering of sovereignty of Putin’s Russia, the spectacular rise of China, the populist wave in Europe, and finally Trump’s election marked symptoms of the fact that Liberalism is in trouble, submerged in a crisis that has become more and more serious and irreversible.

Thoughts during the plague № 7: In the moment of quarantine we find out who we are

In Greek it was designated by three states: "moné" (the state of being in permanent calm), "próodos" (the state of exiting; precisely this term "pro", from, and "odos", to leave, meant at the same time "odos", journey and "pro", to: "exiting to", "from something to something" and thus exiting the state of "moné") and the third element, "epistrophé", "return". Thus there was a specific picture, at first a certain Origin that (always) remains in itself (the Being, apophatic, not yet outwardly manifested One, the human Soul, Spirit, Tradition, Philosophy, Thought, Logos) and to which corresponded various structures; it is that which in permanence is the most valuabe, sound, unchanging (for neoplatonics it didn't change depending on the other two motions). This means that in fact these vertical movements (exiting and return) didn't alter that Nature of Permanence, which equaled itself (dispassionately, always).

Thoughts during the plague № 6 – Discipline and Punish

A criminal was considered not only to be a person in full health and consciousness who had made a negative impact, but also as a person marked by a dark spirit. There was something abnormal about the criminal in the eyes of this society. This kind of  abnormality was also associated with disease; for instance, being infected with cholera or the plague was considered a crime. Physical pathology, moral pathology and the commission of a crime were brought closer together in the minds of people, leading to the isolation of both criminals and the sick.



Russia has been hit by the pandemic in a relatively mild form. I can not say that the measures the government has undertaken were (or are) exceptionally good but the situation is nevertheless not as dramatic as elsewhere. From the end of March, Russia began to close its borders with the countries most affected by coronavirus. Putin then mildly suggested citizens stay home for one week in the end of March without explaining what the legal status of this voluntary measure actually was. A full lockdown followed in the region most affected by pandemic. At the first glance the measures of the government looked a bit confused: it seemed that Putin and others were not totally aware of the real danger of the coronavirus, perhaps suspecting that Western countries had some hidden agenda (political or economic). Nonetheless, reluctantly, the government has accepted the challenge and now most regions are in total lockdown.
