Global Conference on Multipolarity and Fourth Political Theory

Dear friends! You are invited to participate 29 April in international conference on Multipolarity. It will last all day in order to cover space of the planet. Most welcome are people from those countries that are not too active in promoting multipolarity or rather we don't know well enough - Southern Asia, Africa, Oceania. We plan speaking any one on her/his native language. WE are the humanity. Not them.
We are proud to announce the Global Conference on Multipolarity and Fourth Political Theory, co-organized by Nova Resistência and Alexander Dugin.

The Deep State

Alexander Dugin reveals the deep state as a corrupt Western cabal, infiltrating the U.S. and Europe to manipulate elections, crush populist leaders like Donald Trump, and impose its liberal-globalist agenda by deceitfully posing as a protector of democracy while ruthlessly subverting the will of the people.


Trump: Bringer of Peace

Alexander Dugin contends that Donald Trump’s rhetoric is reshaping the American political landscape by addressing the growing discontent with the Democrats’ destructive war-driven foreign policy, while Kamala Harris, lacking both vision and charisma, struggles to connect with an increasingly disillusioned electorate.


On Neo-Paganism and Satanism of Modern Science

The concept of “pagan” has an Old Testament origin. In Russian, “gentiles” were called peoples. The ancient Jews used the term “am” (עם) to describe themselves, and “goy” (גוי) to describe other nations. Jews = the people, it is one (chosen), and the “languages” of the nations are many. Thus the Jews themselves worshipped one God, and were sure that all other nations (tongues) worshipped many gods. 

Westernology: Towards a Sovereign Russian Science

Alexander Dugin introduces the concept of “Westernology” as a critical framework to analyze and reject Western civilization’s claims to universalism, especially as Russia redefines itself as a distinct state-civilization in opposition to the liberal, globalist West, advocating an intellectual and cultural decolonization of Russian thought rooted in traditional values and the Russian historical experience.


Lacan and Psychedelic Trumpism

Alexander Dugin applies Lacan’s three orders to US politics, arguing that while Kamala Harris and the Democrats seek to dismantle traditional structures, “psychedelic Trumpism,” influenced by figures like Curtis Yarvin, Peter Thiel, and J. D. Vance, alongside the Alt-Right, counters from the right, with a warning that a Harris victory could spell the end of humanity.

Alexander Dugin: 2024 Us Presidential Election - Russia Will Win Regardless Of Outcome

If Trump wins, he will act differently than he did during his first term in office.He won't have another chance to put his ideas into action. And he does have ideas. He wants to change everything in both US foreign and domestic policy. And now he's not gonna care about the Swamp. He will have to napalm it.

Aristotle Abandoned

The pseudoscience of the modern age began with the elimination of three out of Aristotle’s four causes. Only one, causa efficiens, the cause of motion, was retained. As a result, the object lost its three dimensions — the eidetic, the hylistic, and, above all, the entelechial.


Alexander Dugin discusses the term “decoupling,” signifying a fundamental shift away from the West’s universal norms and a rejection of the interconnected global structures that have historically bound non-Western societies to Western values, technologies, and political systems.


The Satanic Olympics

The opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is the final judgment on modern Western civilization. The West is cursed, and this is axiomatic. Anyone who does not immediately take up arms to destroy this Satanic civilization, unprecedented in its brazenness, is complicit with it.


The Moscow-Delhi Axis

The Moscow-Delhi Axis

Modi and Putin are currently defining the structure of the Moscow-Delhi axis, one of the most crucial pillars of a multipolar world order. Bharat (also known as India) is a state-civilization. Russia-Eurasia is another state-civilization. Clarifying their relations in terms of geopolitics, economics, and culture is fundamental.



North Korea is a beautiful thing. Interestingly, the Korean word 'Juche' (주체) is a deeply philosophical term and means 'subject' or even the Heideggerian Dasein. It has everything else included in it: independence, freedom, civil sovereignty.


What the Japanese Need to Understand the Fourth Political Theory

What the Japanese Need to Understand the Fourth Political Theory

We Japanese have forgotten many things with the defeat in the war. While some ideas fade away with the passage of time, there are also many that must not be forgotten. To find them, we need to work like miners in a mine, going back and forth between the surface and the underground, searching for rough diamonds deep in the tunnels. This is the role of workers like me.

Philosophy and Geopolitics of a Multipolar World - SPIEF 2024

The philosophy of multipolarity represents a fundamentally new approach to international politics, where there is no hegemon and no single system of universal values. Instead, it emphasizes the need to consider the philosophical foundations and traditional values of all civilizations involved in the process. The roundtable will include representatives of Western civilization who condemn and reject globalism, hegemony, and the unilateral dictatorship of the West. 

Restoring Sovereignty: A Conversation with Alexander Dugin about Japan

The West is spiraling into chaos. Russia is recovering its civilizational greatness. The difference lies in the life of the mind—or, rather, in the difference between thinking and mindlessness. Russia has learned from bitter experience that philosophy, true thought, is indispensable for human flourishing. The West, by stark contrast, remains mired in destructive anti-thinking (LGBTQ hedonism, Nominalism, wokeism, gender theory, and more), and so is dying. The West needs philosophy, but is it too proud to learn it from Russia, a civilization that the West’s overlords claim (mindlessly) to be an enemy?

The Phenomenon Of War: Metaphysics, Ontology, Boundaries

We will not be able to understand the full depth of the current confrontation without philosophical reflection. Philosophers have always interpreted war as something necessary. Heraclitus speaks of war as the "father of things": πόλεμος πάντων μεν πατήρ εστί, πάντων δε βασιλεύς. War has always constituted the world and space. Without war, without division, the world is impossible.

Civilizational and Cultural Geopolitics Fourth Position

As far as Eurasianism as a Political Movement - especially as a Resistance Movement within countries outside the immediate Eurasian Geopolitical Greater Area and especially within countries under direct Euro-Atlantic domination - there is a connection between Eurasian Geocratic Thought, cultural identity as determinant of the geopolitical camp, with Gramsci's thought of the cultural superstructure as determinant of political relations, Eurasianism as a geopolitical Gramscianism, and Carlo Terraciano's existential geopolitics.
